Managing Media Flow Jobs

Media Flow Job instances represent an invocation of a media workflow.

You can create many jobs for a single workflow. Jobs are run asynchronously, and you can view the progress of the job by looking at the life cycle of the job.

Terminated jobs (completed jobs, canceled jobs, and failed jobs) are automatically deleted after 90 days. However, rendered outputs don't get deleted.

About Job Statuses

A Media Flow job can be in one of the following statuses:

  • Accepted: The service has accepted the Media Flow job resource for processing.
  • In Progress: The processor has received the Media Flow job.
  • Succeeded: All the tasks within the Media Flow job are completed successfully. This status is a terminal state.
  • Failed: One or many tasks within the Media Flow job have failed. This status is a terminal state.
  • Canceling: A cancel (delete) request has been recorded for the Media Flow job, but it hasn't yet been terminated.
  • Canceled: The cancel request has been fully processed and the job is no longer running. This status is a terminal state.
  • Waiting: A task is waiting on completion of one or more of its prerequisite tasks.

You can request cancellation of a Media Flow job for any instance that's not yet in a terminal state. If cancellation is requested when a job is close to completion and the job completes before the cancellation is fully processed, then the job status doesn't transition to Canceled. Instead the status transitions from the Canceling state to Succeeded state or Failed state.