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Namespace ProtectionCapabilitySummary

A summary of available OCI-managed protection capabilities in WebAppFirewallPolicy. Protection capabilies checks HTTP requests/responses if they are malicious.


Optional collaborativeActionThreshold

collaborativeActionThreshold: undefined | number

The default collaborative action threshold for OCI-managed collaborative protection capability. Collaborative protection capabilities are made of several simple, non-collaborative protection capabilities (referred to as {@code contributing capabilities} later on) which have weights assigned to them. These weights can be found in the {@code collaborativeWeights} array. For incoming/outgoing HTTP messages, all contributing capabilities are executed and the sum of all triggered contributing capabilities weights is calculated. Only if this sum is greater than or equal to {@code collaborativeActionThreshold} is the incoming/outgoing HTTP message marked as malicious.

This field is ignored for non-collaborative capabilities. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional collaborativeWeights

collaborativeWeights: Array<CollaborativeCapabilityWeight>

The weights of contributing capabilities. Defines how much each contributing capability contributes towards the action threshold of a collaborative protection capability.

This field is ignored for non-collaborative capabilities.


description: string

The description of protection capability.


displayName: string

The display name of protection capability.

Optional groupTags

groupTags: Array<string>

The list of unique names protection capability group tags that are associated with this capability. Example: ["PCI", "Recommended"]


isLatestVersion: boolean

The field that shows if this is the latest version of protection capability.


key: string

Unique key of protection capability.


type: Type

The type of protection capability.

**REQUEST_PROTECTION_CAPABILITY** can only be used in {@code requestProtection} module of WebAppFirewallPolicy.

**RESPONSE_PROTECTION_CAPABILITY** can only be used in {@code responseProtection} module of WebAppFirewallPolicy.


version: number

The version of protection capability. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.


