Editing a Connection

Edit a data asset's connection in a Data Integration workspace.

  • Note

    Support for using passwords will be deprecated soon. We recommend that you use the OCI Vault option. For information, see OCI Vault Secrets and Oracle Wallets.
    1. Navigate to the workspace in which you want to edit the data asset's connection.

      For the steps to access a workspace, see Accessing a Workspace.

    2. On the workspace home page, click Data assets.
    3. In the list of data assets, click the name of the data asset.
    4. In the Connections section of the data asset details page, select Edit from the Actions menu of the connection.
    5. In the Edit connection panel, edit the fields as needed. For information about the fields, see the applicable page for the data asset at Data Assets.

      If the data asset has only one connection, you can't clear the Make this the default connection checkbox.

    6. (Optional) Click Test connection to ensure that a connection can be established.

      A success or failure message appears to indicate the result of the test. A successful test isn't required to edit the connection.

      If the test fails because of missing policies, a list of policies that must be added appears in an information box.

      • If you're using a cross-tenancy OCID in an OCI Object Storage data asset, cross-tenancy policies are required to connect to the data asset. For information about the required policies and the process to create them, click View documentation in the information box that appears when you enter a cross-tenancy OCID.
      • For an autonomous database data asset, a list of policies appears only if you have selected Use vault secret OCID as the option to provide the login credentials for the autonomous database.
    7. Click Save connection.

      If applicable, click Continue to continue using a password.

      A notification appears informing you that the connection is saved successfully.

  • Use the oci data-integration connection update command and required parameters to update a connection:

    oci data-integration connection update [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

  • Run the UpdateConnection operation to update a connection.