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Namespace QueryResultMetadataSummary

Summary containing the metadata about the query result set.


Optional queryResultRowTypeSummaries

queryResultRowTypeSummaries: Array<QueryResultRowTypeSummary>

A collection of QueryResultRowTypeSummary objects that describe the type and properties of the individual row elements of the query rows being returned. The i-th element in this list contains the QueryResultRowTypeSummary of the i-th key-value pair in the QueryResultRowData map.

Optional queryResultsGroupedBy

queryResultsGroupedBy: Array<QueryResultsGroupedBySummary>

Columns or attributes of the query rows which are group by values. This is a list of ResultsGroupedBy summary objects, and the list will contain as many elements as the attributes and aggregate functions in the group by clause in the select query.

Optional queryResultsOrderedBy

queryResultsOrderedBy: Array<QueryResultsOrderedBySummary>

Order by which the query results are organized. This is a list of queryResultsOrderedBy summary objects, and the list will contain more than one OrderedBy summary object, if the sort was multidimensional.

Optional queryResultsTopologyInfo

queryResultsTopologyInfo: model.QueryResultsTopologyInfo

Optional sourceName

sourceName: undefined | string

Source of the query result set (traces, spans, and so on).

Optional timeSeriesIntervalInMins

timeSeriesIntervalInMins: undefined | number

Interval for the time series function in minutes. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.


