Creating a Cost Analysis Scheduled Report

Create a Cost Analysis scheduled report in Billing and Cost Management.

    1. Open the navigation menu and click Billing & Cost Management. Under Cost Management, click Scheduled Reports.
    2. On the Scheduled reports page, click Create a scheduled report.

      In the Create a scheduled report panel, enter a Name and optional description, enter a name for the scheduled report. Avoid entering confidential information.

    3. For Saved report, select the saved report to associate with the scheduled report.
    4. For Start date, select the date to start the scheduled report on.
    5. Select a scheduled report output format, whether CSV or PDF.
    6. Select a region from the Region list.

      Scheduled reports can be saved only in one region, so you can select the region where your files are saved.

    7. For Bucket, select the Object Storage Standard storage tier bucket to save the scheduled report results to.

      Only Standard tier buckets are supported. No other storage tiers are supported with scheduled reports.
      You must have the required policy to grant write permissions to the bucket. For more information, see Required IAM Policy.
    8. Click Create.

      A message indicates that the scheduled report was saved successfully.

  • Use the oci usage-api schedule create command and required parameters to create a Cost Analysis scheduled report:

    oci usage-api schedule create --compartment-id compartment_ocid --name name --result-location result_location --schedule-recurrences schedule_recurrences --time-scheduled time_scheduled [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of parameters and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

  • Run the CreateSchedule operation to create a Cost Analysis scheduled report.