/* Version 1.0.1 Before running this example, install necessary dependencies by running: npm install http-signature jssha */ var fs = require('fs'); var https = require('https'); var os = require('os'); var httpSignature = require('http-signature'); var jsSHA = require("jssha"); // TODO: update these values to your own var tenancyId = "ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaaaaaaba3pv6wkcr4jqae5f15p2b2m2yt2j6rx32uzr4h25vqstifsfdsq"; var authUserId = "ocid1.user.oc1..aaaaaaaat5nvwcna5j6aqzjcaty5eqbb6qt2jvpkanghtgdaqedqw3rynjq"; var keyFingerprint = "20:3b:97:13:55:1c:5b:0d:d3:37:d8:50:4e:c5:3a:34"; var privateKeyPath = "~/.oci/oci_api_key.pem"; var identityDomain = "identity.us-ashburn-1.oraclecloud.com"; var coreServicesDomain = "iaas.us-ashburn-1.oraclecloud.com"; if(privateKeyPath.indexOf("~/") === 0) { privateKeyPath = privateKeyPath.replace("~", os.homedir()) } var privateKey = fs.readFileSync(privateKeyPath, 'ascii'); // signing function as described at https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/API/Concepts/signingrequests.htm function sign(request, options) { var apiKeyId = options.tenancyId + "/" + options.userId + "/" + options.keyFingerprint; var headersToSign = [ "host", "date", "(request-target)" ]; var methodsThatRequireExtraHeaders = ["POST", "PUT"]; if(methodsThatRequireExtraHeaders.indexOf(request.method.toUpperCase()) !== -1) { options.body = options.body || ""; var shaObj = new jsSHA("SHA-256", "TEXT"); shaObj.update(options.body); request.setHeader("Content-Length", options.body.length); request.setHeader("x-content-sha256", shaObj.getHash('B64')); headersToSign = headersToSign.concat([ "content-type", "content-length", "x-content-sha256" ]); } httpSignature.sign(request, { key: options.privateKey, keyId: apiKeyId, headers: headersToSign }); var newAuthHeaderValue = request.getHeader("Authorization").replace("Signature ", "Signature version=\"1\","); request.setHeader("Authorization", newAuthHeaderValue); } // generates a function to handle the https.request response object function handleRequest(callback) { return function(response) { var responseBody = ""; response.on('data', function(chunk) { responseBody += chunk; }); response.on('end', function() { callback(JSON.parse(responseBody)); }); } } // gets the OCI user with the specified id function getUser(userId, callback) { var options = { host: identityDomain, path: "/20160918/users/" + encodeURIComponent(userId), }; var request = https.request(options, handleRequest(callback)); sign(request, { privateKey: privateKey, keyFingerprint: keyFingerprint, tenancyId: tenancyId, userId: authUserId }); request.end(); }; // creates an OCI VCN in the specified compartment function createVCN(compartmentId, displayName, cidrBlock, callback) { var body = JSON.stringify({ compartmentId: compartmentId, displayName: displayName, cidrBlock: cidrBlock }); var options = { host: coreServicesDomain, path: '/20160918/vcns', method: 'POST', headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", } }; var request = https.request(options, handleRequest(callback)); sign(request, { body: body, privateKey: privateKey, keyFingerprint: keyFingerprint, tenancyId: tenancyId, userId: authUserId }); request.end(body); }; // test the above functions console.log("GET USER:"); getUser(authUserId, function(data) { console.log(data); console.log("\nCREATING VCN:"); // TODO: replace this with a compartment you have access to var compartmentIdToCreateVcnIn = tenancyId; createVCN(compartmentIdToCreateVcnIn, "Test-VCN", "", function(data) { console.log(data); }); });