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Namespace ModuleStream

A module stream provided by a software source


Optional architecture

architecture: undefined | string

The architecture for which the packages in this module stream were built

Optional description

description: undefined | string

A description of the contents of the module stream

Optional isDefault

isDefault: undefined | false | true

Indicates if this stream is the default for its module.


moduleName: string

The name of the module that contains the stream

Optional packages

packages: Array<string>

A list of packages that are contained by the stream. Each element in the list is the name of a package. The name is suitable to use as an argument to other OS Management APIs that interact directly with packages.

Optional profiles

profiles: Array<string>

A list of profiles that are part of the stream. Each element in the list is the name of a profile. The name is suitable to use as an argument to other OS Management APIs that interact directly with module stream profiles. However, it is not URL encoded.

Optional softwareSourceId

softwareSourceId: undefined | string

The OCID of the software source that provides this module stream.


streamName: string

The name of the stream


