
This resource provides the Drg Attachment Management resource in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Core service.

This can be used to update the Drg Attachments of the following types - “IPSEC_TUNNEL”, “REMOTE_PEERING_CONNECTION”, “VIRTUAL_CIRCUIT”,

DRG Attachments for virtual circuits, IPSec tunnels, and remote peering connections are created (and deleted) automatically on your behalf when you create (or delete) the network object. Hence, this management resource is used to update these types of autogenerated DRG Attachments. The user cannot create DRG attachments of these types as needed.

For the purposes of access control, the DRG attachment is automatically placed into the currently selected compartment. For more information about compartments and access control, see Overview of the IAM Service.

Example Usage

resource "oci_core_drg_attachment_management" "test_drg_rpc_attachment" {
  attachment_type = "REMOTE_PEERING_CONNECTION"
  compartment_id = var.compartment_ocid
  network_id = oci_core_remote_peering_connection.test_rpc.id
  drg_id = oci_core_drg.test_drg.id

  display_name = "MyTestDrgAttachmentForRpc"
  drg_route_table_id = oci_core_drg_route_table.test_drg_route_table.id

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

For information about why you would associate a route table with a DRG attachment, see: * Transit Routing: Access to Multiple VCNs in Same Region * Transit Routing: Private Access to Oracle Services This field is deprecated. Instead, use the networkDetails field to view the OCID of the attached resource. * vcn_id - (Optional) The OCID of the VCN. * export_drg_route_distribution_id (Optional) (Updatable) - The OCID of the export route distribution used to specify how routes in the assigned DRG route table are advertised to the attachment. If this value is null, no routes are advertised through this attachment. * remove_export_drg_route_distribution_trigger - (Optional) (Updatable) An optional property when set to true during update disables the export of route Distribution by setting export_drg_route_distribution_id to null.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported: