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Namespace StorageWorkRequest

This shows the storage work request details.


Optional compartmentId

compartmentId: undefined | string

Optional compartmentIdInSubtree

compartmentIdInSubtree: undefined | false | true

If true, purge child compartments data, only applicable to purge request

Optional dataType

dataType: model.StorageDataType

Thie is the type of data to be purged


id: string

This is the OCID of the storage work Request.

Optional isRecallNewDataOnly

isRecallNewDataOnly: undefined | false | true

This is the flag to indicate if only new data has to be recalled in this work request

Optional isUseRecommendedDataSet

isUseRecommendedDataSet: undefined | false | true

This indicates if user checked system recommended time range

Optional keyId

keyId: undefined | string

This is the key ID for encryption key.

Optional keyType

keyType: model.EncryptionKeyType

The type of customer encryption key. It can be archival, active or all.

Optional logSets

logSets: undefined | string

This is a list of logsets associated with this work request

Optional operationDetails

operationDetails: undefined | string

This provides more detailed info about the work request if applicable


operationType: StorageOperationType

This is the type of the work request.

Optional percentComplete

percentComplete: undefined | number

Percentage progress completion of the work request. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional policyId

policyId: undefined | string

This is the purge policy ID if applicable

Optional policyName

policyName: undefined | string

This is the policy name if applicable (e.g. purge policy)

Optional purgeQueryString

purgeQueryString: undefined | string

This is the solr query used to filter data for purge, '*' means all

Optional purpose

purpose: undefined | string

This is the purpose of the operation associated with this work request

Optional query

query: undefined | string

This is the query string applied on the operation associated with this work request


This is the work request status.

Optional statusDetails

statusDetails: undefined | string

This provides more detailed status if applicable

Optional storageUsageInBytes

storageUsageInBytes: undefined | number

This is the data usage in bytes if applicable Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional timeAccepted

timeAccepted: Date

When the work request was accepted. Should match timeStarted in all cases.

Optional timeDataEnded

timeDataEnded: Date

This is the end of the time interval

Optional timeDataStarted

timeDataStarted: Date

This is the start of the time interval

Optional timeExpires

timeExpires: Date

When the work request will expire.

Optional timeFinished

timeFinished: Date

When the work request finished execution.

Optional timeStarted

timeStarted: Date

When the work request started.


