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Namespace AppGrants

Grants assigned to the app


Optional grantMechanism

grantMechanism: GrantMechanism

Each value of grantMechanism indicates how (or by what component) some App (or App-Entitlement) was granted. A customer or the UI should use only grantMechanism values that start with 'ADMINISTRATOR':

  • 'ADMINISTRATOR_TO_USER' is for a direct grant to a specific User.
  • 'ADMINISTRATOR_TO_GROUP' is for a grant to a specific Group, which results in indirect grants to Users who are members of that Group.
  • 'ADMINISTRATOR_TO_APP' is for a grant to a specific App. The grantee (client) App gains access to the granted (server) App.

*SCIM++ Properties:**

  • caseExact: true
  • idcsSearchable: true
  • multiValued: false
  • mutability: readOnly
  • required: false
  • returned: default
  • type: string
  • uniqueness: none

Optional granteeId

granteeId: undefined | string

Grantee identifier

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: true - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional granteeType

granteeType: GranteeType

Grantee resource type. Allowed values are User and Group.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: true - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional ref

ref: undefined | string

Grant URI

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: false - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: default - type: reference - uniqueness: none

Optional value

value: undefined | string

Grant identifier

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: true - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none



  • getDeserializedJsonObj(obj: AppGrants): object
