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Namespace AccessRequest

An Oracle operator raises access request when they need access to any infrastructure resource governed by Operator Access Control. The access request identifies the target resource and the set of operator actions. Access request handling depends upon the Operator Control that governs the target resource, and the set of operator actions listed for approval in the access request. If all of the operator actions listed in the access request are in the pre-approved list in the Operator Control that governs the target resource, then the access request is automatically approved. If not, then the access request requires explicit approval from the approver group specified by the Operator Control governing the target resource.

You can approve or reject an access request. You can also revoke the approval of an already approved access request. While creating an access request, the operator specifies the duration of access. You have the option to approve the entire duration or reduce or even increase the time duration. An operator can also request for an extension. The approval for such an extension is processed the same way the original access request was processed.



accessReasonSummary: string

Summary comment by the operator creating the access request.

Optional actionRequestsList

actionRequestsList: Array<string>

List of operator actions for which approval is sought by the operator user.

Optional approverComment

approverComment: undefined | string

The last recent Comment entered by the approver of the request.

Optional approverDetails

approverDetails: Array<ApproverDetail>

Contains the user ids who have approved the accessRequest for extension.

Optional auditType

auditType: Array<string>

Specifies the type of auditing to be enabled. There are two levels of auditing: command-level and keystroke-level. By default, auditing is enabled at the command level i.e., each command issued by the operator is audited. When keystroke-level is chosen, in addition to command level logging, key strokes are also logged.

Optional closureComment

closureComment: undefined | string

The comment entered by the operator while closing the request.

Optional compartmentId

compartmentId: undefined | string

The OCID of the compartment that contains the access request.

Optional definedTags

definedTags: undefined | object

Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.

Optional duration

duration: undefined | number

Duration in hours for which access is sought on the target resource. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional extendDuration

extendDuration: undefined | number

Duration in hours for which extension access is sought on the target resource. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional extensionApproverDetails

extensionApproverDetails: Array<ApproverDetail>

Contains the user ids who have approved the accessRequest for extension.

Optional freeformTags

freeformTags: undefined | object

Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.


id: string

The OCID of the access request.

Optional isAutoApproved

isAutoApproved: undefined | false | true

Whether the access request was automatically approved.

Optional isValidateAssignment

isValidateAssignment: undefined | false | true

Whether the access request was requested for Validate Assignment.

Optional lifecycleDetails

lifecycleDetails: undefined | string

more in detail about the lifeCycleState.

Optional lifecycleState

lifecycleState: model.AccessRequestLifecycleStates

The current state of the AccessRequest.

Optional numberOfApprovers

numberOfApprovers: undefined | number

Number of approvers who have authorized an access request. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional numberOfApproversRequired

numberOfApproversRequired: undefined | number

Number of approvers required to approve an access request. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional numberOfExtensionApprovers

numberOfExtensionApprovers: undefined | number

Number of approvers who have authorized an access request for extension. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional opctlAdditionalMessage

opctlAdditionalMessage: undefined | string

Additional message specific to the access request that can be specified by the approver at the time of approval.

Optional opctlId

opctlId: undefined | string

The OCID of the operator control governing the target resource.

Optional opctlName

opctlName: undefined | string

Name of the Operator control governing the target resource.

Optional operatorId

operatorId: undefined | string

A unique identifier associated with the operator who raised the request. This identifier can not be used directly to identify the operator. You need to provide this identifier if you would like Oracle to provide additional information about the operator action within Oracle tenancy.

Optional reason

reason: undefined | string

Summary reason for which the operator is requesting access on the target resource.

Optional requestId

requestId: undefined | string

This is an automatic identifier generated by the system which is easier for human comprehension.


resourceId: string

The OCID of the target resource associated with the access request. The operator raises an access request to get approval to access the target resource.

Optional resourceName

resourceName: undefined | string

The name of the target resource.

Optional resourceType

resourceType: model.ResourceTypes

resourceType for which the AccessRequest is applicable

Optional severity

severity: model.AccessRequestSeverities

Priority assigned to the access request by the operator

Optional subResourceList

subResourceList: Array<string>

The subresources requested for approval.

Optional systemMessage

systemMessage: undefined | string

System message that will be displayed to the operator at login to the target resource.

Optional timeOfCreation

timeOfCreation: Date

Time when the access request was created in RFC 3339timestamp format. Example: '2020-05-22T21:10:29.600Z'

Optional timeOfModification

timeOfModification: Date

Time when the access request was last modified in RFC 3339timestamp format. Example: '2020-05-22T21:10:29.600Z'

Optional timeOfUserCreation

timeOfUserCreation: Date

The time when access request is scheduled to be approved in RFC 3339 timestamp format.Example: '2020-05-22T21:10:29.600Z'

Optional timeRequestedForFutureAccess

timeRequestedForFutureAccess: Date

Time in future when the user for the access request needs to be created in RFC 3339timestamp format. Example: '2020-05-22T21:10:29.600Z'

Optional userId

userId: undefined | string

The OCID of the user that last modified the access request.

Optional workflowId

workflowId: Array<string>

The OCID of the workflow associated with the access request. This is needed if you want to contact Oracle Support for a stuck access request or for an access request that encounters an internal error.


