Drop a regional replica

You can drop a regional replica of a Global Active table.

From the Tables page, Under Resources, click Replicas. All Replicas of the Global Active table are listed. To remove a regional replica, click the three dots on the right side of the regional replica and choose Delete. Once you provide a confirmation, the regional replica is deleted. Once all the regional replicas are removed, the Global Active table becomes a singleton table.

Dropping replicas of parent-child tables:

Dropping a replica is to drop the table in the replica region. A parent-child table has dependencies. When the child table is a Global Active table, before you drop a replica from a parent table, you need to drop the replica from the child table first. You drop a replica from the bottom to the top of the table hierarchy in a parent-child table (drop the child from the replica first and then the parent). If the child table is a Global Active table, use drop-replica from the other replica region to drop it. If the child table is a singleton table, use drop-table to drop it from the replica region.

Example: You have three parent-child tables - A, A.B, and A.B.C. The parent-child tables have the following replicas:
  • Table A is a GAT having replicas on iad, phx, and sjc
  • Table A.B is a GAT having replicas on iad, phx
  • Table A.B.C is a singleton table in the region phx
To drop replica phx from table A, its child tables A.B and A.B.C should be dropped from phx firstly from bottom to top:
  1. on phx, drop table A.B.C
  2. on iad, drop replica phx from table A.B