Updated 2023-04-28

Managing a Business Glossary

Learn how to create a business glossary and work with it further.

Business glossaries are managed by the data stewards or the data governance teams of an organization. The data stewards work across teams to define and approve the hierarchy of the terms. In some organizations, such teams follow a thorough process of submissions, reviews, votes, approvals, change management, and so on, to manage the glossary terms.

To learn about the concept of business glossary, see Using Business Glossaries.

Required IAM Policies

You can create policies to define how you want your users to access the glossary resources.

View the glossary verb to permission mapping to decide which verb meets our access requirements. For example, INSPECT allows users to view the list of available glossaries and READ allows users to view the details of the glossary and also export the glossary.

Create this policy to allow a group to perform all operations on all the glossaries, categories, and terms available in the tenancy:

allow group <group-name> to manage data-catalog-glossaries in tenancy
Create this policy to allow a group to create, update, and delete terms, categories, and relationships within a specific glossary:
allow group <group-name> to use data-catalog-glossaries in tenancy where target.glossary.key = '<glossary-key>'

You can copy the glossary key for the required glossary from the glossary details page of the user interface.

Create this policy to allow a group to view glossaries and glossary details in a specific compartment:

allow group <group-name> to read data-catalog-glossaries in compartment <x>

Create this policy to allow a group to view the list of all the glossaries available in a specific data catalog in the tenancy:

allow group <group-name> to inspect data-catalog-glossaries in tenancy where target.catalog.id = 'ocid.datacatalog.oc1..<unique_ID>'

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Updated 2023-04-28