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Namespace ParameterDefinition

A parameter to a resource.


Optional defaultValue

defaultValue: undefined | string

Default value for the parameter.

Optional description

description: undefined | string

Description of the parameter.

Optional direction

direction: Direction

Is this parameter an input parameter, output parameter, or both?

Optional isRequired

isRequired: undefined | false | true

Is this parameter required. Ignored for parameters with direction = OUTPUT.

Optional isSensitive

isSensitive: undefined | false | true

Is the data for this parameter sensitive (e.g. should the data be hidden in UI, encrypted if stored, etc.)

Optional maxLength

maxLength: undefined | number

Used for character string types such as STRING to constrain the length of the value Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional minLength

minLength: undefined | number

Used for character string types such as STRING to constrain the length of the value Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.


name: string

The name of the parameter

Optional pattern

pattern: undefined | string

Regular expression used to validate the value of a string type such as STRING

Optional resourceTypeMetadata

resourceTypeMetadata: any

Any configuration needed to help the resource type process this parameter (e.g. link to manifest, etc.).


type: Type

Enumerated parameter type.

Optional uiPlacementHint

uiPlacementHint: undefined | string

A forward-slash-delimited 'path' in an imaginary hierarchy, at which this parameter's UI widgets should be placed


