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Namespace UpdateListingRevisionDetails

The model for an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Marketplace Publisher listing revision.


Optional categories

categories: Array<string>

The categories for the listing revision.

Optional contentLanguage

contentLanguage: model.LanguageItem

Optional definedTags

definedTags: undefined | object

Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. Example: {@code {"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}}

Optional displayName

displayName: undefined | string

The name for the listing revision.

Optional freeformTags

freeformTags: undefined | object

Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only. Example: {@code {"bar-key": "value"}}

Optional headline

headline: undefined | string

Single line introduction for the listing revision.

Optional keywords

keywords: undefined | string

Keywords associated for the listing revision.

Optional longDescription

longDescription: undefined | string

A long description for the listing revision.

Optional markets

markets: Array<string>

The markets supported by the listing revision.

Optional pricingType

pricingType: undefined | string

The pricing model for the listing revision.

Optional shortDescription

shortDescription: undefined | string

A short description for the listing revision.

Optional supportContacts

supportContacts: Array<SupportContact>

Contact information to use to get support from the publisher for the listing revision.

Optional supportLinks

supportLinks: Array<NamedLink>

Links to support resources for the listing revision.

Optional supportedlanguages

supportedlanguages: Array<LanguageItem>

Languages supported by the listing revision.

Optional systemRequirements

systemRequirements: undefined | string

System requirements for the listing revision.

Optional tagline

tagline: undefined | string

The tagline for the listing revision.

Optional usageInformation

usageInformation: undefined | string

Usage information for the listing revision.

Optional versionDetails

versionDetails: model.VersionDetails


