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Namespace OAuth2ClientCredentialSummary

User can define Oauth clients in IAM, then use it to generate a token to grant access to app resources.


Optional compartmentId

compartmentId: undefined | string

The OCID of the compartment containing the Oauth credential.

Optional description

description: undefined | string

The description of the Oauth credential.

Optional expiresOn

expiresOn: Date

Date and time when this credential will expire, in the format defined by RFC3339. Null if it never expires.

Example: {@code 2016-08-25T21:10:29.600Z}

Optional id

id: undefined | string

The OCID of the Oauth credential.

Optional lifecycleState

lifecycleState: LifecycleState

The credential's current state. After creating a Oauth credential, make sure its {@code lifecycleState} changes from CREATING to ACTIVE before using it.

Optional name

name: undefined | string

The name of the Oauth credential.

Optional scopes

Allowed scopes for the given oauth credential.

Optional timeCreated

timeCreated: Date

Date and time the {@code OAuth2ClientCredential} object was created, in the format defined by RFC3339.

Example: {@code 2016-08-25T21:10:29.600Z}

Optional userId

userId: undefined | string

The OCID of the user the Oauth credential belongs to.


