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Namespace OcirModelDeploymentEnvironmentConfigurationDetails

The environment configuration details object for OCI Registry


Optional cmd

cmd: Array<string>

The container image run CMD as a list of strings. Use {@code CMD} as arguments to the {@code ENTRYPOINT} or the only command to run in the absence of an {@code ENTRYPOINT}. The combined size of {@code CMD} and {@code ENTRYPOINT} must be less than 2048 bytes.

Optional entrypoint

entrypoint: Array<string>

The container image run ENTRYPOINT as a list of strings. Accept the {@code CMD} as extra arguments. The combined size of {@code CMD} and {@code ENTRYPOINT} must be less than 2048 bytes. More information on how {@code CMD} and {@code ENTRYPOINT} interact are here.

Const environmentConfigurationType

environmentConfigurationType: string = "OCIR_CONTAINER"

Optional environmentVariables

environmentVariables: undefined | object

Environment variables to set for the web server container. The size of envVars must be less than 2048 bytes. Key should be under 32 characters. Key should contain only letters, digits and underscore () Key should start with a letter. Key should have at least 2 characters. Key should not end with underscore eg. {@code TEST} Key if added cannot be empty. Value can be empty. No specific size limits on individual Values. But overall environment variables is limited to 2048 bytes. Key can't be reserved Model Deployment environment variables.

Optional healthCheckPort

healthCheckPort: undefined | number

The port on which the container HEALTHCHECK would listen. The port can be anything between {@code 1024} and {@code 65535}. The following ports cannot be used {@code 24224}, {@code 8446}, {@code 8447}. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.


image: string

The full path to the Oracle Container Repository (OCIR) registry, image, and tag in a canonical format. Acceptable format: {@code .ocir.io//:} {@code .ocir.io//:@digest}

Optional imageDigest

imageDigest: undefined | string

The digest of the container image. For example, {@code sha256:881303a6b2738834d795a32b4a98eb0e5e3d1cad590a712d1e04f9b2fa90a030}

Optional serverPort

serverPort: undefined | number

The port on which the web server serving the inference is running. The port can be anything between {@code 1024} and {@code 65535}. The following ports cannot be used {@code 24224}, {@code 8446}, {@code 8447}. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.


