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Namespace AwrDatabaseSnapshotRangeSummary

The summary data for a range of AWR snapshots.



awrSourceDatabaseIdentifier: string

The internal ID of the database. The internal ID of the database is not the OCID. It can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /awrHubs/{awrHubId}/awrDatabases


dbName: string

The name of the database.

Optional dbVersion

dbVersion: undefined | string

The version of the database.

Optional firstSnapshotIdentifier

firstSnapshotIdentifier: undefined | number

The ID of the earliest snapshot. The snapshot identifier is not the OCID. It can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /awrHubs/{awrHubId}/awrDatabaseSnapshots Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional instanceList

instanceList: Array<number>

The database instance numbers.

Optional latestSnapshotIdentifier

latestSnapshotIdentifier: undefined | number

The ID of the latest snapshot. The snapshot identifier is not the OCID. It can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /awrHubs/{awrHubId}/awrDatabaseSnapshots Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional snapshotCount

snapshotCount: undefined | number

The total number of snapshots. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional snapshotIntervalInMin

snapshotIntervalInMin: undefined | number

The interval time between snapshots (in minutes). Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional snapshotTimezone

snapshotTimezone: undefined | string

The time zone of the snapshot. sample - snapshotTimezone=+0 00:00:00

Optional timeDbStartup

timeDbStartup: Date

The timestamp of the database startup.

Optional timeFirstSnapshotBegin

timeFirstSnapshotBegin: Date

The start time of the earliest snapshot.

Optional timeLatestSnapshotEnd

timeLatestSnapshotEnd: Date

The end time of the latest snapshot.


