  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Namespace App

Schema for App resource.





Optional accessTokenExpiry

accessTokenExpiry: undefined | number

Expiry-time in seconds for an Access Token. Any token that allows access to this App will expire after the specified duration.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: integer - uniqueness: none Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional accounts

accounts: Array<AppAccounts>

Accounts of App

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsCompositeKey: [value] - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: true - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: request - type: complex - uniqueness: none

Optional active

active: undefined | false | true

If true, this App is able to participate in runtime services, such as automatic-login, OAuth, and SAML. If false, all runtime services are disabled for this App, and only administrative operations can be performed.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: boolean - uniqueness: none

Optional adminRoles

adminRoles: Array<AppAdminRoles>

A list of AppRoles defined by this UnmanagedApp. Membership in each of these AppRoles confers administrative privilege within this App.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsCompositeKey: [value] - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: true - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: request - type: complex

Optional aliasApps

aliasApps: Array<AppAliasApps>

Each value of this internal attribute refers to an Oracle Public Cloud infrastructure App on which this App depends.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: true - idcsCompositeKey: [value] - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: true - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: complex - uniqueness: none

Optional allUrlSchemesAllowed

allUrlSchemesAllowed: undefined | false | true

If true, indicates that the system should allow all URL-schemes within each value of the 'redirectUris' attribute. Also indicates that the system should not attempt to confirm that each value of the 'redirectUris' attribute is a valid URI. In particular, the system should not confirm that the domain component of the URI is a top-level domain and the system should not confirm that the hostname portion is a valid system that is reachable over the network.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: boolean - uniqueness: none

Optional allowAccessControl

allowAccessControl: undefined | false | true

If true, any managed App that is based on this template is checked for access control that is, access to this app is subject to successful authorization at SSO service, viz. app grants to start with.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: boolean - uniqueness: none

Optional allowOffline

allowOffline: undefined | false | true

If true, indicates that the Refresh Token is allowed when this App acts as an OAuth Resource.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: boolean - uniqueness: none

Optional allowedGrants

allowedGrants: Array<string>

List of grant-types that this App is allowed to use when it acts as an OAuthClient.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: true - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: true - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional allowedOperations

allowedOperations: Array<AllowedOperations>

OPTIONAL. Required only when this App acts as an OAuthClient. Supported values are 'introspect' and 'onBehalfOfUser'. The value 'introspect' allows the client to look inside the access-token. The value 'onBehalfOfUser' overrides how the client's privileges are combined with the privileges of the Subject User. Ordinarily, authorization calculates the set of effective privileges as the intersection of the client's privileges and the user's privileges. The value 'onBehalfOf' indicates that authorization should ignore the privileges of the client and use only the user's privileges to calculate the effective privileges.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: true - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: true - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional allowedScopes

allowedScopes: Array<AppAllowedScopes>

A list of scopes (exposed by this App or by other Apps) that this App is allowed to access when it acts as an OAuthClient.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: true - idcsCompositeKey: [fqs] - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: true - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: complex - uniqueness: none

Optional allowedTags

allowedTags: Array<AppAllowedTags>

A list of tags, acting as an OAuthClient, this App is allowed to access.

*Added In:** 17.4.6

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsCompositeKey: [key, value] - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: true - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: complex - uniqueness: none

Optional appIcon

appIcon: undefined | string

Application icon.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: request - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional appSignonPolicy

appSignonPolicy: model.AppAppSignonPolicy

Optional appThumbnail

appThumbnail: undefined | string

Application thumbnail.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: request - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional appsNetworkPerimeters

appsNetworkPerimeters: Array<AppAppsNetworkPerimeters>

Network Perimeter

*Added In:** 2010242156

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsCompositeKey: [value] - multiValued: true - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: complex

Optional asOPCService

asOPCService: model.AppAsOPCService

Optional attrRenderingMetadata

attrRenderingMetadata: Array<AppAttrRenderingMetadata>

Label for the attribute to be shown in the UI.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsCompositeKey: [name] - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: true - mutability: immutable - required: false - returned: default - type: complex - uniqueness: none

Optional audience

audience: undefined | string

The base URI for all of the scopes defined in this App. The value of 'audience' is combined with the 'value' of each scope to form an 'fqs' or fully qualified scope.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: false - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none


basedOnTemplate: AppBasedOnTemplate

Optional bypassConsent

bypassConsent: undefined | false | true

If true, indicates that consent should be skipped for all scopes

*Added In:** 19.2.1

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: false - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: boolean - uniqueness: none

Optional callbackServiceUrl

callbackServiceUrl: undefined | string

Callback Service URL

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: false - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: false - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional certificates

certificates: Array<AppCertificates>

Each value of this attribute represent a certificate that this App uses when it acts as an OAuthClient.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: false - idcsCompositeKey: [certAlias] - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: true - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: complex - uniqueness: none

Optional clientIPChecking

clientIPChecking: ClientIPChecking

Network Perimeters checking mode

*Added In:** 2010242156

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: true - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional clientSecret

clientSecret: undefined | string

This value is the credential of this App, which this App supplies as a password when this App authenticates to the Oracle Public Cloud infrastructure. This value is also the client secret of this App when it acts as an OAuthClient.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: false - idcsSearchable: false - idcsSensitive: none - multiValued: false - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional clientType

clientType: ClientType

Specifies the type of access that this App has when it acts as an OAuthClient.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: false - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional cloudControlProperties

cloudControlProperties: Array<AppCloudControlProperties>

A collection of arbitrary properties that scope the privileges of a cloud-control App.

*Added In:** 18.4.2

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsCompositeKey: [name] - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: true - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: request - type: complex - uniqueness: none

Optional compartmentOcid

compartmentOcid: undefined | string

OCI Compartment Id (ocid) in which the resource lives.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: false - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: false - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional contactEmailAddress

contactEmailAddress: undefined | string

Contact Email Address

*Added In:** 19.2.1

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional delegatedServiceNames

delegatedServiceNames: Array<string>

Service Names allow to use OCI signature for client authentication instead of client credentials

*Added In:** 2207040824

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: true - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: true - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional deleteInProgress

deleteInProgress: undefined | false | true

A boolean flag indicating this resource in the process of being deleted. Usually set to true when synchronous deletion of the resource would take too long.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: false - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: default - type: boolean - uniqueness: none

Optional description

description: undefined | string

Description of the application.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: false - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional disableKmsiTokenAuthentication

disableKmsiTokenAuthentication: undefined | false | true

Indicates whether the application is allowed to be access using kmsi token.

*Added In:** 2111190457

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: always - type: boolean - uniqueness: none


displayName: string

Display name of the application. Display name is intended to be user-friendly, and an administrator can change the value at any time.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: false - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: true - returned: always - type: string - uniqueness: server

Optional domainOcid

domainOcid: undefined | string

OCI Domain Id (ocid) in which the resource lives.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: false - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: false - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional editableAttributes

editableAttributes: Array<AppEditableAttributes>

App attributes editable by subject

*Added In:** 18.2.6

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: false - idcsCompositeKey: [name] - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: true - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: request - type: complex - uniqueness: none

Optional errorPageUrl

errorPageUrl: undefined | string

This attribute specifies the URL of the page to which an application will redirect an end-user in case of error.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: false - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional grantedAppRoles

grantedAppRoles: Array<AppGrantedAppRoles>

A list of AppRoles that are granted to this App (and that are defined by other Apps). Within the Oracle Public Cloud infrastructure, this allows AppID-based association. Such an association allows this App to act as a consumer and thus to access resources of another App that acts as a producer.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: true - idcsCompositeKey: [value] - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: true - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: default - type: complex - uniqueness: none

Optional grants

grants: Array<AppGrants>

Grants assigned to the app

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsCompositeKey: [value] - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: true - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: request - type: complex - uniqueness: none

Optional hashedClientSecret

hashedClientSecret: undefined | string

Hashed Client Secret. This hash-value is used to verify the 'clientSecret' credential of this App

*Added In:** 2106240046

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: false - idcsSensitive: hash_sc - multiValued: false - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: request - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional homePageUrl

homePageUrl: undefined | string

Home Page URL

*Added In:** 19.2.1

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional icon

icon: undefined | string

URL of application icon.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: reference - uniqueness: none

Optional id

id: undefined | string

Unique identifier for the SCIM Resource as defined by the Service Provider. Each representation of the Resource MUST include a non-empty id value. This identifier MUST be unique across the Service Provider's entire set of Resources. It MUST be a stable, non-reassignable identifier that does not change when the same Resource is returned in subsequent requests. The value of the id attribute is always issued by the Service Provider and MUST never be specified by the Service Consumer. bulkId: is a reserved keyword and MUST NOT be used in the unique identifier.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: false - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: always - type: string - uniqueness: global

Optional idTokenEncAlgo

idTokenEncAlgo: undefined | string

Encryption Alogrithm to use for encrypting ID token.

*Added In:** 2010242156

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: false - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional idcsCreatedBy

idcsCreatedBy: model.IdcsCreatedBy

Optional idcsLastModifiedBy

idcsLastModifiedBy: model.IdcsLastModifiedBy

Optional idcsLastUpgradedInRelease

idcsLastUpgradedInRelease: undefined | string

The release number when the resource was upgraded.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: false - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: false - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: request - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional idcsPreventedOperations

idcsPreventedOperations: Array<IdcsPreventedOperations>

Each value of this attribute specifies an operation that only an internal client may perform on this particular resource.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: true - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: request - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional identityProviders

identityProviders: Array<AppIdentityProviders>

A list of IdentityProvider assigned to app. A user trying to access this app will be automatically redirected to configured IdP during the authentication phase, before being able to access App.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsCompositeKey: [value] - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: true - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: request - type: complex

Optional idpPolicy

idpPolicy: model.AppIdpPolicy

Optional infrastructure

infrastructure: undefined | false | true

If true, this App is an internal infrastructure App.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: default - type: boolean - uniqueness: none

Optional isAliasApp

isAliasApp: undefined | false | true

If true, this App is an AliasApp and it cannot be granted to an end-user directly.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: immutable - required: false - returned: always - type: boolean - uniqueness: none

Optional isDatabaseService

isDatabaseService: undefined | false | true

If true, this application acts as database service Application

*Added In:** 18.2.2

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readOnly - required: false - type: boolean

Optional isEnterpriseApp

isEnterpriseApp: undefined | false | true

If true, this app acts as Enterprise app with Authentication and URL Authz policy.

*Added In:** 19.2.1

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: boolean - uniqueness: none

Optional isFormFill

isFormFill: undefined | false | true

If true, this application acts as FormFill Application

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: boolean - uniqueness: none

Optional isKerberosRealm

isKerberosRealm: undefined | false | true

If true, indicates that this App supports Kerberos Authentication

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: boolean - uniqueness: none

Optional isLoginTarget

isLoginTarget: undefined | false | true

If true, this App allows runtime services to log end users into this App automatically.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: boolean - uniqueness: none

Optional isManagedApp

isManagedApp: undefined | false | true

If true, indicates that access to this App requires an account. That is, in order to log in to the App, a User must use an application-specific identity that is maintained in the remote identity-repository of that App.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: default - type: boolean - uniqueness: none

Optional isMobileTarget

isMobileTarget: undefined | false | true

If true, indicates that the App should be visible in each end-user's mobile application.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: boolean - uniqueness: none

Optional isMulticloudServiceApp

isMulticloudServiceApp: undefined | false | true

If true, indicates the app is used for multicloud service integration.

*Added In:** 2301202328

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: immutable - required: false - returned: default - type: boolean - uniqueness: none

Optional isOAuthClient

isOAuthClient: undefined | false | true

If true, this application acts as an OAuth Client

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: boolean - uniqueness: none

Optional isOAuthResource

isOAuthResource: undefined | false | true

If true, indicates that this application acts as an OAuth Resource.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: boolean - uniqueness: none

Optional isOPCService

isOPCService: undefined | false | true

If true, this application is an Oracle Public Cloud service-instance.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: default - type: boolean - uniqueness: none

Optional isObligationCapable

isObligationCapable: undefined | false | true

This flag indicates if the App is capable of validating obligations with the token for allowing access to the App.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: false - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: boolean - uniqueness: none

Optional isRadiusApp

isRadiusApp: undefined | false | true

If true, this application acts as an Radius App

*Added In:** 20.1.3

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: boolean - uniqueness: none

Optional isSamlServiceProvider

isSamlServiceProvider: undefined | false | true

If true, then this App acts as a SAML Service Provider.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: boolean - uniqueness: none

Optional isUnmanagedApp

isUnmanagedApp: undefined | false | true

If true, indicates that this application accepts an Oracle Cloud Identity Service User as a login-identity (does not require an account) and relies for authorization on the User's memberships in AppRoles.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: immutable - required: false - returned: default - type: boolean - uniqueness: none

Optional isWebTierPolicy

isWebTierPolicy: undefined | false | true

If true, the webtier policy is active

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: boolean - uniqueness: none

Optional landingPageUrl

landingPageUrl: undefined | string

The URL of the landing page for this App, which is the first page that an end user should see if runtime services log that end user in to this App automatically.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional linkingCallbackUrl

linkingCallbackUrl: undefined | string

This attribute specifies the callback URL for the social linking operation.

*Added In:** 18.2.4

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: false - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional loginMechanism

loginMechanism: LoginMechanism

The protocol that runtime services will use to log end users in to this App automatically. If 'OIDC', then runtime services use the OpenID Connect protocol. If 'SAML', then runtime services use Security Assertion Markup Language protocol.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: true - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional loginPageUrl

loginPageUrl: undefined | string

This attribute specifies the URL of the page that the App uses when an end-user signs in to that App.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: false - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional logoutPageUrl

logoutPageUrl: undefined | string

This attribute specifies the URL of the page that the App uses when an end-user signs out.

*Added In:** 17.4.2

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: false - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional logoutUri

logoutUri: undefined | string

OAuth will use this URI to logout if this App wants to participate in SSO, and if this App's session gets cleared as part of global logout. Note: This attribute is used only if this App acts as an OAuthClient.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: false - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional meta

meta: model.Meta

Optional meterAsOPCService

meterAsOPCService: undefined | false | true

Indicates whether the application is billed as an OPCService. If true, customer is not billed for runtime operations of the app.

*Added In:** 18.4.2

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: false - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: always - type: boolean - uniqueness: none

Optional migrated

migrated: undefined | false | true

If true, this App was migrated from an earlier version of Oracle Public Cloud infrastructure (and may therefore require special handling from runtime services such as OAuth or SAML). If false, this App requires no special handling from runtime services.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: default - type: boolean - uniqueness: none

Optional name

name: undefined | string

Name of the application. Also serves as username if the application authenticates to Oracle Public Cloud infrastructure. This name may not be user-friendly and cannot be changed once an App is created.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: false - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: immutable - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: server

Optional ocid

ocid: undefined | string

Unique OCI identifier for the SCIM Resource.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: true - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: immutable - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: global

Optional postLogoutRedirectUris

postLogoutRedirectUris: Array<string>

Each value of this attribute is the URI of a landing page within this App. It is used only when this App, acting as an OAuthClient, initiates the logout flow and wants to be redirected back to one of its landing pages.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: false - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: true - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional privacyPolicyUrl

privacyPolicyUrl: undefined | string

Privacy Policy URL

*Added In:** 19.2.1

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional productLogoUrl

productLogoUrl: undefined | string

Application Logo URL

*Added In:** 19.2.1

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional productName

productName: undefined | string

Product Name

*Added In:** 19.2.1

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional protectableSecondaryAudiences

protectableSecondaryAudiences: Array<AppProtectableSecondaryAudiences>

A list of secondary audiences--additional URIs to be added automatically to any OAuth token that allows access to this App. Note: This attribute is used mainly for backward compatibility in certain Oracle Public Cloud Apps.

*Added In:** 18.2.2

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: false - idcsCompositeKey: [value] - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: true - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: complex - uniqueness: none

Optional radiusPolicy

radiusPolicy: model.AppRadiusPolicy

Optional readyToUpgrade

readyToUpgrade: undefined | false | true

If true, this App requires an upgrade and mandates attention from application administrator. The flag is used by UI to indicate this app is ready to upgrade.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: default - type: boolean - uniqueness: none

Optional redirectUris

redirectUris: Array<string>

OPTIONAL. Each value is a URI within this App. This attribute is required when this App acts as an OAuthClient and is involved in three-legged flows (authorization-code flows).

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: false - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: true - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional refreshTokenExpiry

refreshTokenExpiry: undefined | number

Expiry-time in seconds for a Refresh Token. Any token that allows access to this App, once refreshed, will expire after the specified duration.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: integer - uniqueness: none Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional samlServiceProvider

samlServiceProvider: model.AppSamlServiceProvider


schemas: Array<string>

REQUIRED. The schemas attribute is an array of Strings which allows introspection of the supported schema version for a SCIM representation as well any schema extensions supported by that representation. Each String value must be a unique URI. This specification defines URIs for User, Group, and a standard \"enterprise\" extension. All representations of SCIM schema MUST include a non-zero value array with value(s) of the URIs supported by that representation. Duplicate values MUST NOT be included. Value order is not specified and MUST not impact behavior.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: false - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: true - mutability: readWrite - required: true - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional scopes

scopes: Array<AppScopes>

Scopes defined by this App. Used when this App acts as an OAuth Resource.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: true - idcsCompositeKey: [value] - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: true - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: complex - uniqueness: none

Optional secondaryAudiences

secondaryAudiences: Array<string>

A list of secondary audiences--additional URIs to be added automatically to any OAuth token that allows access to this App. Note: This attribute is used mainly for backward compatibility in certain Oracle Public Cloud Apps.

*Deprecated Since: 18.2.6**

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: false - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: true - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional serviceParams

serviceParams: Array<AppServiceParams>

Custom attribute that is required to compute other attribute values during app creation.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsCompositeKey: [name] - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: true - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: always - type: complex - uniqueness: none

Optional serviceTypeURN

serviceTypeURN: undefined | string

This Uniform Resource Name (URN) value identifies the type of Oracle Public Cloud service of which this app is an instance.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: false - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional serviceTypeVersion

serviceTypeVersion: undefined | string

This value specifies the version of the Oracle Public Cloud service of which this App is an instance

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: false - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional showInMyApps

showInMyApps: undefined | false | true

If true, this app will be displayed in the MyApps page of each end-user who has access to the App.

*Added In:** 18.1.2

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: boolean - uniqueness: none

Optional signonPolicy

signonPolicy: model.AppSignonPolicy

Optional tags

tags: Array<Tags>

A list of tags on this resource.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsCompositeKey: [key, value] - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: true - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: request - type: complex - uniqueness: none

Optional tenancyOcid

tenancyOcid: undefined | string

OCI Tenant Id (ocid) in which the resource lives.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: false - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: false - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional termsOfServiceUrl

termsOfServiceUrl: undefined | string

Terms of Service URL

*Added In:** 19.2.1

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional termsOfUse

termsOfUse: model.AppTermsOfUse

Optional trustPolicies

trustPolicies: Array<AppTrustPolicies>

Trust Policies.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsCompositeKey: [value] - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: true - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: complex

Optional trustScope

trustScope: TrustScope

Indicates the scope of trust for this App when acting as an OAuthClient. A value of 'Explicit' indicates that the App is allowed to access only the scopes of OAuthResources that are explicitly specified as 'allowedScopes'. A value of 'Account' indicates that the App is allowed implicitly to access any scope of any OAuthResource within the same Oracle Cloud Account. A value of 'Tags' indicates that the App is allowed to access any scope of any OAuthResource with a matching tag within the same Oracle Cloud Account. A value of 'Default' indicates that the Tenant default trust scope configured in the Tenant Settings is used.

*Added In:** 17.4.2

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: true - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional urnIetfParamsScimSchemasOracleIdcsExtensionDbcsApp

urnIetfParamsScimSchemasOracleIdcsExtensionDbcsApp: model.AppExtensionDbcsApp

Optional urnIetfParamsScimSchemasOracleIdcsExtensionEnterpriseAppApp

urnIetfParamsScimSchemasOracleIdcsExtensionEnterpriseAppApp: model.AppExtensionEnterpriseAppApp

Optional urnIetfParamsScimSchemasOracleIdcsExtensionFormFillAppApp

urnIetfParamsScimSchemasOracleIdcsExtensionFormFillAppApp: model.AppExtensionFormFillAppApp

Optional urnIetfParamsScimSchemasOracleIdcsExtensionFormFillAppTemplateAppTemplate

urnIetfParamsScimSchemasOracleIdcsExtensionFormFillAppTemplateAppTemplate: model.AppExtensionFormFillAppTemplateAppTemplate

Optional urnIetfParamsScimSchemasOracleIdcsExtensionKerberosRealmApp

urnIetfParamsScimSchemasOracleIdcsExtensionKerberosRealmApp: model.AppExtensionKerberosRealmApp

Optional urnIetfParamsScimSchemasOracleIdcsExtensionManagedappApp

urnIetfParamsScimSchemasOracleIdcsExtensionManagedappApp: model.AppExtensionManagedappApp

Optional urnIetfParamsScimSchemasOracleIdcsExtensionMulticloudServiceAppApp

urnIetfParamsScimSchemasOracleIdcsExtensionMulticloudServiceAppApp: model.AppExtensionMulticloudServiceAppApp

Optional urnIetfParamsScimSchemasOracleIdcsExtensionOciTags

urnIetfParamsScimSchemasOracleIdcsExtensionOciTags: model.ExtensionOCITags

Optional urnIetfParamsScimSchemasOracleIdcsExtensionOpcServiceApp

urnIetfParamsScimSchemasOracleIdcsExtensionOpcServiceApp: model.AppExtensionOpcServiceApp

Optional urnIetfParamsScimSchemasOracleIdcsExtensionRadiusAppApp

urnIetfParamsScimSchemasOracleIdcsExtensionRadiusAppApp: model.AppExtensionRadiusAppApp

Optional urnIetfParamsScimSchemasOracleIdcsExtensionRequestableApp

urnIetfParamsScimSchemasOracleIdcsExtensionRequestableApp: model.AppExtensionRequestableApp

Optional urnIetfParamsScimSchemasOracleIdcsExtensionSamlServiceProviderApp

urnIetfParamsScimSchemasOracleIdcsExtensionSamlServiceProviderApp: model.AppExtensionSamlServiceProviderApp

Optional urnIetfParamsScimSchemasOracleIdcsExtensionWebTierPolicyApp

urnIetfParamsScimSchemasOracleIdcsExtensionWebTierPolicyApp: model.AppExtensionWebTierPolicyApp

Optional userRoles

userRoles: Array<AppUserRoles>

A list of AppRoles defined by this UnmanagedApp. Membership in each of these AppRoles confers end-user privilege within this App.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsCompositeKey: [value] - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: true - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: request - type: complex



  • getDeserializedJsonObj(obj: App): object


  • getJsonObj(obj: App): object