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Namespace WorkRequest

An object that defines a work request.


Optional childrenId

childrenId: Array<string>

The list of OCIDs for the child work requests.


compartmentId: string

The OCID of the compartment that contains the work request. Work requests should be scoped to the same compartment as the resource it affects. If the work request affects multiple resources the different compartments, the services selects the compartment of the primary resource.

Optional contentChecksum

contentChecksum: undefined | string

The EventFingerprint associated with the content. This property is required when the work request type is IMPORT_CONTENT or REMOVE_CONTENT.

Optional contentLocation

contentLocation: undefined | string

The location of the bundle in the filesystem of the resource associated to this work request.

Optional description

description: undefined | string

A short description about the work request.

Optional displayName

displayName: undefined | string

A short display name for the work request.

Optional eventId

eventId: undefined | string

The event id of the content. This property is required when the work request type is IMPORT_CONTENT or REMOVE_CONTENT.


id: string

The OCID of the work request.

Optional initiatorId

initiatorId: undefined | string

The OCID of the resource that initiated the work request.

Optional isManagedByAutonomousLinux

isManagedByAutonomousLinux: undefined | false | true

Indicates whether this work request is managed by the Autonomous Linux service.

Optional managementStation

managementStation: model.WorkRequestManagementStationDetails

Optional message

message: undefined | string

A progress or error message, if there is any.

Optional moduleSpecs

moduleSpecs: Array<ModuleSpecDetails>

The list of appstream modules being operated on.


Type of the work request.

Optional packageNames

packageNames: Array<string>

A list of package names to be installed, updated, or removed.

Optional parentId

parentId: undefined | string

The OCID of the parent work request, if there is any.


percentComplete: number

The percentage complete of the operation tracked by this work request. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.


resources: Array<WorkRequestResource>

The list of OCIDs for the resources affected by the work request.

Optional retryIntervals

retryIntervals: Array<number>

Indicates whether this work request is managed by the Autonomous Linux service.

Optional retryOfId

retryOfId: undefined | string

The OCID of the original work request that is being retried.


Status of the work request.


timeCreated: Date

The date and time the work request was created (in RFC 3339 format).

Optional timeFinished

timeFinished: Date

The date and time the work request completed (in RFC 3339 format).

Optional timeScheduled

timeScheduled: Date

The scheduled date and time to retry the work request (in RFC 3339 format).

Optional timeStarted

timeStarted: Date

The date and time the work request started (in RFC 3339 format).

Optional timeUpdated

timeUpdated: Date

The date and time the work request started (in RFC 3339 format).

Optional windowsUpdateNames

windowsUpdateNames: Array<string>

The UUIDs of the target Windows update (only used when operation type is INSTALL_WINDOWS_UPDATES).


