// This is an automatically generated code sample.
// To make this code sample work in your Oracle Cloud tenancy,
// please replace the values for any parameters whose current values do not fit
// your use case (such as resource IDs, strings containing ‘EXAMPLE’ or ‘unique_id’, and
// boolean, number, and enum parameters with values not fitting your use case).

package main

import (


func ExampleCreateDkim() {
	// Create a default authentication provider that uses the DEFAULT
	// profile in the configuration file.
	// Refer to <see href="https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/sdkconfig.htm#SDK_and_CLI_Configuration_File>the public documentation</see> on how to prepare a configuration file.
	client, err := email.NewEmailClientWithConfigurationProvider(common.DefaultConfigProvider())

	// Create a request and dependent object(s).

	req := email.CreateDkimRequest{OpcRequestId: common.String("E5SUGLBHSB2IOZUY9XY8<unique_ID>"),
		OpcRetryToken: common.String("EXAMPLE-opcRetryToken-Value"),
		CreateDkimDetails: email.CreateDkimDetails{PrivateKey: common.String("EXAMPLE-privateKey-Value"),
			DefinedTags:   map[string]map[string]interface{}{"EXAMPLE_KEY_8hRRI": map[string]interface{}{"EXAMPLE_KEY_Ys4HE": "EXAMPLE--Value"}},
			Description:   common.String("EXAMPLE-description-Value"),
			EmailDomainId: common.String("ocid1.test.oc1..<unique_ID>EXAMPLE-emailDomainId-Value"),
			FreeformTags:  map[string]string{"EXAMPLE_KEY_IMKPl": "EXAMPLE_VALUE_nD8EGGCNUrPDoEIH8Wi2"},
			Name:          common.String("EXAMPLE-name-Value")}}

	// Send the request using the service client
	resp, err := client.CreateDkim(context.Background(), req)

	// Retrieve value from the response.

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