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Namespace RouteRule

A mapping between a destination IP address range and a virtual device to route matching packets to (a target).


Optional cidrBlock

cidrBlock: undefined | string

Deprecated. Instead use {@code destination} and {@code destinationType}. Requests that include both {@code cidrBlock} and {@code destination} will be rejected.

A destination IP address range in CIDR notation. Matching packets will be routed to the indicated network entity (the target).

Cannot be an IPv6 CIDR.

Example: {@code}

Optional description

description: undefined | string

An optional description of your choice for the rule.

Optional destination

destination: undefined | string

Conceptually, this is the range of IP addresses used for matching when routing traffic. Required if you provide a {@code destinationType}.

Allowed values:

IP address range in CIDR notation. Can be an IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR. For example: {@code} or {@code 2001:0db8:0123:45::/56}. If you set this to an IPv6 CIDR, the route rule's target can only be a DRG or internet gateway. IPv6 addressing is supported for all commercial and government regions. See [IPv6 Addresses](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/Network/Concepts/ipv6.htm).

The {@code cidrBlock} value for a Service, if you're setting up a route rule for traffic destined for a particular {@code Service} through a service gateway. For example: {@code oci-phx-objectstorage}.

Optional destinationType

destinationType: DestinationType

Type of destination for the rule. Required if you provide a {@code destination}.

{@code CIDR_BLOCK}: If the rule's {@code destination} is an IP address range in CIDR notation.

{@code SERVICE_CIDR_BLOCK}: If the rule's {@code destination} is the {@code cidrBlock} value for a Service (the rule is for traffic destined for a particular {@code Service} through a service gateway).


networkEntityId: string

The OCID for the route rule's target. For information about the type of targets you can specify, see Route Tables.

Optional routeType

routeType: RouteType

A route rule can be STATIC if manually added to the route table, LOCAL if added by OCI to the route table.



  • getDeserializedJsonObj(obj: RouteRule): object
