Cost Analysis is an easy-to-use visualization tool to help you track and optimize your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure spending. You can generate charts, and download accurate, reliable tabular reports of aggregated cost data on your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure consumption.
Use Cost Analysis for spot checks of spending trends and for generating reports. Common scenarios you might be interested in include:
Viewing monthly costs for compartment X and its children, grouped by service or by tag.
Viewing daily costs for tag key A and tag key B, values X, Y and Z, grouped by service and product description (SKU).
Viewing hourly costs for service = compute or database, grouped by compartment name.
You can choose from one of the predefined, default reports from the Reports menu, and you can choose the dates you're interested in. By default, the Costs by Service report is shown when the Cost Analysis page first opens. Use the Filters menu to filter by the specific tags, compartments, services, or other filter you want, and pick how you want it grouped using the Grouping dimensions menu. As a result, a chart and corresponding data table are generated, and can also be downloaded as a CSV data table, PDF, or chart image. You can also save a custom set of dates, filters, and grouping dimensions into a saved report. Up to 10 custom reports can be saved, and on each saved report, you can add up to five custom tabs, which allow you to create custom charts and tables of cost data using different combinations of grouping dimensions. See Cost Analysis Query Fields and Viewing and Working with the Chart Data for more information on the related Cost Analysis query settings. You can also estimate future usage and consumption information, based on past usage data.
If you want to re-create the breakdown provided by the former Classic Version of the Cost
Analysis tool, apply the SKU (Part Number) grouping dimension in
the current version of Cost Analysis. To explore your costs in new ways, we recommended
viewing your costs based on Service, or Service and
Product Description. If you are doing cost tracking, we recommended
grouping by Compartment or Tag.
All tags, not only cost tracking tags, are supported.
Costs for tags are based on the date at which the tag was associated with a resource.
It does not work retroactively for resources on which these tags are applied.
Required IAM Policy
To use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, you must be granted security access in a policy by an administrator. This access is required whether you're using the Console or the REST API with an SDK, CLI, or other tool. If you get a message that you don't have permission or are unauthorized, verify with your administrator what type of access you have and which compartment to work in.
To use Cost Analysis, the following policy statement is required:
Allow group <group_name> to read usage-report in tenancy
To use Saved Reports, the following
policy statement is required:
Allow group <group_name> to manage usage-report in tenancy
Authentication and Authorization 🔗
Each service in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure integrates with IAM for authentication and authorization, for all interfaces (the Console, SDK or CLI, and REST API).
An administrator in your organization needs to set up groups , compartments , and policies that control which users can access which services, which resources, and the type of access. For example, the policies control who can create new users, create and manage the cloud network, launch instances, create buckets, download objects, and so on. For more information, see Getting Started with Policies. For specific details about writing policies for each of the different services, see Policy Reference.
If you're a regular user (not an administrator) who needs to use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resources that your company owns, contact your administrator to set up a user ID for you. The administrator can confirm which compartment or compartments you should be using.
Cost Analysis Query Fields 🔗
The following table describes the Cost Analysis query fields.
Select from one of the Default Reports:
Costs by Service (shown by default when
the Cost Analysis page first opens)
Costs by Service and Description
Costs by Service and Sku (Part
Costs by Service and Tag
Compute Costs by Compartment
Monthly Costs
After you have created some saved reports, they
are listed in this menu under Saved
Start/End Date (UTC)
Select the start and end date according to the UTC time zone.
After clicking either of the calendar icons, you can also query and
select predefined time ranges for data available in the usage
All Data
These preset time ranges are crucial for saved reports,
because they will automatically change the time range every time a
saved report is launched. For example, if the current date was March
18, and you created a saved report with 7D as
the time period, the report shows data from March 11 to March 18.
When you launch the same report the next day (March 19), the date
range switches to March 12 to March 19. Lastly, when setting the
time period, it is also indicated above the chart in Time
Note: Historical data is currently being back-filled for tenancies and may not appear immediately. As the process completes, up to twelve months of past consumption data will become available.
Granularity (hourly, daily, monthly) is based on the requested date
range size. The logic is the following:
Hourly: 24 hours or less (only shown when you select a
Start Date and End
Date with the same day). You can only query at
daily granularity where today - start date <= 31.
Daily: > 24 hours, <= 3 months
Monthly: You can only query for end date - start date <=
12 months.
Allows you to view the report in terms of Cost (the default)
For a virtual machine cluster with pluggable databases, select Attributed cost or Attributed usage. Otherwise, for all other resources, use Cost or Usage. Also, selecting Attributed cost or Attributed usage for any non-VM cluster resource generates the same output as Cost or Usage. For more information, see Viewing Cost and Usage from Virtual Machine Cluster Pluggable Databases.
Show Forecast
Allows estimating future usage and consumption information, based on past usage data. See Forecasting Costs for prerequisites and usage information. When Show Forecast is selected, the End Date (UTC) field changes to End Forecast Date (UTC).
Note:When viewing forecast data, you can choose dates from End Date (UTC)after the current day, but you can not do this when Show Forecast isn't selected.
Select this option to change the values so that they're cumulative for the selected time period. For example, consider if you were looking at 10 days of data, cumulatively, and the values for each day are $5. In such a case, selecting Cumulative displays values of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50 across the 10 days, respectively. In a non-cumulative chart, the values display as 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5.
Allows filtering on the following:
Availability Domain
Note: Filtering by compartment displays usage and costs attributed to all resources in the selected compartments.
By name
By Path (for example, root/compartmentname/compartmentname)
Platform: GEN_1 are services which aren't OCI native. GEN_2 includes all OCI native services.
Tag Namespace
Tag Key + Match any value or Match any of the following
Subscription ID
Resource OCID
Product description (the human-readable corresponding name)
SKU (Part Number) (for example, B91444)
See Filters for more information on adding, editing, and
removing filters, and filter logic.
Grouping Dimensions
Allows visualizing the data in terms of the particular grouping. A
grouping dimension by Service is displayed by default. You
can view only one grouping dimension at a time.
Availability Domain
Compartment. When you group by compartment, you can pick the display name value, and a compartment depth. The compartment depth corresponds to the lowest level you want the compartments to be grouped by. All levels above that grouping level return what is directly in those compartments. The grouping level returns values for all resources in those compartments, plus all resources in compartments below it.
Display as
Compartment Name
Compartment OCID
Compartment Path
Note: If Compartment OCID is selected, you can't view Compartment Level.
Compartment Level
All (the default): Every compartment is displayed. Values would display usage/spend associated only with the resources in that specific compartment.
Level 1 (root only): Only 1 column is returned (root), and values for resources contained in root and every child compartment are displayed.
Level 2 (root/<value>): Displays root, with values for root equaling only those resources in root. All compartments that are direct children of root are also returned. The values for each of those compartments is the sum of all resources therein, or within any children of those compartments.
Level 3 (root/<value>/<value>): Returns root, with values for root equaling only those resources in root. All Level 2 compartments are also returned, but with values only equal to the resources contained in each of those specific compartments. The first child level of the level 2 compartments are also returned. The values for the third level of compartment (root/child1/child2) would be equal to the resources in those compartments, plus all the resources in all the children of those compartments.
Level 4 (root/<value>/<value>/<value>)
Level 5 (root/<value>/<value>/<value>/<value>)
Platform: GEN_1 are services which aren't Oracle Cloud Infrastructure native, while GEN_2 includes all native Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services.
Resource OCID
Service and Product Description
Service and SKU (Part Number)
SKU (Part Number)
SKU (Product Description)
Subscription ID
Tag Namespace
Tag Key
Tenant ID
Tenant Name
See Grouping Dimensions for more information on viewing and
changing grouping dimensions.
Viewing and Working with the Chart Data 🔗
When the Cost Analysis page first opens, the default view is to show the Costs by Service report, grouped by Service and with Daily granularity. The default date range is from the first day of the month to the current day. The Cost Analysis chart is organized in terms of the date (UTC) on the X-axis, and the cost amount on the Y-axis. When viewing a chart, you can hover the mouse over a data point in the chart to see more details. The tooltip shows the cost value summary for the particular Y-axis item at a particular time, whether you're viewing the chart as either a Bars (the default), Lines, or Stacked Lines chart.
You can start by viewing the chart data in terms of the predefined reports, by selecting
one from the Reports menu, and then adjust the date range,
granularity, and then add or remove filters and grouping dimensions (or both, that is, view the cost data according to one
or more filters, or in terms of both filters and a single grouping dimension).
You can also save your adjustments as a saved report that you can view later, alongside
the predefined reports. See Saving Reports for more
information on saving reports.
To the right of the chart, the Legend box shows all the data by default, and each item is color-coded. You can click any of the Legend items to switch the chart data on or off for that item. For example, when viewing a chart with various services and their costs, the Legend box includes all the impacted services related to the query. Toggling one or more of the services shows or hides them dynamically from the chart output. Toggling the Legend data, however, doesn't change the data shown in the table view, or what is downloaded.
A tabular view of the chart is also provided under the chart, which is updated as you apply different time period, filtering, and grouping dimension options. When viewing the table data, you can click any of the column headers to sort in ascending or descending order.
To help find out what is driving costs, see the following topics:
Data can take up to 48 hours to appear in Cost Analysis.
Viewing Query History 🔗
You can view your Cost Analysis query history at any time by clicking the Query History link at the top of page. After clicking this link, the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Logging
Audit page opens.
The Audit page is pre-filtered to show the Cost Analysis-related audit
Under the Explore events tab, you can view the query parameters from
any Cost Analysis query event, which are of the
com.oraclecloud.UsageApi.GetUsage type. Expand the JSON view for an event
entry to view the query parameters, which are available under the
"additionalDetails" node.
The following are the query fields that are displayed:
Open the navigation menu and click Billing & Cost Management. Under Cost Management, click Cost Analysis.
From Start/End Date (UTC), select a time period.
From Show, select whether you want to view Cost or
From Filters, select a filter. A dialog specific to the chosen filter is displayed. For example, if you chose Service, select a service from the list. You can add several services if preferred, or click the X icon to remove service filters. Click Select when you're finished selecting filtering criteria.
Click Apply to apply the changes and reload the chart and table with
the selected filters.
Historical data is currently being back-filled for tenancies and may not appear immediately. As the process completes, up to twelve months of past consumption data will become available.
When you filter costs, a label appears next to Filters with the name of the tag or compartment filter. To clear the filter, click the X icon, or click Clear all filters.
Filter Logic
Filters are ORed within each specific filter, and ANDed between filters. For example, a filter for Service = Compute, Block Storage, Object Storage, Database, and Tag = Tag Key "MyKey" displays data that is for (Compute OR Block Storage OR Object Storage OR Database) AND Tag Key "MyKey".
The Tag filter, however, is a unique case. You can add multiple Tag filters, which
function as a joined OR.
Only ten Tag Key values are retrieved and shown in the list when you try to select a possible Tag Key value. Or, you can manually type in the Tag Key value you want to filter on.
Using Multiple Filters to View Costs 🔗
You can start by filtering the Cost Analysis chart data based on a single filter, and
then add additional filters. For example:
Select a Tag Namespace (this example uses "Financial" as
the selected namespace).
Select a Tag Key (this example uses "Owner" as the
selected key).
Specify whether to Match any value (AND condition), or
Match any of the following (OR condition).
example, assuming the value "alpha" is the value, and if Match
any of the following is chosen, it means show all services
that have "alpha" as the owner. Conversely, assuming multiple values
"alpha" and "beta" are chosen, and if Match any of the
following is selected, this corresponds to an OR condition
(meaning, filter to show the costs from all the services from the
"Financial" namespace, with the Tag Key "Owner", that
matches either the "alpha" or "beta" values).
Click Select, then Apply to reload
the Cost Analysis chart with the filtered information.
You can also add another filter by tag, to break the data down further. For example:
From Filters, add a filter by Tag.
Select a Tag Namespace and Tag Key
(for example, the "Cost Center" namespace).
Select Match any of the following, and for example, filter
for any "Cost Center" values of "1234" or "5678".
After clicking
Select, then Apply, this
filter shows the costs from all the services with the tag filter you just
created, plus this second tag filter ("Financial" namespace, Tag Key "Owner",
"alpha" or "beta" values + "Cost Center" namespace with the values of "1234" or
"5678"). The two tag filters together amount to an AND with the previous filter
(the two filters are shown adjacent to the Add Filter
drop-down list).
Alternatively, instead of the second
Tag filter ("Cost Center" namespace with the values
of "1234" or "5678"), you could add a Service filter
(NETWORK), and that would show the costs from all the services from the
"Financial" namespace, with the Tag Key "Owner", that
matches both the "alpha" or "beta" values, and is filtered by the NETWORK
service type.
Grouping Dimensions 🔗
Grouping dimensions change the way data is aggregated, but don't change the sum. If a resource doesn't have a value for a particular field, a "no value" column is displayed, which reflects the sum of those resources. Products which are GEN_1 often don't have an Availability domain, compartment, or resource ID.
Open the navigation menu and click Billing & Cost Management. Under Cost Management, click Cost Analysis.
From Start/End Date (UTC), select a time period.
From Show, select whether you want to view Cost or
From Grouping Dimensions, select the preferred grouping dimension. If
Compartment or Tag is chosen, additional compartment or
tag selection fields appear.
Click Apply to apply the changes and reload the chart and table with
the selected grouping dimension.
To change the grouping dimension, select it from Grouping
Click Apply to apply the changes and reload the chart and table with
the new grouping dimension.
Identifying a Resource that is Consuming Costs 🔗
If you have noticed a large amount of, for example, Database service usage that has appeared in a chart, and you wanted to identify which resource was responsible, you can group by Resource OCID from the Grouping Dimensions list. Next, from Filters, add a filter for the service type (Database in this example), and click Apply to reload the chart.
The chart reloads to show which resource OCIDs were driving the Database cost, both when hovering over the data point in the chart, and in the Legend box. These resource OCIDs are also displayed in the data table below the chart. If desired, you can save this information by clicking Tab Actions, and then selecting Download Table as CSV or Download Chart.
The Legend box is set to a default size when the
charts first loads, but you can click and drag the box to more easily read lengthy items
within the box (such as OCIDs).
To find more information about the resource, copy the OCID and enter it in the Console's Search box, to pinpoint which resource is driving costs.
Grouping by Service and SKU, or Service and Product Description
to Identify Costs 🔗
In some instances you may see multiple SKU numbers for a service. When grouping by
Service and SKU (Part Number), multiple SKU numbers for the
same service appear in the Legend box. For example, if you had
multiple Compute entries in the
Legend box but they have different SKUs, it means there is
one resource using multiple underlying infrastructure components. This case is actually
most common for Block Storage (where multiple Block Storage entries appear with
different SKUs). Specifically, for the Block Storage case, you are charged for storage
itself, but you are also charged for any data transfers out of Block Storage. As a
result, you will see multiple "Block Storage" items listed with different SKU numbers in
the Legend box. For example:
Block Storage / <SKU number 1>
Block Storage / <SKU number 2>
Block Storage / <SKU number 3>
Block Storage / <SKU number 4>
Another way of looking at this same type of data is to use the Service and
Product Description grouping dimension. The
Legend box is sorted in the same manner, but presents the
data differently. That is, according to the actual product descriptions, versus the SKUs
that these are associated with. For example:
By default, these longer descriptions may not be visible, and so you should
resize the Legend box to view them.
The Database service is also a useful example.
There could be different instances of a database and you could also be charged for Block
Storage within the Database service. For
example, this entry could appear in the Legend for such a
You could also be charged in the Database service
for network transfer. For example:
Database / Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse - Exadata Storage
Charges for licensing of the application version can also occur:
Database / Database Cloud Service - Enterprise Edition High Performance
Cost and Usage reports are a good way to
further slice such information you have noticed in the Cost Analysis charts. For
example, in a cost report you might notice a SKU number that's associated with Compute, and also see the same SKU number that's
associated with Block Storage. As a result, you may wonder if you were double-billed
(though this is actually not the case). To investigate the actual cost, you can first
filter the cost CSV spreadsheet by the SKU. Once you have applied a filter to the
CSV using a particular SKU, you can see which services are consuming from the
product/Description column. For example, a SKU could be using
a lot of "Block Volume - Performance Units", but you also notice that "DBaaS - Attached
Block Storage Volume" appears in this column.
A way to further segment the data would be to copy the resource ID from the
product/resourceId column, of say the "DBaaS - Attached Block
Storage Volume" entry you noticed amongst all the "Block Volume - Performance Units",
and remove the SKU filter you applied previously. Next, filter the spreadsheet based on
the resource ID instead. This then shows all the components (indicated in the
product/Description column) that the particular resource ID
is consuming.
When viewing a cost report, the
cost/productSku and
product/Description columns map to one another, and are
adjacent columns in the CSV. For more information on these fields and other fields
that appear in the reports, see Cost and Usage Reports.
Similarly, you can use Cost Analysis to do a Resource
OCID grouping dimension, with a Product
description filter, to show all the resources that are using a
particular product. For example, if you choose Block Volume Performance
Units as the filter, the Cost Analysis chart shows which resources are
using Block Volume Performance Units. See Identifying a Resource that is Consuming Costs for more information on identifying
the particular resource(s).
Downloading Your Cost Details Data 🔗
From the Tab Actions menu on any Cost
details tab:
Select the Download table as CSV option to download a CSV file of the data from the current Cost details tab. In the Export Confirmation that opens, click Confirm. You can then download a CSV file with the current date included in the file name.
Select Download current tab as PDF option to export the chart and table data to PDF. In the Export Confirmation that opens, click Confirm. You can then save a PDF file with the Cost details by date tab name, along with the current timestamp included in the PDF file name.
Select Download chart to download a PNG image of the chart from the current Cost details tab, with the current date included in the file name. The chart image includes the legend items, and reflects the selected time range, applied filters, and grouping dimensions.
Saving Reports 🔗
Use the Report actions menu in Cost Analysis to create a saved report. You can later access the report after leaving the Console and returning to Cost Analysis, without needing to respecify your set of dates, filters, granularity, or grouping dimensions. After a report has been saved, it can later be renamed, updated, or deleted. A maximum of 10 reports can be saved.
You can create a saved report by modifying one of the predefined Cost Analysis reports, and then save your custom settings as a new report. Your new reports can have your own set of filters, grouping dimensions, granularity, and date range settings.
To save reports, ensure you also have the correct policy. See Required IAM Policy for more information.
To save a Cost Analysis report:
Open the navigation menu and click Billing & Cost Management. Under Cost Management, click Cost Analysis.
From Reports, select one of the predefined reports, or use the default Costs by Service report.
After you have made changes, the currently selected predefined report name from the Reports menu changes to (edited).
If you're done making changes and want to save a new report, click Save as new report.
In the Save as new report dialog, enter the report name in the Name field. Avoid entering confidential information..
Click Save.
A notification is displayed that your report has been saved, and the report is also selected in the Reports menu.
If you didn't already apply your custom report settings, click Apply to view your changes.
The new saved report is now available for future selection from the Reports menu under Saved Reports. You can also use the Scheduled Reports page to run a saved report based on a schedule. See Scheduled Reports for more information.
When the ten-report limit has been exceeded, you must select a pre-existing report from the Overwrite existing report box that you want to be overwritten with the new one.
After a report has been saved, you can rename it, reset in-progress changes, update it, or delete it.
After making changes that you want to revert, from Report actions, select Reset. The (edited) text next to the report name disappears, to indicate that you have reset the report back to its original state.
From Report actions, select Delete. A delete confirmation is displayed.
In the confirmation, click Delete to delete the report. A notification is displayed that the report has been deleted and the associated chart and table data disappears.
Select another report from the Reports menu or create a new custom report.
Adding Custom Tabs to Reports 🔗
By default, Cost Analysis displays time series-based charts and tabular output. With
custom tabs, you can customize the reports by adding extra tabs with both chart and tabular
output, based on your preferred combination of grouping dimensions.
For example, if you are interested in compartments and service type, you could
create a custom query that shows the mapping of compartment to service in the same chart
and tabular output format that Cost Analysis generates in all of its predefined reports.
Any custom tabs you create can only be saved in one of your saved reports. You can start by selecting one of
the predefined Cost Analysis reports, add the custom tabs (up to a maximum of five
custom tabs can be saved in a saved report), and
then save the report. Since you can save a maximum of 10 total reports, you could have
up to 50 custom tabs in total (saved among 10 saved
If you navigate away from the Cost Analysis section of the
Console and don't save your custom tabs to a saved report, or if you sign out and
don't save them, they will not be available when you return to Cost
To add a custom tab:
Open the navigation menu and click Billing & Cost Management. Under Cost Management, click Cost Analysis.
From Reports, select one of the predefined reports, or
use the default Costs by Service report.
In the Cost details chart, next to the Cost
details by date tab, click +Add Tab. The
Add Custom Tab panel is displayed.
In Name, enter a name for the custom tab. Avoid entering
confidential information.
In Table Rows, under Grouping
dimension, select a grouping dimension that will correspond to
the X-axis (row) data in the chart and table.
Select from the following grouping dimensions:
Availability Domain
Resource OCID
Service and Product Description
Service and SKU (Part Number)
SKU (Part Number)
SKU (Product Description)
Subscription ID
Tag (allows entering the Tag Namespace and Tag Key when selected)
Tenant ID
Tenant Name
In Table Columns, under Grouping
dimension, select a grouping dimension that will correspond to
the Y-axis (column) data in the chart and table. The grouping dimensions you can
choose are the same as the grouping dimensions that can be chosen for
Table Rows in the previous step (though you cannot,
however, choose the identical grouping dimension to be the grouping dimension
for both the row and column simultaneously).
Click Add. A notification is displayed that your custom
tab was created, and the new tab with its new chart and table, appear under
Cost details. A notice is also displayed on the tab
that states, "Tabs cannot be saved to a system report. Save as a new report to
continue to be able to view this tab in future sessions." You can click the
adjacent Save as New Report button embedded in the
notice, or click the same button at the top of the Cost Analysis page under
Click Save as New Report. The Save as New
Report box is displayed.
In Name, enter a saved report name, and click
Save. For the name, avoid entering confidential
information. A notification is displayed that your report has been saved, and
the saved report is also selected in the Reports
The custom tab and custom report are now saved. The new tab's chart and tabular data
output is available for analysis (also see Viewing and Working with the Chart Data).
For example, if you wanted to view which services were driving costs by region,
select Region as the Table Rows, and
Service in the Table Columns
settings for the custom tab. Under Costs by Region, the
X-axis of the chart would display the regions, in terms of the service usage, while
the Y-axis displays the costs. Under Details, the tabular
output lists each region in each row of the table, while each column displays each
service's costs for the particular region.
After the custom tab is saved, you can add more tabs (up to five total per report),
edit or delete the tab, or download
the data from the custom tab.
Select the report with your custom tabs from the
Reports menu.
Under Cost details, click the custom tab.
If required, make any changes to dates, filters, or granularity.
Grouping dimensions cannot be changed since they are determined by the
custom tab settings.
From Tab Actions, select Edit
Tab. The Name, Table
Rows, and Table Columns fields
can be modified.
Click Save. A notification is displayed and the
custom tab data is refreshed to display your changes.
Forecasting is currently not supported with custom tabs. If a forecasted time range is used on the Cost
details by date tab, it gets reverted to a query till
<date> without forecasting.
Forecasting in Cost Analysis has the following characteristics:
Exponential smoothing is used for forecasting.
You need at least ten days of historical data to be able to do forecasting
with Daily granularity. The date range fields
(Start/End Date (UTC)) adjust accordingly to
You need at least three months of historical data to do forecasting with
Monthly granularity. As with
Daily granularity, the date range fields
(Start/End Date (UTC)) adjust accordingly.
You can only forecast to the extent you have actual usage. For example, if
you only have 15 days of historical data, you can only forecast for 15 days.
If you have only four months of data, you can forecast only for four months
in the future.
The maximum limit for forecasting with Daily
granularity is 93 days. The Monthly forecasting
maximum limit is 12 months.
Since there is a built-in 24-hour delay, the most recent 24 hours are always
forecast. Similarly, in monthly forecasting mode, the current month is
always forecast, irrespective of how far the current month has
You can only do forecasting from continuous dates with actual usage. Namely,
if today is March 26, your date range must start with at least March
To view forecast costs:
Open the navigation menu and click Billing & Cost Management. Under Cost Management, click Cost Analysis.
Optionally, modify any search parameters, and then select Show
Forecast. You can also select Show
Forecast first, and then select search settings. In either case,
you can view forecast data.
Click Apply.
The chart reloads with the forecast data. For all chart types (whether
Bars, Lines, or Stacked
Lines), a Forecast section is displayed (in a
grayed out portion) in the right-most end of the chart. In addition, a Total
(includes forecast) cost total field is added to the top of the chart, after
the Time Period and Cost To Date
fields. Lastly, the forecast data is also displayed in the tabular view of the chart
(the forecast columns are added as grayed out rows).
You can choose to save your settings, including the forecast data, as a saved report. You can also download a CSV file of the data, or a PNG file of the chart, which
includes the forecast data.
Viewing Subscription Details and Costs 🔗
Tenancies can view their subscription details, depending on the type of tenancy. You
can also use the Subscription ID grouping dimension to view costs in
terms of a tenancy's subscription.
You can view the details of your subscription, but only for certain types of
If a tenancy is a parent tenancy in an organization, then a View subscription details link is available at the top of the Cost Analysis page, which allows you to view subscription details for the parent and any child tenancies.
If a tenancy is a child tenancy in an organization, then no such link is available, since child tenancies cannot view their subscription details in Cost Analysis.
If a tenancy is a standalone tenancy that is not part of an organization, then the
View subscription details link is available. You can view
subscription details, similar to parent tenancies that are in an organization, with some
minor differences.
After clicking View subscription details for an eligible tenancy, the
Subscription Details panel is displayed, with the details listed in
tabular format. The table has the following fields:
Subscription ID
For parent tenancies in an organization only.
This field is not present for a standalone tenancy.
Start Date
End Date
Commitment (<currency>)
Consumption (<currency>)
Balance (<currency>)
Days elapsed in billing
When viewing the Subscription Details panel for a parent tenancy in an
organization, the first row in the table corresponds to the parent tenancy's subscription,
while subsequent rows correspond to child tenancy subscriptions. The Subscription
Details panel, meanwhile, for a standalone tenancy only has a single row that
displays the subscription detail information for the standalone tenancy.
Viewing Costs by Subscription 🔗
You can use the Subscription IDgrouping dimension to filter by a specific subscription and determine which subscription a tenancy's usage was attributed against. As a result, you can view the costs associated with a particular subscription (for the standalone tenancy case), or the costs for multiple subscriptions (for the parent tenancy with child tenancies case). The subscription IDs are indicated on the X-axis of the chart, and are also listed in the Legend box.
For example, using the default Costs by Service report, and ensuring
to select Subscription ID as the grouping
dimension, the Cost Analysis chart and
table can display costs by one or more subscription IDs. Later you can save a custom report that focuses on such
subscription ID usage.
Select a preferred start and end date, and granularity.
From Show, select Attributed cost.
From Filters, select Tag.
In the Tag window, select the orcl-cloud tag namespace, parent_resource_id_1 tag key, and after selecting Match any of the following, enter the virtual machine cluster OCID.
Click Select.
From Grouping dimensions, select Resource OCID.
Click Apply.
The chart and table on the Cost details by date tab displays the pluggable database costs.
The chart Legend shows the parent virtual machine cluster and each pluggable database. In the chart, you can only visualize the cost data for each pluggable database returned by the report query (the parent virtual machine cluster itself doesn't appear, only the pluggable databases).
In the Details table, you can view the cost data for each pluggable database by date.
Virtual machine cluster pluggable database costs aren't supported in FOCUS cost reports, and are only available in OCI proprietary cost reports. For more information, see OCI Proprietary Cost Report Schema.
In the cost report CSV, you can filter the tags/ column by the virtual machine cluster OCID, and the lineItem/intervalUsageStart column by a particular date.
The cost report indicates the total cost for the parent virtual machine cluster and its pluggable databases. For the parent virtual machine cluster, the total costs are shown in the cost/myCost column. The cost/attributedCost and usage/attributedUsage columns in the parent virtual machine cluster row indicate a value of zero, while the individual cost values for each pluggable database under the virtual machine cluster are split under the cost/attributedCost and usage/attributedUsage columns.
The cost/attributedCost and usage/attributedUsage columns aren't present in cost reports that were generated before the availability of this feature.
The Usage API supports: MONTLY, DAILY, and HOURLY granularity. All
startTime are inclusive, and endTime are
exclusive, the same as a Java substring.
For HOURLY, only a maximum 36-hour time period is supported, with no more
precision than an hour. This means no minutes or seconds in the input time.
For MONTHLY, only the first date of the month to another first date of the
month is supported. For example, 2020-06-01T00:00:00Z, a maximum 12-month
For DAILY, no more precision than a day is supported, with a maximum 90-day
period. You must enter this as 00:00:00. For example,
In an API response, dimension is only shown in terms of groupBy. For
example, if "service" isn't in groupBy, the "service" field in the
response will be empty.
Only four groupBy parameters can be used at a time.
In addition:
If a groupBy list is empty, "currency" will be added into
If the queryType is "Usage", "unit" will be add into
If the queryType is "COST" or "empty", "currency" will be
add into groupBy.
computedAmount works as expected only when "currency" is in
computedQuantity works as expected only when "unit" is in
The API can query USAGE or COST. computedQuantity represents usage
and computedAmount represents cost. For getting the expected usage,
you need to set queryType to USAGE or add "unit" in
groupByKey. This is due to the fact that usage is
aggregated/grouped correctly when grouping by unit.
Nested filtering in API requests is supported. The list of
filters are evaluated by the operator. In each filter, all dimensions and tags are
evaluated by the operator. Simultaneous evaluation of the filter list and
dimension/tags is not supported, which means dimensions or tags and the filter list
can't be non-empty at the same time.
Supported operators are AND, OR. These
two filters below are
As mentioned previously, we only show the field in groupBy. So you
need to add tag related fields in groupBy. For example:
"tagNamespace", "tagKey", "tagValue"
If you add tagKey, all items in the response will have a
tagKey. tagKey also can be empty even if you
add a tagKey. This is because some of your resources don't have a
tagKey. We suggested adding all three of these in
groupBy, so you can see a complete tag in the response:
"tagNamespace", "tagKey", "tagValue"
If you want to filter by tag, you need to add the tag in the filter object. This can
be filtered by any tagKey/Namespace/value combination of any
groupBy compartment-related keys
("compartmentName", "compartmentPath",
"compartmentId") are different than the other
groupBy keys.
To get an expected result, you must request with compartmentDepth.
compartmentDepth is >=1 and <=6.
groupBy compartment means all compartments usage or costs with a
higher depth will be aggregated to the compartment with the given depth. For
Root 1
B C 2
D E 3
F 4
If the depth is 1, it means all usage or costs are grouped to the root compartment.
If the depth is 2, it means all compartments with depth 2 will contain the usage or
costs with all its children. In the response, the root will contain its own usage, B
will aggregate (B, D, E, F), and C will contain C.
The fields will show up only when the fields are in groupBy. Not all
fields in the response are currently available. Only the fields mentioned in Valid groupBy example are
After you make a request without any filter, you can see what the dimension/tags'
value can be. Subequently, you can make a request with a filter and a correct
dimension value.
If you write a customized script, Oracle does not support or assist with debugging your script. Only the CLI, SDK, and Terraform are supported. See Command Line Interface (CLI) for more information. For example:
oci raw-request --http-method POST --target-uri
--request-body file:///<system_path>SimpleRequestSummarizedUsagesDetails.json
--config-file ~/Downloads/clitest.conf