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Namespace MyGroupMembers

The group members. Important: When requesting group members, a maximum of 10,000 members can be returned in a single request. If the response contains more than 10,000 members, the request will fail. Use 'startIndex' and 'count' to return members in pages instead of in a single response, for example: #attributes=members[startIndex=1%26count=10]. This REST API is SCIM compliant.


Optional dateAdded

dateAdded: undefined | string

The date and time that the member was added to the group.

*Added In:** 2012271618

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: false - multiValued: false - mutability: readOnly - returned: default - type: dateTime - uniqueness: none

Optional display

display: undefined | string

The member's display name.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: false - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional membershipOcid

membershipOcid: undefined | string

The membership OCID.

*Added In:** 2102181953

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: true - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional name

name: undefined | string

The member's name.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: false - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: false - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional ocid

ocid: undefined | string

The OCID of the member of this group.

*Added In:** 2012271618

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: true - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: always - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional ref

ref: undefined | string

The URI that corresponds to the member Resource of this group.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: true - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: false - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: default - type: reference - uniqueness: none


type: Type

Indicates the type of resource, for example, User or Group.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: true - idcsSearchable: true - idcsDefaultValue: User - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: true - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none


value: string

The ID of the member of this Group

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: true - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: true - returned: always - type: string - uniqueness: none


