Editing a Block Volume's Settings

Edit the settings for a block volume in the Block Volume service.

You can edit the following settings for block volumes:

  • Volume name

  • Volume size

  • Volume performance

  • Autotune settings for dynamic performance scaling

  • Assigned backup policy for scheduled volume backups

  • Cross region replication

You can update these settings when volumes are online and attached to instances or when they're detached from instances.

This topic provides the basic steps for editing a volume. For instructions applicable to the specific volume setting that you're editing, and more information about that setting, click the links provided in the steps.

    1. Open the navigation menu and click Storage. Under Block Storage, click Block Volumes.
    2. Under List scope, select the compartment that contains the block volume.
    3. In the Block Volumes list, click the name of the block volume that you want to edit.
    4. Click Edit.
    5. In the Edit volume panel, update the following settings for the volume as needed:

      • In the Name field, specify a different name for the volume.

      • In the Volume size (in GB) field of the Volume size and performance section, specify a larger size for the volume. See Resizing a Volume.

        After you increase a volume's size, you need to rescan the disk and extend the partition. See Rescanning the Disk for a Block Volume or Boot Volume and Extending the Partition for a Block Volume.

      • In the Default VPUs/GB field or using the VPUs/GB slider in the Target volume performance section, adjust the performance for the block volume while it's online, without any downtime. See Changing the Performance of a Volume.

      • In the Target volume performance section, enable or disable Performance based auto-tune or Detached volume auto-tune for dynamic performance scaling. See Dynamic Performance Scaling.

      • In the Backup policies section, select a user-defined or Oracle-defined backup policy for the volume. This policy configures volume backups to run automatically on a schedule and retain them based on the selected policy. See Policy-Based Backups. You can also enable scheduled cross-region backups, so that scheduled volume backups are automatically copied to a second region. See Scheduling Volume Backup Copies Across Regions.

      • In the Cross region replication section, configure ongoing automatic asynchronous replication of block volumes to other regions for disaster recovery scenarios. See Replicating a Volume.

    6. Click Save changes.

  • Use the oci bv volume update command and required parameters to edit a block volume:

    oci bv volume update --volume-id volume_ocid  [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

  • Run the UpdateVolume operation to edit a block volume.