Any user of the Amazon S3 Compatibility API with Object Storage needs permission to work with the service. If you're not sure if you have permission, contact your administrator. For basic information about policies, see How Policies Work. For policies that enable use of Object Storage, see Common Policies and the Policy Reference.
Use an existing or create a Customer Secret Key. A Customer Secret Key consists of an Access Key/Secret Key pair. See Working with Customer Secret Keys for details. To use or create the key pair:
To use an existing Customer Secret Key, you must already know the Secret Key. For security reasons, you can't retrieve a Secret Key after generation. To show or copy the Access Key, open the Profile menu and select User Settings. On the left side of the page, select Customer Secret Keys. Hover over the Access Key associated with the Name of a particular Customer Secret key, then select Copy.
Never set the access_key and the secret_key attributes in the same Terraform backend configuration. Storing these attributes in the same configuration creates a security risk.
The default location is ~/.aws/credentials. You can set an alternate location by using the S3 backend shared_credentials_file option.
Configure the [default] entry in the credentials file with the appropriate Object Storage credentials.
The file can contain any number of credential profiles. If you provide a different profile name, you must also update the backend profile option in the Terraform configuration file.
Following is an example of Object Storage credentials:
The key values provided in the example aren't valid. Valid aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key are user-specific values generated using the previous steps.
Task 3: Configure the S3 Backend in Terraform 🔗
Set the Object Storage
endpoint value in the following format:
If the same bucket is used across many Terraform configurations, the key must be unique to avoid overwriting the state file. This example uses a single bucket (terraform-states) to store all Terraform state files, but uses a unique prefix for the object name based on the resource (networking).
If you already have an existing terraform.tfstate file, then Terraform prompts you to confirm that the current state file is the one to upload to the remote state.
The generated state file is uploaded to Object Storage.To share state across Terraform projects, use the backend configuration in terraform_remote_state. For more information, see Accessing Remote States.
Using an HTTP Backend 🔗
Because the HTTP backend requires a pre-authenticated request (PAR) for each state file, the preferred method for storing state files in Object Storage is an S3-compatible backend.
Use the HTTP backend type to store state using a REST client, and to fetch, update, and purge state using the HTTPGET, POST, and DELETE methods.
To configure the HTTP backend, complete the steps in the following sections.
Task 1: Upload Existing State 🔗
A state file must exist in the bucket before you create the pre-authenticated request (PAR). This file can be an existing state file, or an empty file for the initial state.
To upload an existing state file it using Curl, make an HTTPPUT request to the object store URL:
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: text/plain" --data-binary "@path/to/local/tfstate" http://<prefix>/<my-access-uri>
Task 2: Create a Read/Write Pre-Authenticated Request 🔗
With a pre-authenticated request (PAR) in Object Storage that specifies read/write permissions, you can access the Terraform state file without providing credentials.
The generated state file is uploaded to Object Storage.To share state across Terraform projects, use the backend configuration in terraform_remote_state. For more information, see Accessing Remote States.
Accessing Remote States 🔗
Use terraform_remote_state to access properties of objects in one Terraform configuration from another configuration.
For example, you might use one configuration to define compartments and another to define VCNs. If resources are in the same Terraform configuration folder, you can refer to a compartment OCID from the VCN configuration by using something such as this: module.iam_compartment_SANDBOX.compartment_id.
But assume that our definitions don't share a state file and we have a file structure similar to the following:
The file creates a compartment at the root level using the iam-compartment module from the Terraform Registry as follows:
module "iam_compartment_SANDBOX" {
source = "oracle-terraform-modules/iam/oci//modules/iam-compartment"
version = "2.0.0"
tenancy_ocid = var.tenancy_ocid
compartment_id = var.tenancy_ocid # define the parent compartment. Creation at tenancy root if omitted
compartment_name = "SANDBOX"
compartment_description = "Test and evaluate OCI features here"
compartment_create = true # if false, a data source with a matching name is created instead
enable_delete = true # if false, on `terraform destroy`, compartment is deleted from the terraform state but not from oci
Defining Outputs 🔗
The terraform_remote_state data source can access output values from another Terraform configuration using the latest state file with a remote backend. For the networking configuration to access the governance configuration and dynamically retrieve Terraform resources properties, you must define outputs for the governance Terraform configuration. Without a defined output, the values can't be used from outside of its configuration.
The governance/ file would look similar to the following:
output "iam_compartment_SANDBOX" {
description = "compartment ocid, parent ocid, name, description"
value = {
id = module.iam_compartment_SANDBOX.compartment_id
parent_id = module.iam_compartment_SANDBOX.parent_compartment_id
name = module.iam_compartment_SANDBOX.compartment_name
description = module.iam_compartment_SANDBOX.compartment_description
Referring to a Remote State 🔗
In this example, we're using the vcn module from Terraform Registry to define a new VCN. The networking configuration refers to the governance configuration to define the VCN's compartment OCID:
But, for the compartment_id = data.terraform_remote_state.governance.outputs.iam_compartment_SANDBOX["id"] line to be correctly interpreted, you must define a data.terraform_remote_state object.
Defining the Remote State Data Source 🔗
After the following terraform_remote_state data source is added to the networking configuration, you can access the governance Terraform outputs from configurations within the networking folder:
If you define the remote state data source in a separate file, such as, you can copy and paste the file as needed. Each new configuration can then refer to the compartment in the same way.