Oracle Database CLI Reference

The Database CLI (dbcli) is a command line interface available for Base Database Service. After you connect to the DB system in the Base Database Service, you can use the dbcli to perform tasks such as creating Oracle database homes and databases.

Operational Notes

  • The database CLI commands must be run as the root user.

  • dbcli is in the /opt/oracle/dcs/bin/ directory.

    This directory is included in the path for the root user's environment.

  • Oracle Database maintains logs of the dbcli command output in the dcscli.log and dcs-agent.log files in the /opt/oracle/dcs/log/ directory.

  • The database CLI commands and most parameters are case sensitive and should be typed as shown. A few parameters are not case sensitive, as indicated in the parameter descriptions, and can be typed in uppercase or lowercase.


The database CLI commands use the following syntax:

dbcli command [parameters]


  • command is a verb-object combination such as create-database.
  • parameters include additional options for the command. Most parameter names are preceded with two dashes, for example, --help. Abbreviated parameter names are preceded with one dash, for example, -h.
  • User-specified parameter values are shown in red text within angle brackets, for example, <db_home_id>. Omit the angle brackets when specifying these values.
  • The help parameter is available with every command.

The remainder of this topic contains syntax and other details about the commands.

CLI Update Command

Occasionally, new commands are added to the database CLI and other commands are updated to support new features. You can use the following command to update the database CLI:

cliadm update-dbcli

Use the cliadm update-dbcli command to update the database CLI with the latest new and updated commands.


On RAC DB systems, execute the cliadm update-dbcli command on each node in the cluster.


cliadm update-dbcli [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.


The following command updates the dbcli:

cliadm update-dbcli
  "jobId" : "dc9ce73d-ed71-4473-99cd-9663b9d79bfd",
  "status" : "Created",
  "message" : "Dcs cli will be updated",
  "reports" : [ ],
  "createTimestamp" : "January 18, 2017 10:19:34 AM PST",
  "resourceList" : [ ],
  "description" : "dbcli patching",
  "updatedTime" : "January 18, 2017 10:19:34 AM PST"

Agent Commands

The following command is available to manage agents: 

  • dbcli ping-agent

dbcli ping-agent

Use the dbcli ping-agent command to test the reachability of an agent.


dbcli ping-agent [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.

Autologcleanpolicy Commands

The following commands are available to manage policies for automatic cleaning (purging) of logs.

  • dbcli create-autoLogCleanPolicy
  • dbcli list-autoLogCleanPolicy

dbcli create-autoLogCleanPolicy

Use the dbcli create-autoLogCleanPolicy command to create policies for automatic cleaning (purging) of logs.


dbcli create-autoLogCleanPolicy [-c {gi|database|dcs}] [-f <number>] [-o <number>] [-u {Day|Hour|Minute}] [-uMB <number>] [-uPer <number>] [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-c --components (Optional) Components to purge. Possible values are gi, database, and dcs. Separate multiple values with commas. Example: gi,dcs
-f --freeSpaceBelowPercentage (Optional) Purges logs when the free disk space is below the specified percentage of the total partition size. Valid range: 20-50. Default: 20.
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.
-o --olderthan (Optional) Quantity portion of time interval. Default: 30. Cleans logs older than the specified time interval (-o and -u).
-u --olderThanUnit (Optional) Unit portion of time interval. Possible values: Day, Hour, or Minute. Default: Day. Cleans logs older than the specified time interval (-o and -u).
-uMB --usageOverMB (Optional) Purges logs when log usage exceeds the specified number of MegaBytes (MB). Valid range: 10 to 50% of total partition size.
-uPer --usageOverPercentage (Optional) Purges logs when log usage exceeds the specified percentage of the total partition size. Valid range: 10-50.

dbcli list-autoLogCleanPolicy

Use the dbcli list-autoLogCleanPolicy command to list policies for automatic cleaning of logs.


dbcli list-autoLogCleanPolicy [-c {gi|database|dcs}] [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-c --components (Optional) Components. Possible values are gi, database, and dcs. Separate multiple values with commas. Example: gi,dcs
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.

Backup Commands

The following commands are available to back up databases: 

  • dbcli create-backup
  • dbcli getstatus-backup
  • dbcli schedule-backup


Instead of using dbcli, you can use the Console or the API to manage backing up the databases your DB system to the Object Storage. However, if you switch from using dbcli to using managed backups, a new backup configuration is created and associated with your database, and backups you created by using dbcli will not be accessible from the managed backup interfaces. For information about managed backups, see Back Up and Recovery in Base Database Service.

Before you can back up a database by using the dbcli create-backup command, you'll need to:

  1. Create a backup configuration by using the dbcli create-backupconfig command.
  2. Associate the backup configuration with the database by using the dbcli update-database command.

After a database is associated with a backup configuration, you can use the dbcli create-backup command in a cron job to run backups automatically. You can use a cron utility such as CronMaker to help build expressions. For more information, see CronMaker.

dbcli create-backup

Use the dbcli create-backup command to create a backup of a database.


dbcli create-backup -in <db_name> -i <db_id> [-bt {Regular-L0|Regular-L1|Longterm|ArchiveLog}] [-c {Database|TdeWallet}] [-k <n>] [-t <tag>] [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-bt --backupType

(Optional) Backup type. Possible values are Regular-L0, Regular-L1, Longterm, and ArchiveLog. Regular-L0 and Regular L1 correspond to incremental L0 and L1 backups. Longterm corresponds to Full backup. ArchiveLog corresponds to archived redo logs backup. The default value is Regular-L1. Values are not case-sensitive. If omitted, the default value is used.

-c --component

(Optional) Component. Possible values are Database and TdeWallet. The default value is Database. The value TdeWallet backs up TDE wallets. Values are not case-sensitive. If omitted, the default value is used.

Note that the TDE wallets are automatically backed up in the following situations: 
  • A database is created with an Object Storage backup configuration.
  • A database that has an Object Storage backup configuration is updated.
  • An Object Storage backup configuration is updated.
  • A backup of the type Longterm is created.
  • The TDE key for a database is rotated.
  • A database is backed up and no TDE wallet backups exist yet.
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-i --dbid The ID of the database to back up. Use the dbcli list-databases command to get the database's ID.
-in --dbName The name of the database to back up. Use the dbcli list-databases command to get the database's name.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.
-k --keepDays

(Optional) Specifies the time until which the backup or copy must be kept. After this time the backup is obsolete, regardless of the backup retention policy settings. For Longterm backup type only.

-t --tag

(Required for Longterm backup type) Specifies a user-specified tag name for a backup set and applies this tag to the output files generated by the command. This value is not case sensitive. Valid number of characters: 1 to 30. The characters are limited to the characters that are valid in file names on the target file system. For example, ASM does not support the use of the hyphen (-) character in the file names it uses internally, so weekly-incremental is not a valid tag name for backups in ASM disk groups. Environment variables are not valid in the TAG parameter.


The following command creates a backup of the specified database using the database ID.

dbcli create-backup -i 573cadb2-0cc2-4c1c-9c31-595ab8963d5b

The following command creates a backup of the specified database using the database name ("mydb").

dbcli create-backup -in mydb

dbcli getstatus-backup

Use the dbcli getstatus-backup command to display the status of a backup.


dbcli getstatus-backup -t <backup_type> [i <id>] [-in <name>] [-l] [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-i --dbId (Optional) Database Resource ID.
-in --dbName (Optional) Database Resource Name.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.
-l --isLatestBackupReport (Optional) Latest backup report. Default: true.
-t --backupType Backup type.

dbcli schedule-backup

Use the dbcli schedule-backup command to schedule a backup of a database.


dbcli schedule-backup -t <backup_type> -f <number> [i <id>] [-in <name>] [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-f --frequency Frequency in minutes.
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-i --dbId (Optional) Database Resource ID.
-in --dbName (Optional) Database Resource Name.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.
-t --backupType Backup type.

Backupconfig Commands

A backup configuration determines the backup destination and recovery window for database backups. You create the backup configuration and then associate it with a database by using the dbcli update-database command.


Backups that were configured using the Console may become unusable if you make changes using these commands. For backups configured using the Console, use these commands with support guidance only.


Instead of using dbcli, you can use the Console or the API to manage backing up the databases in your DB system to the Object Storage. For information about managed backups, see Back Up and Recovery in Base Database Service.

After a database is associated with a backup configuration, you can use the dbcli create-backup command in a cron job to run backups automatically. You can use a cron utility such as CronMaker to help build expressions. For more information, see CronMaker.

The following commands are available to manage backup configurations:

  • dbcli create-backupconfig
  • dbcli list-backupconfigs
  • dbcli describe-backupconfig
  • dbcli update-backupconfig
  • dbcli delete-backupconfig

dbcli create-backupconfig

Use the dbcli create-backupconfig command to create a backup configuration that defines the backup destination and recovery windows.


dbcli create-backupconfig -d {DISK|OBJECTSTORE|NONE}  -c <bucket> -o <object_store_swift_id> -on <object_store_swift_name> -w <n> -n <name> [-cr|-no-cr] [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-c --container

The name of an existing bucket in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage service. You can use the Console or the Object Storage API to create the bucket. For more information, see Managing Buckets.

You must also specify --backupdestination objectstore and the --objectstoreswiftId parameter.





(Optional) Indicates whether to enable the crosscheck operation. This operation determines if the files on the disk or in the media management catalog correspond to data in the RMAN repository. If omitted, the default setting is used (crosscheck is enabled by default).

-d --backupdestination

The backup destination as one of the following (these values are not case sensitive):

DISK - The local Fast Recovery Area.

OBJECTSTORE - The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage service. You must also specify the --container and --objectstoreswiftId parameters.

NONE - Disables the backup.

-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.
-n --name The name of the backup configuration.
-o --objectstoreswiftId

The ID of the object store that contains the endpoint and credentials for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage service. Use the dbcli list-objectstoreswifts command to get the object store ID. Use the dbcli create-objectstoreswift command to create an object store.

You must also specify --backupdestination objectstore and the --container parameter.

-on --objectstoreswiftName

The name of the object store that contains the endpoint and credentials for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage service.

Use the dbcli list-objectstoreswifts command to get the object store ID. Use the dbcli create-objectstoreswift command to create an object store.

You must also specify --backupdestination objectstore and the --container parameter.

-w --recoverywindow

The number of days for which backups and archived redo logs are maintained. The interval always ends with the current time and extends back in time for the number of days specified.

For a DISK backup destination, specify 1 to 14 days.

For an OBJECTSTORE backup destination, specify 1 to 30 days.


The following command creates a backup configuration named 'dbbkcfg1':

dbcli create-backupconfig -d Disk -w 7 -n dbbkcfg1
  "jobId" : "4e0e6011-db53-4142-82ef-eb561658a0a9",
  "status" : "Success",
  "message" : null,
  "reports" : [ {
    "taskId" : "TaskParallel_919",
    "taskName" : "persisting backup config metadata",
    "taskResult" : "Success",
    "startTime" : "November 18, 2016 20:21:25 PM UTC",
    "endTime" : "November 18, 2016 20:21:25 PM UTC",
    "status" : "Success",
    "taskDescription" : null,
    "parentTaskId" : "TaskSequential_915",
    "jobId" : "4e0e6011-db53-4142-82ef-eb561658a0a9",
    "tags" : [ ],
    "reportLevel" : "Info",
    "updatedTime" : "November 18, 2016 20:21:25 PM UTC"
  } ],
  "createTimestamp" : "November 18, 2016 20:21:25 PM UTC",
  "description" : "create backup config:dbbkcfg1",
  "updatedTime" : "November 18, 2016 20:21:25 PM UTC"

dbcli list-backupconfigs

Use the dbcli list-backupconfigs command to list all the backup configurations in the DB system.


dbcli list-backupconfigs [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.


The following command lists a backup configuration:

dbcli list-backupconfigs
ID                                       Name                 RecoveryWindow     BackupDestination CreateTime
---------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------ ----------------- -----------------------------
ccdd56fe-a40b-4e82-b38d-5f76c265282d     dbbkcfg1             7                  Disk              July 10, 2016 12:24:08 PM UTC

dbcli describe-backupconfig

Use the dbcli describe-backupconfig command to show details about a specific backup configuration.


dbcli describe-backupconfig -i <id> -in <name> [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-i --backupconfigid The backup configuration ID. Use the dbcli list-backupconfigs command to get the ID.
-in --backupconfigname The backup configuration name. Use the dbcli list-backupconfigs command to get the name.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.


The following command displays details about a backup configuration:

dbcli describe-backupconfig -i ccdd56fe-a40b-4e82-b38d-5f76c265282d
Backup Config details
                     ID: ccdd56fe-a40b-4e82-b38d-5f76c265282d
                   Name: dbbkcfg1
         RecoveryWindow: 7
      BackupDestination: Disk
            CreatedTime: July 10, 2016 12:24:08 PM UTC
            UpdatedTime: July 10, 2016 12:24:08 PM UTC

dbcli update-backupconfig

Use the dbcli update-backupconfig command to update an existing backup configuration.


dbcli update-backupconfig -i <id>  -in <name>  -w <n> -d {DISK|OBJECTSTORE|NONE} -c <bucket> -o <object_store_swift_id> -on <object_store_swift_name> [-cr|-no-cr] [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-c --container

The name of an existing bucket in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage service. You can use the Console or the Object Storage API to create the bucket. For more information, see Managing Buckets.

You must also specify --backupdestination objectstore and the --objectstoreswiftId parameter.





(Optional) Indicates whether to enable the crosscheck operation. This operation determines if the files on the disk on in the media management catalog correspond to data in the RMAN repository. If omitted, the default setting is used (crosscheck is enabled by default).

-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-i --backupconfigid The ID of the backup configuration to update. Use the dbcli list-backupconfigs command to get the ID.
-in --backupconfigname The name of the backup configuration to update. Use the dbcli list-backupconfigs command to get the name.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.
-o --objectstoreswiftId

The ID of the object store that contains the endpoint and credentials for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage service. Use the dbcli list-objectstoreswifts command to get the object store ID. Use the dbcli create-objectstoreswift command to create an object store.

You must also specify --backupdestination objectstore and the --container parameter.

-on --objectstoreswiftname

The name of the object store that contains the endpoint and credentials for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage service. Use the dbcli list-objectstoreswifts command to get the object store ID. Use the dbcli create-objectstoreswift command to create an object store.

You must also specify --backupdestination objectstore and the --container parameter.

-w --recoverywindow

The new disk recovery window.

For a DISK backup destination, specify 1 to 14 days.

For an OBJECTSTORE backup destination, specify 1 to 30 days.


The following command updates the recovery window for a backup configuration:

dbcli update-backupconfig -i ccdd56fe-a40b-4e82-b38d-5f76c265282d -w 5
  "jobId" : "0e849291-e1e1-4c7a-8dd2-62b522b9b807",
  "status" : "Created",
  "message" : null,
  "reports" : [ ],
  "createTimestamp" : 1468153731699,
  "description" : "update backup config: dbbkcfg1",
  "updatedTime" : 1468153731700

dbcli delete-backupconfig

Use the dbcli delete-backupconfig command to delete a backup configuration.


dbcli delete-backupconfig -i <id> -in <name> [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-i --id The backup configuration ID to delete. Use the dbcli list-backupconfigs command to get the ID.
-in --backupconfigname The name of the backup configuration to delete. Use the dbcli list-backupconfigs command to get the name.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.


The following command deletes the specified backup configuration:

dbcli delete-backupconfig -i ccdd56fe-a40b-4e82-b38d-5f76c265282d

Component Command

dbcli describe-component

Your DB system might not include this newer command. If you have trouble running the command, use the CLI Update Command command to update the database CLI and then retry the command.


The dbcli describe-component command is not available on 2-node RAC DB systems. Patching 2-node systems from Object Storage is not supported.

Use the dbcli describe-component command to show the installed and available patch versions for the server, storage, and/or database home components in the DB system.

This command requires a valid Object Storage credentials configuration. If the configuration is missing or invalid, the command fails with the error: Failed to connect to the object store. Please provide valid details.

For more information about updating the CLI, creating the credentials configuration, and applying patches, see Update a DB System.


dbcli describe-component [-s <server_group>] [-d <db_group>] [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-d --dbhomes (Optional) Lists the installed and available patch versions for only the database home components.
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.
-s --server (Optional) Lists the installed and available patch versions for only the server components.


The following command to show the current component versions and the available patch versions in the object store:

dbcli describe-component
System Version

Component                                Installed Version    Available Version
---------------------------------------- -------------------- --------------------
OAK                                      up-to-date
GI                                   up-to-date
ORADB12102_HOME1                     up-to-date  
ORADB12102_HOME2, ORADB12102_HOME3  

Database Commands

The following commands are available to manage databases:

  • dbcli clone-database
  • dbcli describe-database
  • dbcli list-databases
  • dbcli modify-database
  • dbcli recover-database
  • dbcli register-database
  • dbcli update-database

dbcli clone-database

Use the dbcli clone-database command to clone a database.


dbcli clone-database -f <name> -u <name> -n <name> [-s <shape>] [-t <type>] [m <sys_password>] [-p <tde_password>] [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-f --sourcedbname Source database name.
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.
-m --syspassword (Optional) Password for SYS.
-n --dbname Database name.
-p --tdepassword (Optional) Password for source TDE wallet.
-s --dbshape (Optional) Database shape. Examples: odb1, odb2.
-t --dbtype (Optional) Database Type: SI
-u --databaseUniqueName Database unique name.

dbcli describe-database

Use the dbcli describe-database command to display database details.


dbcli describe-database -i <db_id> -in <db_name> [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-i --dbid The ID of the database to display. Use the dbcli list-databases command to get the database ID.
-in --dbName The name of the database to display. Use the dbcli list-databases command to get the database name.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.


The following command displays information for a database named b727bf80-c99e-4846-ac1f-28a81a725df6:

dbcli describe-dbhome -i b727bf80-c99e-4846-ac1f-28a81a725df6
DB Home details
                      ID: b727bf80-c99e-4846-ac1f-28a81a725df6
                    Name: OraDB12102_home1
           Home Location: /u01/app/orauser/product/
                 Created: Jun 2, 2016 10:19:23 AM

dbcli list-databases

Use the dbcli list-databases command to list all databases on the DB system.


dbcli list-databases [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.


The following command displays a list of databases:

dbcli list-databases
ID                                       DB Name    DB Version           CDB        Class    Shape    Storage    Status
---------------------------------------- ---------- -------------------- ---------- -------- -------- ---------- ----------
80ad855a-5145-4f8f-a08f-406c5e4684ff     dbst             true       OLTP     odb2     ACFS       Configured
6f4e36ae-120b-4436-b0bf-d0c4aef9f7c9     db11tsta             false      OLTP     odb1     ACFS       Configured
d8e31790-84e6-479c-beb0-ef97207091a2     db11tstb             false      OLTP     odb1     ACFS       Configured
cce096c7-737b-447a-baa1-f4c2a330c030     pdbtst             true       OLTP     odb1     ACFS       Configured

The following command displays the JSON output for a database:

dbcli list-databases -j
[ {
  "id" : "80ad855a-5145-4f8f-a08f-406c5e4684ff",
  "name" : "dbtst",
  "dbName" : "dbtst",
  "databaseUniqueName" : "dbtst_phx1cs",
  "dbVersion" : "",
  "dbHomeId" : "2efe7af7-0b70-4e9b-ba8b-71f11c6fe287",
  "instanceOnly" : false,
  "registerOnly" : false,
  "dbId" : "167525515",
  "isCdb" : true,
  "pdBName" : "pdb1",
  "pdbAdminUserName" : "pdbuser",
  "enableTDE" : true,
  "dbType" : "SI",
  "dbTargetNodeNumber" : "0",
  "dbClass" : "OLTP",
  "dbShape" : "odb2",
  "dbStorage" : "ACFS",
  "dbCharacterSet" : {
    "characterSet" : "US7ASCII",
    "nlsCharacterset" : "AL16UTF16",
    "dbTerritory" : "AMERICA",
    "dbLanguage" : "AMERICAN"
  "dbConsoleEnable" : false,
  "backupConfigId" : null,
  "backupDestination" : "NONE",
  "cloudStorageContainer" : null,
  "state" : {
    "status" : "CONFIGURED"
  "createTime" : "November 09, 2016 17:23:05 PM UTC",
  "updatedTime" : "November 09, 2016 18:00:47 PM UTC"

dbcli modify-database

Use the dbcli modify-database command to modify a database.


dbcli modify-database -i <db_id> -dh <destination_db_home_id> [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-dh --destdbhomeid Destination database home ID.
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-i --databaseid Database ID.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.

dbcli recover-database

Use the dbcli recover-database command to recover a database.


dbcli recover-database [-br <json>] [-in <db_name>] [-i <db_id>] [-r <time>] [-t {Latest|PITR|SCN}] [-s] [-l <location>] [-tp <tde_password>] [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-br --backupReport (Optional) JSON input for backup report.
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-i --dbid (Optional) Database resource ID.
-in --dbName (Optional) Database name.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.
-l --tdeWalletLocation (Optional) TDE wallet backup location. TDE wallet should be backed up in tar.gz format.
-r --recoveryTimeStamp (Required when recovery type is PITR) Recovery timestamp in the format mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss. Default: [ ]
-s --scn (Required when recovery type is SCN) SCN.
-t --recoverytype (Required when backup report is provided) Recovery type. Possible values are Latest, PITR, and SCN.
-tp --tdeWalletPassword (Optional) TDE wallet password.

dbcli register-database

Use the dbcli register-database command to register a database that has been migrated to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. The command registers the database to the dcs-agent so it can be managed by the dcs-agent stack.


The dbcli register-database command is not available on 2-node RAC DB systems.


dbcli register-database -bi <bkup_config_id> -c {OLTP|DSS|IMDB} [-co|-no-co] -s {odb1|odb2|...} -t SI [-o <db_host_name>] [-tp <password>] -sn <service_name> -p [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-bi --backupconfigid Defines the backup configuration ID. Use the dbcli list-backupconfigs command to get the ID.
-c --dbclass Defines the database class. The options are OLTP, DSS, or IMDB. The default is OLTP. For Enterprise Editions, all three classes are supported. For Standard Edition, only OLTP is supported.





(Optional) Indicates whether the Database Console is enabled or not. If omitted, the console is not enabled.

-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.
-o --hostname (Optional) Defines the database host name. The default is Local host name.
-p --syspassword

Defines a strong password for SYS. Specify -p with no password. You will be prompted for the password.

If you must provide the password in the command, for example in a script, use -hp <password> instead of -p.

-s --dbshape Defines the database sizing template to use for the database. For example, odb1, odb2, and odb3.
-sn --servicename Defines the database service name used to build the EZCONNECT string for connecting to the database. The connect string format is hostname:port/servicename.
-t --dbtype (Optional) Defines the Database Type as single node (SI). The default value is SI.
-tp --tdeWalletPassword

(Optional) Password for TDE wallet. Required if TDE is enabled on the migrated database.


The following command registers the database with the specified database class, service name, and database sizing template.

dbcli register-database -c OLTP -s odb1 -sn -p
Password for SYS:
  "jobId" : "317b430f-ad5f-42ae-bb07-13f053d266e2",
  "status" : "Created",
  "message" : null,
  "reports" : [ ],
  "createTimestamp" : "August 08, 2016 05:55:49 AM EDT",
  "description" : "Database service registration with db service name:",
  "updatedTime" : "August 08, 2016 05:55:49 AM EDT"

dbcli update-database

Use the dbcli update-database command to associate a backup configuration with a database.


dbcli update-database -i <db_id> -bi <bkup_config_id> -bin <bkup_config_name>; [-id <id>] -in <name> [-no-ab] [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-bi --backupconfigid Defines the backup configuration ID. Use the dbcli list-backupconfigs command to get the ID.
-bin --backupconfigname Defines the backup configuration name for future use. Use the dbcli list-backupconfigs command to get the name.
-id --databaseid

(Optional.) Specifies the DBID, which is a unique 32-bit identification number computed when the database is created. RMAN displays the DBID upon connection to the target database. You can obtain the DBID by querying the V$DATABASE view or the RC_DATABASE and RC_DATABASE_INCARNATION recovery catalog views.

-in --dbName

Defines the database name to be updated. Use the dbcli list-databases command to get the database name.

-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-i --dbid Defines the database ID to be updated. Use the dbcli list-databases command to get the database ID.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.
-no-ab --noautobackup

(Optional) Disables automatic backups for the specified database.

Note that, once disabled, automatic backup cannot be re-enabled using the CLI. To re-enable automatic backup, use the Console.


The following command associates a backup configuration file with a database:

dbcli update-database -bi 78a2a5f0-72b1-448f-bd86-cf41b30b64ee -i 71ec8335-113a-46e3-b81f-235f4d1b6fde
  "jobId" : "2b104028-a0a4-4855-b32a-b97a37f5f9c5",
  "status" : "Created",
  "message" : null,
  "reports" : [ ],
  "createTimestamp" : 1467775842977,
  "description" : "update database id:71ec8335-113a-46e3-b81f-235f4d1b6fde",
  "updatedTime" : 1467775842978

Dbhome Commands

The following commands are available to manage database homes:

  • dbcli create-dbhome
  • dbcli describe-dbhome
  • dbcli delete-dbhome
  • dbcli list-dbhomes
  • dbcli update-dbhome

dbcli create-dbhome

Use the dbcli create-dbhome command to create an Oracle Database Home.


dbcli create-dbhome -v <version> [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.
-v --version Defines the Database Home version.


The following command creates an Oracle Database Home version

dbcli create-dbhome -v

dbcli describe-dbhome

Use the dbcli describe-dbhome command to display Oracle Database Home details.


dbcli describe-dbhome -i <db_home_id> [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-i --dbhomeid Identifies the database home ID. Use the dbcli list-dbhomes command to get the ID.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.


The following output is an example of using the display Oracle Database Home details command.

dbcli describe-dbhome -i 52850389-228d-4397-bbe6-102fda65922b
DB Home details
                     ID: 52850389-228d-4397-bbe6-102fda65922b
                   Name: OraDB12102_home1
          Home Location: /u01/app/oracle/product/
                Created: June 29, 2016 4:36:31 AM UTC

dbcli delete-dbhome

Use the dbcli delete-dbhome command to delete a database home from the DB system.


dbcli delete-dbhome -i <db_home_id> [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-i --dbhomeid Identifies the database home ID to be deleted. Use the dbcli list-dbhomes command to get the ID.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.

dbcli list-dbhomes

Use the dbcli list-dbhomes command to display a list of Oracle Home directories.


dbcli list-dbhomes [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.


The following command displays a list of Oracle Home directories.

dbcli list-dbhomes
ID                                   Name               DB Version Home Location
------------------------------------ -----------------  ---------- ------------------------------------------
b727bf80-c99e-4846-ac1f-28a81a725df6 OraDB12102_home1  /u01/app/orauser/product/ 

dbcli update-dbhome


Your DB system might not include this newer command. If you have trouble running the command, use the CLI Update command to update the database CLI and then retry the command.

Use the dbcli update-dbhome command to apply the DBBP bundle patch to a database home. For more information about applying patches, see Update a DB System.


dbcli update-dbhome -i <db_home_id>  -n <node>  [--local] [--precheck] [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-i --dbhomeid The ID of the database home. Use the dbcli list-dbhomes command to get the ID.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.
-n --node

(Optional) Node number to be updated. Use the dbcli list-nodes command to get the node number.

 -l --local

(Optional) Performs the operation on the local node of a multi-node high availability (HA) system. This parameter is not needed to perform the operation on a single-node system.

 -p --precheck

(Optional) Runs precheck operations to check prerequisites.


The following commands update the database home and show the output from the update job:

dbcli update-dbhome -i e1877dac-a69a-40a1-b65a-d5e190e671e6
  "jobId" : "493e703b-46ef-4a3f-909d-bbd123469bea",
  "status" : "Created",
  "message" : null,
  "reports" : [ ],
  "createTimestamp" : "January 19, 2017 10:03:21 AM PST",
  "resourceList" : [ ],
  "description" : "DB Home Patching: Home Id is e1877dac-a69a-40a1-b65a-d5e190e671e6",
  "updatedTime" : "January 19, 2017 10:03:21 AM PST"
dbcli describe-job -i 493e703b-46ef-4a3f-909d-bbd123469bea
Job details
                     ID:  493e703b-46ef-4a3f-909d-bbd123469bea
            Description:  DB Home Patching: Home Id is e1877dac-a69a-40a1-b65a-d5e190e671e6
                 Status:  Running
                Created:  January 19, 2017 10:03:21 AM PST

Task Name                                Start Time                          End Time                            Status
---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------
Create Patching Repository Directories   January 19, 2017 10:03:21 AM PST    January 19, 2017 10:03:21 AM PST    Success
Download latest patch metadata           January 19, 2017 10:03:21 AM PST    January 19, 2017 10:03:21 AM PST    Success
Update System version                    January 19, 2017 10:03:21 AM PST    January 19, 2017 10:03:21 AM PST    Success
Update Patching Repository               January 19, 2017 10:03:21 AM PST    January 19, 2017 10:03:31 AM PST    Success
Opatch updation                          January 19, 2017 10:03:31 AM PST    January 19, 2017 10:03:31 AM PST    Success
Patch conflict check                     January 19, 2017 10:03:31 AM PST    January 19, 2017 10:03:31 AM PST    Running   

Dbstorage Commands

The following commands are available to manage database storage:

  • dbcli list-dbstorages
  • dbcli describe-dbstorage

dbcli list-dbstorages

Use the dbcli list-dbstorages command to list the database storage in the DB system.


dbcli list-dbstorages [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.


The following command displays details about database storage:

dbcli list-dbstorages
ID                                       Type   DBUnique Name        Status
---------------------------------------- ------ -------------------- ----------
afb4a1ce-d54d-4993-a149-0f28c9fb33a4     Acfs   db1_2e56b3a9b815     Configured
d81e8013-4551-4d10-880b-d1a796bca1bc     Acfs   db11xp               Configured

dbcli describe-dbstorage

Use the dbcli describe-dbstorage command to show detailed information about a specific database storage resource.


dbcli describe-dbstorage -i <db_storage_id> [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-i --id Defines the database storage ID. Use the dbcli list-dbstorages command to get the database storage ID.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.


The following command displays the database storage details for 105a2db2-625a-45ba-8bdd-ee46da0fd83a:

dbcli describe-dbstorage -i 105a2db2-625a-45ba-8bdd-ee46da0fd83a
DBStorage details

                     ID: 105a2db2-625a-45ba-8bdd-ee46da0fd83a
                DB Name: db1
          DBUnique Name: db1
         DB Resource ID: 439e7bd7-f717-447a-8046-08b5f6493df0
           Storage Type:
          DATA Location: /u02/app/oracle/oradata/db1
          RECO Location: /u03/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/
          REDO Location: /u03/app/oracle/redo/
                  State: ResourceState(status=Configured)
                Created: July 3, 2016 4:19:21 AM UTC
            UpdatedTime: July 3, 2016 4:41:29 AM UTC

Dgconfig Commands

dbcli list-dgconfigs

Use the dbcli list-dgconfigs command to list DG configurations.


dbcli list-dgconfigs [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.

Job Commands

The following commands are available to manage jobs:

  • dbcli describe-job
  • dbcli list-jobs

dbcli describe-job

Use the dbcli describe-job command to display details about a specific job.


dbcli describe-job -i <job_id> [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-i --jobid Identifies the job. Use the dbcli list-jobs command to get the jobid.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.


The following command displays details about the specified job ID:

dbcli describe-job -i 74731897-fb6b-4379-9a37-246912025c17
Job details
                     ID:  74731897-fb6b-4379-9a37-246912025c17
            Description:  Backup service creation with db name: dbtst
                 Status:  Success
                Created:  November 18, 2016 8:33:04 PM UTC

Task Name                                Start Time                          End Time                            Status
---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------
Backup Validations                       November 18, 2016 8:33:04 PM UTC    November 18, 2016 8:33:13 PM UTC    Success
validate recovery window                 November 18, 2016 8:33:13 PM UTC    November 18, 2016 8:33:17 PM UTC    Success
Db cross check                           November 18, 2016 8:33:17 PM UTC    November 18, 2016 8:33:23 PM UTC    Success
Database Backup                          November 18, 2016 8:33:23 PM UTC    November 18, 2016 8:34:22 PM UTC    Success
Backup metadata                          November 18, 2016 8:34:22 PM UTC    November 18, 2016 8:34:22 PM UTC    Success

dbcli list-jobs

Use the dbcli list-jobs command to display a list of jobs, including the job IDs, status, and the job

created date and time stamp.


dbcli list-jobs [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.


The following command displays a list of jobs:

dbcli list-jobs
ID                                       Description                                                                 Created                             Status
---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------
0a362dac-0339-41b5-9c9c-4d229e363eaa     Database service creation with db name: db11                                November 10, 2016 11:37:54 AM UTC   Success
9157cc78-b487-4ee9-9f46-0159f10236e4     Database service creation with db name: jhfpdb                              November 17, 2016 7:19:59 PM UTC    Success
013c408d-37ca-4f58-a053-02d4efdc42d0     create backup config:myBackupConfig                                         November 18, 2016 8:28:14 PM UTC    Success
921a54e3-c359-4aea-9efc-6ae7346cb0c2     update database id:80ad855a-5145-4f8f-a08f-406c5e4684ff                     November 18, 2016 8:32:16 PM UTC    Success
74731897-fb6b-4379-9a37-246912025c17     Backup service creation with db name: dbtst                                 November 18, 2016 8:33:04 PM UTC    Success
40a227b1-8c47-46b9-a116-48cc1476fc12     Creating a report for database 80ad855a-5145-4f8f-a08f-406c5e4684ff         November 18, 2016 8:41:39 PM UTC    Success

Latestpatch Command

dbcli describe-latestpatch


  • Your DB system might not include this newer command. If you have trouble running the command, use the CLI Update command to update the database CLI and then retry the command.
  • The dbcli describe-latestpatch command is not available on 2-node RAC DB systems. Patching 2-node systems from Object Storage is not supported.

Use the dbcli describe-latestpatch command show the latest patches applicable to the DB system and available in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage.

This command requires a valid Object Storage credentials configuration. If the configuration is missing or invalid, the command fails with the error: Failed to connect to the object store. Please provide valid details.

For more information about updating the CLI, creating the credentials configuration, and applying patches, see Update a DB System.


dbcli describe-latestpatch [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.


The following command displays patches available in the object store:

dbcli describe-latestpatch
componentType   availableVersion
--------------- --------------------

Logcleanjob Commands

The following commands are available to manage log cleaning jobs: 

  • dbcli create-logCleanJob
  • dbcli describe-logCleanJob
  • dbcli list-logCleanJobs

dbcli create-logCleanJob

Use the dbcli create-logCleanJob command to create a log cleaning job.


dbcli create-logCleanJob [-c {gi|database|dcs}] [-o <number>] [u {Day|Hour|Minute}] [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-c --components (Optional) Components. Possible values are gi, database, and dcs. Separate multiple values by commas.
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.
-o --olderThan (Optional) Quantity portion of time interval. Default: 30. Cleans logs older than the specified time interval (-o and -u).
-u --unit (Optional) Unit portion of time interval. Possible values: Day, Hour, or Minute. Default: Day. Cleans logs older than the specified time interval (-o and -u).

dbcli describe-logCleanJob

Use the dbcli describe-logCleanJob command to display the summary for a log cleaning job.


dbcli describe-logCleanJob -i <job_id> [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-i --jobid ID of log cleaning job for which to display the summary.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.

dbcli list-logCleanJobs

Use the dbcli list-logCleanJobs command to list log cleaning jobs.


dbcli list-logCleanJobs [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.

Netsecurity Commands

The following commands are available to manage network encryption on the DB system:

  • dbcli describe-netsecurity
  • dbcli update-netsecurity

dbcli describe-netsecurity

Use the dbcli describe-netsecurity command to display the current network encryption setting for a database home.


dbcli describe-netsecurity -H <db_home_id> [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-H --dbHomeId Defines the database home ID. Use the dbcli list-dbhomes command to get the dbhomeid.
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.


The following command displays the encryption setting for specified database home:

dbcli describe-netsecurity -H 16c96a9c-f579-4a4c-a645-8d4d22d6889d
NetSecurity Rules
         DatabaseHomeID: 16c96a9c-f579-4a4c-a645-8d4d22d6889d

                   Role: Server
   EncryptionAlgorithms: AES256 AES192 AES128
    IntegrityAlgorithms: SHA1
         ConnectionType: Required

                   Role: Client
   EncryptionAlgorithms: AES256 AES192 AES128
    IntegrityAlgorithms: SHA1
         ConnectionType: Required

dbcli update-netsecurity

Use the dbcli update-netsecurity command to update the Oracle Net security configuration on the DB system.


dbcli update-netsecurity {-c|-s} -t {REJECTED|ACCEPTED|REQUESTED|REQUIRED} -H <db_home_id> -e {AES256|AES192|AES128} -i {SHA1|SHA512|SHA384|SHA256} [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-c --client

Indicates that the specified data encryption or data integrity configuration is for the client. (--client and --server are mutually exclusive.)

-e -- encryptionAlgorithms Defines the algorithm to be used for encryption. Specify either AES256, AES192, or AES128.
-H --dbHomeId Defines the database home ID. Use the dbcli list-dbhomes command to get the dbHomeId.
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-i --integrityAlgorithms Defines the algorithm to be used for integrity. Specify either SHA1, SHA512, SHA384, or SHA256. For Oracle Database 11g, the only accepted value is SHA1.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.
-s --server Indicates that the specified data encryption or data integrity configuration is for the server. (--client and --server are mutually exclusive.)
-t --connectionType

Specifies how Oracle Net Services data encryption or data integrity is negotiated with clients. The following values are listed in the order of increasing security:

REJECTED - Do not enable data encryption or data integrity, even if required by the client.

ACCEPTED - Enable data encryption or data integrity if required or requested by the client.

REQUESTED - Enable data encryption or data integrity if the client permits it.

REQUIRED - Enable data encryption or data integrity or preclude the connection.


The following command updates the connection type to ACCEPTED:

dbcli update-netsecurity -H a2ffbb07-c9c0-4467-a458-bce4d3b76cd5 -t ACCEPTED

Objectstoreswift Commands

You can back up a database to an existing bucket in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage service by using the dbcli create-backup command, but first you'll need to:

  1. Create an object store on the DB system, which contains the endpoint and credentials to access Object Storage, by using the dbcli create-objectstoreswift command.
  2. Create a backup configuration that refers to the object store ID and the bucket name by using the dbcli create-backupconfig command.
  3. Associate the backup configuration with the database by using the dbcli update-database command.

The following commands are available to manage object stores.

  • dbcli create-objectstoreswift
  • dbcli describe-objectstoreswift
  • dbcli list-objectstoreswifts

dbcli create-objectstoreswift

Use the dbcli create-objectstoreswift command to create an object store.


dbcli create-objectstoreswift -n <object_store_name> -t <object_storage_namespace> -u <user_name> -e https://swiftobjectstorage.<region_name> -p <password> [-h] [-j]

where <object_storage_namespace> is your tenancy's Object Storage namespace.


Parameter Full Name Description
-e --endpointurl

The following endpoint URL. https://swiftobjectstorage.<region_name>

-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.
-n --name

The name for the object store to be created.

-p --swiftpassword

The auth token that you generated by using the Console or IAM API. For information about generating an auth token for use with Swift, see Managing User Credentials.

This is not the password for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure user.

Specify -p (with no password) to be prompted.

Specify -hp "<password> " in quotes to provide the password (auth token) in the command.

-t --tenantname The Object Storage namespace of your tenancy.
-u --username The user name for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure user account, for example: -u

This is the user name you use to sign in to the Console.

The user name must have tenancy-level access to the Object Storage. An easy way to do this is to add the user name to the Administrators group. However, that allows access to all of the cloud services. Instead, an administrator can create a policy that allows tenancy-level access to just Object Storage. The following is an example of such a policy.

Allow group DBAdmins to manage buckets in tenancy
Allow group DBAdmins to manage objects in tenancy

For more information about adding a user to a group, see Managing Groups. For more information about policies, see Getting Started with Policies.


The following command creates an object store and prompts for the Swift password:

dbcli create-objectstoreswift -n r2swift -t MyObjectStorageNamespace -u -e https://swiftobjectstorage.<region_name> -p
Password for Swift:
  "jobId" : "c565bb71-f67b-4fab-9d6f-a34eae36feb7",
  "status" : "Created",
  "message" : "Create object store swift",
  "reports" : [ ],
  "createTimestamp" : "January 19, 2017 11:11:33 AM PST",
  "resourceList" : [ {
    "resourceId" : "8a0fe039-f5d4-426a-8707-256c612b3a30",
    "resourceType" : "ObjectStoreSwift",
    "jobId" : "c565bb71-f67b-4fab-9d6f-a34eae36feb7",
    "updatedTime" : "January 19, 2017 11:11:33 AM PST"
  } ],
  "description" : "create object store:biyanr2swift",
  "updatedTime" : "January 19, 2017 11:11:33 AM PST"

dbcli describe-objectstoreswift

Use the dbcli describe-objectstoreswift command to display details about an object store.


dbcli describe-objectstoreswift -i <object_store_swift_id> -in <object_store_swift_name> [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-i --objectstoreswiftid The object store ID. Use the dbcli list-objectstoreswifts command to get the ID.
-in --objectstoreswiftName The object store name. Use the dbcli list-objectstoreswifts command to get the name.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.


The following command displays details about an object store:

dbcli describe-objectstoreswift -i 910e9e2d-25b4-49b4-b88e-ff0332f7df87
Object Store details
                     ID: 910e9e2d-25b4-49b4-b88e-ff0332f7df87
                   Name: objstrswift15
             TenantName: CompanyABC
           endpoint URL: https://swiftobjectstorage.<region_name>
            CreatedTime: November 16, 2016 11:25:34 PM UTC
            UpdatedTime: November 16, 2016 11:25:34 PM UTC

dbcli list-objectstoreswifts

Use the dbcli list-objectstoreswifts command to list the object stores on a DB system.


dbcli list-objectstoreswifts [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.


The following command lists the object stores on the DB system:

dbcli list-objectstoreswifts
ID                                       Name                 UserName              TenantName     Url                                                         createTime
---------------------------------------- -------------------- --------------------  -------------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
2915bc6a-6866-436a-a38c-32302c7c4d8b     swiftobjstr1    LargeComputers https://swiftobjectstorage.<region_name> November 10, 2016 8:42:18 PM UTC
910e9e2d-25b4-49b4-b88e-ff0332f7df87     objstrswift15    LargeComputers https://swiftobjectstorage.<region_name> November 16, 2016 11:25:34 PM UTC

Pendingjob Command

dbcli list-pendingjobs

Use the dbcli list-pendingjobs command to display a list of pending jobs.


dbcli list-pendingjobs [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.

Rmanbackupreport Commands

The following commands are available to manage RMAN backup reports: 

  • dbcli create-rmanbackupreport
  • dbcli delete-rmanbackupreport
  • dbcli describe-rmanbackupreport
  • dbcli list-rmanbackupreports

dbcli create-rmanbackupreport

Use the dbcli create-rmanbackupreport command to create an RMAN backup report.


dbcli create-rmanbackupreport -w {summary|detailed} -rn <name> [-i <db_id>] [-in <db_name>] [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-i --dbid (Optional) Database resource ID.
-in --dbname (Optional) Database resource name.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.
-rn --rptname RMAN backup report name. Maximum number of characters: 30. Wrap name in single quotes when special characters are used.
-w --reporttype RMAN backup report type. Possible values: summary or detailed.

dbcli delete-rmanbackupreport

Use the dbcli delete-rmanbackupreport command to delete an RMAN backup report.


dbcli delete-rmanbackupreport [-d <db_id>] [-dn <db_name>] [-n <number>] [-i <rpt_id>] [-in <rpt_name>] [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-d --dbid (Optional) Database resource ID.
-dn --dbname (Optional) Database resource name.
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-i --reportid (Optional) RMAN backup report ID
-in --rptname (Optional) RMAN backup report name
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.
-n --numofday (Optional) Number of days since created (provided with Database ID/Database Name)

dbcli describe-rmanbackupreport

Use the dbcli describe-rmanbackupreport command to


dbcli describe-rmanbackupreport [-i <rpt_id>] [-in <rpt_name>] [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-i --id (Optional) RMAN backup report ID
-in --name (Optional) RMAN backup report name
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.

dbcli list-rmanbackupreports

Use the dbcli list-rmanbackupreports command to


dbcli list-rmanbackupreports [-i <db_id>] [-in <db_name>] [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-i --dbid (Optional) Database resource ID.
-in --dbName (Optional) Database resource name.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.

Schedule Commands

The following commands are available to manage schedules: 

  • dbcli describe-schedule
  • dbcli list-schedules
  • dbcli update-schedule

dbcli describe-schedule

Use the dbcli describe-schedule command to describe a schedule.


dbcli describe-schedule -i <id> [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-i --scheduleid Schedule ID.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.

dbcli list-schedules

Use the dbcli list-schedules command to list schedules.


dbcli list-schedules [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.

dbcli update-schedule

Use the dbcli update-schedule command to update a schedule.


dbcli update-schedule -i <id> [-x <expression>] [-t <description>] [-d] [-e] [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-d --disable (Optional) Disables the schedule.
-e --enable (Optional) Enables the schedule.
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-i --scheduleid Schedule ID.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.
-t --description (Optional) Description
-x --cronExpression (Optional) Cron expression. Use to generate a valid cron expression.

Scheduledexecution Command

dbcli list-scheduledExecutions

Use the dbcli list-scheduledExecutions command to list scheduled executions.


dbcli list-scheduledExecutions [-e <execution_id>] [-i <schedule_id>] [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-e --executionid (Optional) Execution ID.
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-i --scheduleid (Optional) Schedule ID.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.

Server Command

dbcli update-server


Your DB system might not include this newer command. If you have trouble running the command, use the CLI Update command to update the database CLI and then retry the command.

Use the dbcli update-server command to apply patches to the server components in the DB system. For more information about applying patches, see Update a DB System.


dbcli update-server [-n <number>] [--local] [--precheck] [-v] [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.
-l --local

(Optional) Performs the operation on the local node of a multi-node high availability (HA) system. This parameter is not needed to perform the operation on a single-node system.

-n --node

(Optional) Node number to be updated. Use the dbcli list-nodes command to get the node number.

-p --precheck

(Optional) Runs precheck operations to check prerequisites.

-v --version (Optional) Version to be updated.


The following commands update the server and show the output from the update job:

dbcli update-server
  "jobId" : "9a02d111-e902-4e94-bc6b-9b820ddf6ed8",
  "status" : "Created",
  "reports" : [ ],
  "createTimestamp" : "January 19, 2017 09:37:11 AM PST",
  "resourceList" : [ ],
  "description" : "Server Patching",
  "updatedTime" : "January 19, 2017 09:37:11 AM PST"
dbcli describe-job -i 9a02d111-e902-4e94-bc6b-9b820ddf6ed8
Job details
                     ID:  9a02d111-e902-4e94-bc6b-9b820ddf6ed8
            Description:  Server Patching
                 Status:  Running
                Created:  January 19, 2017 9:37:11 AM PST

Task Name                                Start Time                          End Time                            Status
---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------
Create Patching Repository Directories   January 19, 2017 9:37:11 AM PST     January 19, 2017 9:37:11 AM PST     Success
Download latest patch metadata           January 19, 2017 9:37:11 AM PST     January 19, 2017 9:37:11 AM PST     Success
Update System version                    January 19, 2017 9:37:11 AM PST     January 19, 2017 9:37:11 AM PST     Success
Update Patching Repository               January 19, 2017 9:37:11 AM PST     January 19, 2017 9:38:35 AM PST     Success
oda-hw-mgmt upgrade                      January 19, 2017 9:38:35 AM PST     January 19, 2017 9:38:58 AM PST     Success
Opatch updation                          January 19, 2017 9:38:58 AM PST     January 19, 2017 9:38:58 AM PST     Success
Patch conflict check                     January 19, 2017 9:38:58 AM PST     January 19, 2017 9:42:06 AM PST     Success
apply clusterware patch                  January 19, 2017 9:42:06 AM PST     January 19, 2017 10:02:32 AM PST    Success
Updating GiHome version                  January 19, 2017 10:02:32 AM PST    January 19, 2017 10:02:38 AM PST    Success    

The following command updates node 0 of the server only, with precheck: 

dbcli update-server -n 0 -p
  "jobId" : "3e2a1e3c-83d3-4101-86b8-4d525f3f8c18",
  "status" : "Created",
  "message" : null,
  "reports" : [ ],
  "createTimestamp" : "April 26, 2019 06:07:27 AM UTC",
  "resourceList" : [ ],
  "description" : "Server Patching Prechecks",
  "updatedTime" : "April 26, 2019 06:07:27 AM UTC"

System Command

dbcli describe-system

Use the dbcli describe-system command to display details about the system. On a 2-node RAC DB system, the command provides information about the local node.


dbcli describe-system [-b] [-d] [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-b --bom (Optional) Displays BOM information.



(Optional) Displays additional information about the DB system, including dcs CLI and agent version information.
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.

TDE Commands

The following commands are available to manage TDE-related items (backup reports, keys, and wallets): 

  • dbcli list-tdebackupreports
  • dbcli update-tdekey
  • dbcli recover-tdewallet

dbcli list-tdebackupreports

Use the dbcli list-tdebackupreports command to list backup reports for TDE wallets.


dbcli list-tdebackupreports [-i <db_id>] [-in <db_name>] [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-i --dbResid (Optional) Displays the TDE Wallet backup reports for the specified database resource ID. Use the dbcli list-databases command to get the database resource ID.
-in --dbResname (Optional) Displays the TDE Wallet backup reports for the specified database resource name. Use the dbcli list-databases command to get the database resource name.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.


The following command lists the backup reports for TDE wallets:

dbcli list-tdebackupreports
DbResID 			            	OraDbId			BackupLocation
--------------------------------------- --------------------	----------------------------------------
538ca5b1-654d-4418-8ce1-f49b6c987a60	1257156075
538ca5b1-9fb2-4245-b157-6e25d7c988c5 	704287483
538ca5b1-9fb2-4245-b157-6e25d7c988c5 	704287483
19714ffa-de1b-4433-9188-c0592887e609 	1157116855

dbcli update-tdekey

Use the dbcli update-tdekey command to update the TDE encryption key inside the TDE wallet. You can update the encryption key for Pluggable Databases (if -pdbNames are specified), and/or the Container Database (if -rootDatabase is specified).


dbcli update-tdekey -i <db_id> -p [-all] -n <pdbname1,pdbname2> [-r|-no-r] -t <tag_name> [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-all --allPdbNames

(Optional) Flag to rotate (update) all PDB names. To update all instead of specified PDB names, use this parameter instead of -n. Default: false.

-i --databaseId

Defines the database ID for which to update the key.

-p --password

Defines the TDE Admin wallet password. Specify -p with no password. You will be prompted for the password.

If you must provide the password in the command, for example in a script, use -hp <password> instead of -p.

-n --pdbNames Defines the PDB names to be rotated (updated).





Indicates whether to rotate the key for the root database if it is a container database.
-t -tagName Defines the TagName used to backup the wallet. The default is OdaRotateKey.
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.


The following command updates the key for pdb1 and pdb2 only:

dbcli update-tdekey -dbid ee3eaab6-a45b-4e61-a218-c4ba665503d9 -p -n pdb1,pdb2
TDE Admin wallet password:
  "jobId" : "08e5edb1-42e1-4d16-a47f-783c0afa4778",
  "status" : "Created",
  "message" : null,
  "reports" : [ ],
  "createTimestamp" : 1467876407035,
  "description" : "TDE update",
  "updatedTime" : 1467876407035

The following command updates pdb1, pdb2, and the container database:

dbcli update-tdekey -dbid ee3eaab6-a45b-4e61-a218-c4ba665503d9 -p -n pdb1,pdb2 -r
TDE Admin wallet password:
  "jobId" : "c72385f0-cd81-42df-a8e8-3a1e7cab1278",
  "status" : "Created",
  "message" : null,
  "reports" : [ ],
  "createTimestamp" : 1467876433783,
  "description" : "TDE update",
  "updatedTime" : 1467876433783

dbcli recover-tdewallet

Use the dbcli recover-tdewallet command to recover a TDE wallet.


dbcli recover-tdewallet -in <db_name> -tp <password> [-l <location>] [-h] [-j]


Parameter Full Name Description
-h --help (Optional) Displays help for using the command.
-in --dbName Database name.
-j --json (Optional) Displays JSON output.
-l --tdeWalletBackuplocation (Optional) TDE wallet backup location. TDE wallet should b ebacked up in tar.gz format.
-tp --tdeWalletPassword

Defines the TDE Admin wallet password.