Updated 2025-03-06

Support Requests

Visit the Support Center to browse and create support requests for technical and billing requests, including service limit increases.


If the available resources didn't resolve your issue and you need to talk to someone, then you can create a support request. In addition to support for technical issues, you can open support requests if you need to:

  • Reset the password or unlock the account for the tenancy administrator
  • Add or change a tenancy administrator
  • Ask a question about billing and payments
  • Request a service limit increase
  • Request a root cause analysis (RCA)

Support requests (incidents) don't have OCIDs .

Open the Help menu (Help menu) and then select Create a Support request. For more guidance, see Creating a Support Request.

The first time you open a support request, you're automatically taken through a series of steps to provision your support account. To make changes, or if you run into problems, then see Configuring Your Oracle Support Account.

You can perform the following support request tasks:

Enable and validate a user to submit support requests.

List the OCI products that you can create technical support requests for.

List the limits and current usage of your OCI services.

List, create, view details, and update your Oracle support requests.

Configure your Oracle support account.

Locate your OCI IDs.

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Updated 2025-03-06