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Namespace PatchMoveInstruction

An operation that "puts" values from elsewhere in the target, functionally equivalent to a single add and then a remove. The first item of the selection is replaced, or created if the selection is empty. NOT_FOUND exceptions in the selection are handled by creating the implied containing structure. This operation fails if the {@code from} selection yields any exceptions, or if an item is moved to any of its descendants.



from: string

The selection that is to be moved, with the same format and semantics as {@code selection}.

Const operation

operation: string = "MOVE"

Optional position

position: Position

Where to insert the value in an array, relative to the first item in the selection. If there is no such item, then "BEFORE" specifies insertion at the first position in an array and "AFTER" specifies insertion at the last position. If the first item in the selection is not the child of an array, then this field has no effect.


selection: string

The set of values to which the operation applies as a JMESPath expression for evaluation against the context resource. An operation fails if the selection yields an exception, except as otherwise specified. Note that comparisons involving non-primitive values (objects or arrays) are not supported and will always evaluate to false.


