Modifying a Stream Pool

Modify stream pools in the Streaming service.

To review requirements for creating and managing streams, see Getting Started with Streaming.

    1. Access the Streaming service in the Console.
    2. Under Analytics, click Stream Pools to display a list of existing stream pools.
    3. Select the name of the stream pool that you want to modify.
    4. On the stream pool details page, click Edit Settings
    5. To use the stream pool with Kafka, select Auto create topics and configure the stream settings:
      • Default Retention Period (Hours): Specify a number of hours for the stream's retention period.
      • Default Number of Partitions: Specify the default number of partitions for the stream.
    6. Change the encryption settings, as needed.
    7. If you want to encrypt the data in the streams in this stream pool by using your own Vault encryption key, select Encrypt using customer-managed keys. To use the Vault service for your encryption needs, you need access to a vault and key, and you must allow the service to use the key.
      • Vault: Select the vault that contains the master encryption key that you want to use.
      • Master encryption key: Select the master encryption key that you want to use.
    8. For more information about encryption with a Vault key that you manage, see Overview of Vault and Managing Keys.

    9. Click Edit Settings.
  • oci streaming admin stream-pool update --stream-pool-id <stream_pool_OCID>

    For example:

    oci streaming admin stream-pool update --stream-pool-id ocid1.streampool.oc1.phx.exampleuniqueID --name MyUpdatedStreamPool
      "data": {
        "compartment-id": "ocid1.tenancy.oc1..exampleuniqueID",
        "custom-encryption-key": {
          "key-state": "NONE",
          "kms-key-id": null
        "defined-tags": {},
        "endpoint-fqdn": "",
        "freeform-tags": {},
        "id": "ocid1.streampool.oc1.phx.exampleuniqueID",
        "is-private": false,
        "kafka-settings": {
          "auto-create-topics-enable": false,
          "bootstrap-servers": "",
          "log-retention-hours": 24,
          "num-partitions": 1
        "lifecycle-state": "UPDATING",
        "lifecycle-state-details": null,
        "name": "MyUpdatedStreamPool",
        "private-endpoint-settings": {
          "nsg-ids": null,
          "private-endpoint-ip": null,
          "subnet-id": null
        "time-created": "2020-11-02T23:01:59.429000+00:00"
      "etag": "\"6ad44a83-4804-4cb5-87ae-2100d3a7012c-9679fcb9-37b7-48c5-9114-d514f132d363\""

    Provide input for --custom-encryption-key-details, --private-endpoint-details, and --kafka-settings as valid formatted JSON. See Passing Complex Input and Using a JSON File for Complex Input for information about JSON formatting.
  • Use the following API operations to update streams and stream pools:

    For information about using the API and signing requests, see REST API documentation and Security Credentials. For information about SDKs, see SDKs and the CLI.