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Namespace OcirContainerJobEnvironmentConfigurationDetails

Environment configuration based on container image stored in OCI Container Registry.


Optional cmd

cmd: Array<string>

The container image run CMD as a list of strings. Use {@code CMD} as arguments to the {@code ENTRYPOINT} or the only command to run in the absence of an {@code ENTRYPOINT}. The combined size of {@code CMD} and {@code ENTRYPOINT} must be less than 2048 bytes.

Optional entrypoint

entrypoint: Array<string>

The container image run ENTRYPOINT as a list of strings. Accept the {@code CMD} as extra arguments. The combined size of {@code CMD} and {@code ENTRYPOINT} must be less than 2048 bytes. More information on how {@code CMD} and {@code ENTRYPOINT} interact are here.


image: string

The full path to the Oracle Container Repository (OCIR) registry, image, and tag in a canonical format. Acceptable format: {@code .ocir.io//:} {@code .ocir.io//:@digest}

Optional imageDigest

imageDigest: undefined | string

The digest of the container image. For example, {@code sha256:881303a6b2738834d795a32b4a98eb0e5e3d1cad590a712d1e04f9b2fa90a030}

Optional imageSignatureId

imageSignatureId: undefined | string

OCID of the container image signature

Const jobEnvironmentType

jobEnvironmentType: string = "OCIR_CONTAINER"


