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Namespace DiffResponse

Response object for obtaining list of changed files.


Optional addedLinesCount

addedLinesCount: undefined | number

The number of lines added in whole difference. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional areAllChangesIncluded

areAllChangesIncluded: undefined | false | true

Boolean value to indicate if all changes are included in the response.

Optional changeTypeCount

changeTypeCount: undefined | object

Count of each type of change in difference.


changes: Array<DiffResponseEntry>

List of changes in the difference.

Optional commitsAheadCount

commitsAheadCount: undefined | number

The number of commits source is ahead of target by. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional commitsBehindCount

commitsBehindCount: undefined | number

The number of commits source is behind target by. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional commonCommit

commonCommit: undefined | string

The ID of the common commit between source and target.

Optional deletedLinesCount

deletedLinesCount: undefined | number

The number of lines deleted in whole difference. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.


