Updated 2023-01-04

Extending the Partition for a Boot Volume

When you create a new virtual machine (VM) instance or bare metal instance based on a platform image or custom image, you have the option of specifying a custom boot volume size. You can also expand the size of the boot volume for an existing instance; see Resizing a Volume for more information. In order to take advantage of the larger size, you need to extend the partition for the boot volume. For block volumes, see Extending the Partition for a Block Volume.


After a boot volume has been resized, the first backup on the resized boot volume will be a full backup. See Boot Volume Backup Types for more information about full versus incremental boot volume backups.

Required IAM Policy

Extending a partition on an instance does not require a specific IAM policy. However, you may need permission to run the necessary commands on the instance's guest OS. Contact your system administrator for more information.

Extending the Root Partition on a Linux-Based Image

For instances running Linux-based images, you need to extend the root partition and then grow the file system using the oci-growfs operation from OCI Utilities.

Extending the System Partition on a Windows-Based Image

On Windows-based images, you can extend a partition using the Windows interface or from the command line using the DISKPART utility.

Windows Server 2012 and Later Versions

The steps for extending a system partition on instances running Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, or Windows Server 2022 are the same, and are described in the following procedures.