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Namespace SystemFormatResourceTypeMetadataDetails

The resource type metadata is defined in machine friendly format.


Optional agentProperties

agentProperties: Array<string>

List of properties needed by the agent for monitoring the resource. Valid only if resource type is OCI management agent based. When specified, these properties are passed to the management agent during resource create or update.

Const format

format: string = "SYSTEM_FORMAT"

Optional requiredProperties

requiredProperties: Array<string>

List of required properties for resource type.

Optional uniquePropertySets

uniquePropertySets: Array<UniquePropertySet>

List of property sets used to uniquely identify the resources. This check is made during create or update of stack monitoring resource. The resource has to pass unique check for each set in the list. For example, database can have user, password and SID as one unique set. Another unique set would be user, password and service name.

Optional validPropertiesForCreate

validPropertiesForCreate: Array<string>

List of valid properties for resource type while creating the monitored resource. If resources of this type specifies any other properties during create operation, the operation will fail.

Optional validPropertiesForUpdate

validPropertiesForUpdate: Array<string>

List of valid properties for resource type while updating the monitored resource. If resources of this type specifies any other properties during update operation, the operation will fail.

Optional validPropertyValues

validPropertyValues: undefined | object

List of valid values for the properties. This is useful when resource type wants to restrict only certain values for some properties. For instance for 'osType' property, supported values can be restricted to be either Linux or Windows. Example: {@code { "osType": ["Linux","Windows","Solaris"]}}


