We recommended that you use a separate compartment for the WAF policy so that management is easier and more secure.
A main webapp domain.
IP address of the LBaaS or other public facing endpoint of the application.
Ability to update DNS records for the domain.
The WAF service only supports traffic on ports 80/443; however, after requests reach the WAF on ports 80/443, we're able to send the requests to your origin server on any port necessary. The following is an example:
End User → Port 80/443 → WAF → Port 443/8000/555/*** → Origin Server
Ensure that your application isn't running on other ports.
You can't use WAF for traffic like SSH, FTP, or SMTP.
Also, if you plan to run your site on HTTPS/443, you need:
Public certificate for the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the application.
Corresponding private key for the site.
Certificate in PEM format.
Full chain certificate (Root, Intermediate, Origin Server)
SSL certificates can only be applied to the main application of the policy.
Changes to Edge policies generally take 10 to 30 minutes to propagate, depending on the change. It takes that long to propagate because we have hundreds of nodes that new configurations are pushed to. The following feature changes typically propagate within 10 to 15 minutes:
Bots policies
Human Interaction Challenge (HIC)
Device Fingerprint Challenge
Javascript Challenge
CAPTCHA Challenge
Good Bot Whitelist
Access Rules
Thread Intelligence
IP Lists
IP Whitelist
Consider the following information when you work with Edge policies:
IPv6 isn't currently supported.
WAF inspects, but doesn't alter the response body.
The caching limit is 1 GB per policy.
For file size upload limitations, the limit is 1 GB. For file size limitations, consider:
The limit doesn't depend on the type of upload, such as images, videos, binaries, and so on.
The Content-Type header doesn't affect the limit. Only different protection rules are applied based on the Content-Type header.
Uploads using chunked or streams don't affect the limit. In buffering mode, the limit is 1 GB for uploads and downloads. However, some other modes, including streaming the response body, disregard the 1 GB limit.
WAF connections are rarely cancelled. A cancellation can occur because of large uploads or slow connections. After edge node reloads, a connection can be cancelled when a "cleanup" process is run, if the request or response cycle takes too long.
When using the WAF with content streaming services, the content streaming services might be affected because our protection rules require buffering of the full HTML content before analysis. The entire content needs to be buffered within our protection rules core engine, which might lead to slow responses or events not displaying the streaming content.
You can create or restore WAF policy backups with the OCI CLI. Extract the full JSON file of the web application and then re-create it in parts. We recommend that you recreate the main settings first, and then the security challenges and features of the web application.
You can enable WebSocket for a specific URL through the CLI by using the following command:
WebSocket support prevents WAF processing in the specified paths. This means that if a WAF rule is enabled, it doesn't analyze the requests going to the URL excluded in the configuration. However, other countermeasures, such as Human Interaction Challenge and JavaScript Challenge, can be enabled to provide an extra layer of security for WebSocket URL.
The "key" in the Threat Intelligence Feed generated is different for each WAF policy.
You can make changes to Edge policies only when the policy status is ACTIVE.
Estimate cost for using WAF 🔗
Use this information to estimate costs for using the WAF service.
Under Add Configuration, click the menu next to the service name, select Add by SKU, and then enter the SKU.
Click Add.
In the cost estimator, "Instance" represents the WAF policy.
Initial Setup of Your WAF Policy 🔗
1. Create an Edge Policy to Route Traffic Through the
To begin, create an edge policy to route traffic through the WAF without rules enabled. Creating a policy without
rules enabled ensures that there are no regressions by having a reverse proxy in front
of the application.
Select the region and compartment where the policy should be maintained (there is no constraint around the WAF co-existing with Load Balancer or other application resources in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
Open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Web Application Firewall, click Policies.
Click Create WAF Policy.
Look at the bottom of the Basic Information page for the following:
Use legacy workflow here if you need to secure your non-OCI web applications.
Click the link to display the Create Edge Policy dialog box.
Complete the following:
Name: A unique name for the policy.
Primary Domain: The fully qualified domain
name (FQDN) of the application where the policy will be
Additional Domains: (Optional) Subdomains
where the policy will be applied.
Wildcard domains are accepted, however, only as additional
domains and only through the API and CLI.
WAF Origin: The host or IP address of the public internet facing application that is being protected.
Origin Name: A unique name for the origin.
URI: Enter the public facing endpoint (IPv4 or FQDN) of the application.
HTTPS Port: The port used for secure HTTP connection. The default port is 443.
HTTP Port: The HTTP port the origin listens on. The default port is 80.
Headers: (Optional)
Header Name: The name displayed in the HTTP request header and the header value that can be added and passed to the origin server with all requests.
Header Value: Specifies the data requested by the header.
Tags: If you have permissions to create a resource, then you also have permissions to apply free-form tags to that resource. To apply a defined tag, you must have permissions to use the tag namespace. For more information about tagging, see Resource Tags. If you're not sure whether to apply tags, skip this option or ask an administrator. You can apply tags later.
Click Create WAF Policy. The WAF Policy overview appears. Expect the policy to
become active within 15 minutes of creation.
The edge policy requires that your origin's (load balancer or web server) keep alive
timeouts are maintained for 301 seconds or more, as our upstream timeout value is 300
seconds. The additional second is to ensure that the connection has enough time to
renegotiate when our nodes create connections and avoid connectivity issues. This
applies to API calls, as we use our OCI Network Multiplexing technology that helps to
reduce network bottlenecks and improve performance by optimizing TCP protocol.
Open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Web Application Firewall, click
Alternatively, open the Web Application Firewall page and click
Policies under
The WAF Policies page appears.
Select the Compartment from the list.
All the WAF policies in that compartment are listed in tabular form.
Apply one or more of the following Filters to limit the
WAF policies displayed:
Policy Type: Select Edge
Select the edge policy for which you want to upload the certificate and
The Edge Policy Details dialog box appears.
Click Settings under WAF
The Settings list appears.
Select General Settings.
Click Edit.
The Edit Settings dialog box appears.
Complete the following:
Enable HTTPS Support: Click this check box to
enable all communications between the browser and web application to be
Certificate Source: Choose one of the
following methods:
Choose Certificate: Select an
existing certificate from the drop-down menu. Click
Change Compartment to select
a certificate from another compartment.
Upload or Paste Certificate and Private
Drag and drop, select, or paste a valid SSL
certificate in PEM format. You must also include
intermediate certificates (the website certificate
must be first). The following is an example:
Private Key: Drag and
drop, select, or paste a valid private key in PEM
format in this field. The private key cannot be
protected by a passphrase. The following is an
Self Signed Certificate: Enable this
field when using a self-signed certificate to show an SSL
warning in the browser.
HTTP to HTTPS Redirect: When enabled, all
HTTP traffic is automatically redirected to HTTPS.
TLS Protocols Support: Select a TLS
protocol from the drop-down list.
versions 1 and 1.1 have been deprecated and cannot be used
in policy configurations. If you use these versions, a
validation error might occur. Use versions 1.2 or 1.3
Enable SNI: Server Name Indication (SNI)
is an extension of the TLS protocol, which allows multiple
secure hostnames to be served from a single IP address.
Advanced Options
Enable Response Buffering: Enable
or disable buffering of the response from the
Cache Control Respected: Enable
or disable automatic content caching based on the
response cache-control header.
Behind CDN: Enable this to allow
the collection of IP addresses from the client request
if WAF is connected to a CDN.
Click Save Changes.
You must publish your changes for them to take effect. See
Publishing Changes.
4. Test Your Application (Before Deploying it to Production) 🔗
In this step, you ensure that requests are being routed to the WAF and that your application continues to function normally with a reverse proxy in the topology.
You can also run a DNS query against the <OCI_WAF_CNAME> for
your WAF policy and copy one of the IP addresses from the resulting output.
To run a DNS query you can use one of the following
nslookup <OCI_WAF_CNAME>
Copy any of the IP addresses from the output.
Run the following command. Replace <WEBAPP_DOMAIN> with your WAF
policy domain. Use port 80 or 443. Replace <OCI_NODE_IP> with
the IP address from
200, 301, 302, or any other expected HTTP response code is returned.
If you receive a 5XX HTTP error, ensure that you have updated your
firewall setting to allow our IP addresses. If you are still experiencing an
issue, open a service request with My Oracle Support. In the support
request, provide your compartment OCID, policy OCID, explanation about the
issue you are experiencing, a HAR file, and a time when the issue
To test your application using a hosts file, you need an IP address where you could point
your application. Under the policy, you should see the CNAME which is assigned to you.
You can get the IP address where you can point your application.
Open a terminal.
Run a DNS query using any of the following
nslookup <OCI_WAF_CNAME>
Copy one of three IP addresses from a dig command output Answer section and paste it
to a hosts file with your domain name.
After you save your hosts file, open your application in a browser and verify it is
working as expected.
A 200, 301, 302, or any other expected HTTP response code is
If you receive a 5XX HTTP error, ensure that you have updated your
firewall setting to allow our IP addresses. If you are still experiencing an
issue, open a service request with My Oracle Support. In the support
request, provide your compartment OCID, policy OCID, explanation about the
issue you are experiencing, a HAR file, and a time when the issue
Pay special attention to the certificate validity dates and expiration dates that might
cause connection
Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
Issuer: C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = Let's Encrypt Authority X3
Not Before: Jun 5 03:15:10 2020 GMT
Not After : Sep 3 03:15:10 2020 GMT
Subject: CN = www.example.com
Subject Public Key Info:
You can also check the certificate from third-party websites such as SSL Shooper or SSL
labs and perform the validation there.
5. Update DNS to Enable WAF 🔗
After confirming your web application works flawless through WAF, you can now proceed to
update the DNS globally.
In this step, you update the CNAME for your zone to route requests from internet clients
to WAF. Use the following instructions to make this
DNS change in the Console. If your DNS setup resides
with another provider, refer to their documentation for instructions.
In the Policy Information tab of the WAF Policy overview, select the CNAME Target.
Copy the CNAME target to your clipboard.
Open the navigation menu and click Networking. Under DNS management, click Zones.
Click the Zone Name of the primary domain where you want to update the record. Zone details and a list of records appear.
Select the check box for the CNAME record and select Edit from the Actions drop-down menu.
In the Edit Record dialog box, update the Target field with the CNAME Target from your clipboard.
Click Submit.
Click Publish Changes.
In the confirmation dialog box, click Publish Changes.
6. Securing Your WAF 🔗
To secure your WAF, you must configure your servers to accept traffic from the WAF servers.
Configure your origin's ingress rules to only accept connections from the following CIDR
WAF protection rules add extra CPU cycles to each transaction, therefore, we recommended
enabling only the rules designed for your web application topology. WAF offers a set of
recommended rules that will not harm your site performance and work with most of the web
application. The WAF bot protection feature makes your web application fully secured to
If you need help with setting up WAF, you can open a service request with My Oracle
Support requesting OCI WAF tuning help. An expert will guide you through the
Open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Web Application Firewall, click Policies.
Click the name of the WAF Policy you want to view protection rule
recommendations for. The WAF Policy overview appears.
Click Protection Rules.
Click the Recommendations tab. This list is generated based on the
traffic the WAF detects flowing through the WAF. If nothing appears in this list, keep
testing the FQDN of your application and check back later.
Select the protection rules with a Detect recommended action and then
click Accept Recommendations.
You can use the Recommended Action filter to locate a
recommendation by Detect.
Open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Web Application Firewall, click Policies.
Click the name of the WAF Policy you want to configure
access rules for. The WAF Policy overview appears.
Click Access Control.
Click Add Access Rule.
In the Add Access Rule dialog box, enter the following:
Name: DetectRequestsFromMySpecificBrowser
Rule Action: Select Detect Only.
Conditions: Select IP Address is from the menu and
enter the IP address you copied to your clipboard while testing your
application in the IP Address field.
Click +Additional Condition.
Condition: Select User Agent is from the menu and
enter the agent value you copied to your clipboard while testing
your application in the User Agent Header field.
Both the IP Address and the User Agent in the preceding example must
match for the rule to be triggered. If a different User Agent is
used to test your application, the request will not be detected.
Open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Web Application Firewall, click Policies.
Click the name of the WAF Policy you want to configure JavaScript Challenge settings for. The WAF Policy overview appears.
Click Bot Management.
Click Edit JavaScript Challenge.
In the JavaScript Challenge dialog box, select the Enable JavaScript Challenge check box.
In the JavaScript Challenge Action section, select Detect
Enter the following information:
Enable Conditions: When enabled, conditions must match for a set
action to be taken. See Access Control for Edge Policies for more information about conditions and rules.
Action Threshold (number of requests): Specify the number of
failed requests before taking action. Because of the asynchronous
request from the browser during page loading, it is recommended to
set a threshold of 10 for web applications with basic ajax usage,
and 100 for apps with heavy ajax usage.
Action Expire Time (seconds): Enter the number of seconds between
challenges to the same IP address. Because of client IP address
changes, it is recommended that the expiry time is set to 120
seconds for apps with mobile users and 3,600 seconds for apps with
desktop users only.
Follow Redirects: When enabled, redirect responses from the origin will also be challenged.
Enable NAT Support: When enabled, the user is identified not only by the IP address but also by a unique additional hash, which prevents blocking visitors with shared IP addresses. It is recommended that this NAT support is disabled for high-load apps (200+RPS).
Click Save Changes.
The JavaScript Challenge is added to the list of changes to be published.
Open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Web Application Firewall, click Policies.
Click the name of the WAF Policy you want to configure JavaScript Challenge settings for. The WAF Policy overview appears.
Click Bot Management.
Click the Human Interaction Challenge tab.
Click Edit Human Interaction Challenge.
In the Edit Human Interaction Challenge dialog box, select the Enable Human Interaction Challenge check box.
In the Human Interaction Action section, select Detect Only.
Enter the following information:
Action Threshold (number of requests): Specify the number of
failed requests before taking action. Because of the asynchronous
request from the browser during page loading, it is recommended to set a
threshold of 10 for web applications with basic ajax usage, and 100 for
apps with heavy ajax usage.
Threshold Expiry Period (seconds): The number of seconds before
the threshold expires.
Action Expire Time (seconds): Enter the number of seconds between
challenges to the same IP address. Because of the client IP address
changes, it is recommended that the expiry time is set to 120 seconds
for apps with mobile users and 3,600 seconds for apps with desktop users
Interaction Threshold (number of interactions): Number of
interactions before the threshold expires.
Recording Period (seconds): The period of time to record the
user's events.
NAT Support: When enabled, the user is identified not only by the
IP address but also by an unique additional hash, which prevents
blocking visitors with shared IP addresses. It's recommended to disable
the support for the high-load apps (200+ RPS).
Click Save Changes.
The Human Interaction Challenge is added to the list of changes to be published.
To verify that WAF is detecting requests identified as a risk:
Open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Web Application Firewall, click Policies.
Click the name of the WAF Policy you want to view logs for. The WAF Policy overview appears.
Click Logs. Logs for the WAF policy appear.
Select the Detect check box from the Actions filter.
Verify that there are two entries for the protection rule triggered by the Cross-Site Scripting request and one entry for detecting the User Agent and IP Address.