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Namespace DataObjectStandardQuery

Information required to execute query on data objects. Query is given in standard SQL syntax providing flexibility to form complex queries such as queries with joins and nested queries.


Optional bindParams

List of bind parameters to be applied in the query.

Optional queryExecutionTimeoutInSeconds

queryExecutionTimeoutInSeconds: undefined | number

Timeout (in seconds) to be set for the data object query execution. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Const queryType

queryType: string = "STANDARD_QUERY"

Optional statement

statement: undefined | string

SQL query statement with standard Oracle supported SQL syntax.

  • When Warehouse (e.g: Awr hub) data objects are queried, use the actual names of underlying data objects (e.g: tables, views) in the query. The same query that works through JDBC connection with the OperationsInsightsWarehouseUsers credentials will work here and vice-versa. SCHEMA.VIEW syntax can also be used here.
  • When OPSI data objects are queried, use name of the respective OPSI data object, just like how views are used in a query. Identifier of the OPSI data object cannot be used in the query.

Optional timeFilters

timeFilters: model.DataObjectQueryTimeFilters


