Listing Registered Import Appliances

List of all import appliances in your tenancy.

You can display a list of all appliances registered through the initialize authentication command. See Initializing Authentication to the Import Appliance for more information.


You can only use the CLI command to display a list of all appliances registered through the initialize authentication command.

Using the CLI

Use the oci dts physical-appliance list command and required parameters to list of all import appliances in your tenancy.

oci dts physical-appliance list [OPTIONS]

For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

For example:

oci dts physical-appliance list
  "data": [
      "appliance_profile": "DEFAULT", 
      "endpoint": ""

Unregistering Appliances

Use the oci dts physical-appliance unregister command and required parameters to unregister an appliance previously registered through the initialize authentication command. See Initializing Authentication to the Import Appliance for more information.

oci dts physical-appliance unregister

For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

Configuring Import Appliance Encryption

Configure the import appliance to use encryption. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure creates a strong passphrase for each appliance. The command securely collects the strong passphrase from Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and sends that passphrase to the Data Transfer service.

If your environment requires Internet-aware applications to use network proxies, ensure that you set up the required Linux environment variables. See for more information.


If you are working with multiple appliances at the same time, be sure the job ID and appliance label that you specify in this step matches the physical appliance you are currently working with. You can get the serial number associated with the job ID and appliance label using the Console or the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI. You can find the serial number of the physical appliance on the back of the device on the agency label.


You can only use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI to configure encryption.