Adding CORS support to API Deployments

Find out how to use a request policy to add CORS support to API deployments with API Gateway.

Web browsers typically implement a "same-origin policy" to prevent code from making requests against a different origin to the one from which the code was served. The intention of the same-origin policy is to provide protection from malicious web sites. However, the same-origin policy can also prevent legitimate interactions between a server and clients of a known and trusted origin.

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a cross-origin sharing standard to relax the same-origin policy by allowing code on a web page to consume a REST API served from a different origin. The CORS standard uses additional HTTP request headers and response headers to specify the origins that can be accessed.

The CORS standard also requires that for certain HTTP request methods, the request must be "pre-flighted". Before sending the actual request, the web browser sends a pre-flight request to the server to determine whether the methods in the actual request are supported. The server responds with the methods it will allow in an actual request. The web browser only sends the actual request if the response from the server indicates that the methods in the actual request are allowed. The CORS standard also enables servers to notify clients whether requests can include credentials (cookies, authorization headers, or TLS client certificates).

For more information about CORS, see resources available online including those from W3C and Mozilla.

Using the API Gateway service, you can enable CORS support in the APIs you deploy to API gateways. When you enable CORS support in an API deployment, HTTP pre-flight requests and actual requests to the API deployment return one or more CORS response headers to the API client. You set the CORS response header values in the API deployment specification.

You use request policies to add CORS support to APIs (see Adding Request Policies and Response Policies to API Deployment Specifications). You can apply a CORS request policy globally to all routes in an API deployment specification, or just to particular routes.

You can add a CORS request policy to an API deployment specification by:

  • using the Console
  • editing a JSON file

Using the Console to Add CORS Request Policies

To add a CORS request policy to an API deployment specification using the Console:

  1. Create or update an API deployment using the Console, select the From Scratch option, and enter details on the Basic Information page.

    For more information, see Deploying an API on an API Gateway by Creating an API Deployment and Updating an API Gateway or an API Deployment.

  2. In the API Request Policies section of the Basic Information page, click the Add button beside CORS and specify:

    • Allowed Origins: An origin that is allowed to access the API deployment. For example, Click + Another Origin to enter second and subsequent origins.
    • Allowed Methods: One or more methods that are allowed in the actual request to the API deployment. For example, GET, PUT.
    • Allowed Headers: Optionally, an HTTP header that is allowed in the actual request to the API deployment. For example, opc-request-id or If-Match. Click + Another Header to enter second and subsequent headers.
    • Exposed Headers: Optionally, an HTTP header that API clients can access in the API deployment's response to an actual request. For example, ETag or opc-request-id. Click + Another Header to enter second and subsequent headers.
    • Max age in seconds: Optionally, an integer value indicating how long (in delta-seconds) the results of a preflight request can be cached by a browser. If you don't specify a value, the default is 0.
    • Enable Allow Credentials: Whether the actual request to the API deployment can be made using credentials (cookies, authorization headers, or TLS client certificates). By default, this option is not selected.

    To find out how the different fields in the CORS request policy map onto different CORS response headers, see How a CORS Request Policy Maps to a CORS Response.

  3. Click Apply Changes.

  4. Click Next to specify authentication options on the Authentication page.

    For more information about authentication options, see Adding Authentication and Authorization to API Deployments.

  5. Click Next to enter details for individual routes in the API deployment on the Routes page. To specify CORS request policies that apply to an individual route, click Show Route Request Policies, click the Add button beside CORS, and specify:

    • Allowed Origins: An origin that is allowed to access the route. For example, Click + Another Origin to enter second and subsequent origins.
    • Allowed Methods: One or more methods that are allowed in the actual request to the route. For example, GET, PUT.
    • Allowed Headers: Optionally, an HTTP header that is allowed in the actual request to the route. For example, opc-request-id or If-Match. Click + Another Header to enter second and subsequent headers.
    • Exposed Headers: Optionally, an HTTP header that API clients can access in the API deployment's response to an actual request. For example, ETag or opc-request-id. Click + Another Header to enter second and subsequent headers.
    • Max age in seconds: Optionally, an integer value indicating how long (in delta-seconds) the results of a preflight request can be cached by a browser. If you don't specify a value, the default is 0.
    • Enable Allow Credentials: Whether the actual request to the route can be made using credentials (cookies, authorization headers, or TLS client certificates). By default, this option is not selected.

    To find out how the different fields in the CORS request policy map onto different CORS response headers, see How a CORS Request Policy Maps to a CORS Response.

  6. Click Apply Changes, and then click Next to review the details you entered for the API deployment and for individual routes.
  7. Click Create or Save Changes to create or update the API deployment.
  8. (Optional) Confirm the API has been deployed successfully by calling it (see Calling an API Deployed on an API Gateway).

Editing a JSON File to Add CORS Request Policies

To add a CORS request policy to an API deployment specification in a JSON file:

  1. Using your preferred JSON editor, edit the existing API deployment specification to which you want to add CORS support, or create a new API deployment specification (see Creating an API Deployment Specification).

    For example, the following basic API deployment specification defines a simple Hello World serverless function in OCI Functions as a single back end:

      "routes": [
          "path": "/hello",
          "methods": ["GET"],
          "backend": {
            "type": "ORACLE_FUNCTIONS_BACKEND",
            "functionId": "ocid1.fnfunc.oc1.phx.aaaaaaaaab______xmq"
  2. To specify a CORS request policy that applies globally to all the routes in an API deployment:

    1. Insert a requestPolicies section before the routes section, if one doesn't exist already. For example:

        "requestPolicies": {},
        "routes": [
            "path": "/hello",
            "methods": ["GET"],
            "backend": {
              "type": "ORACLE_FUNCTIONS_BACKEND",
              "functionId": "ocid1.fnfunc.oc1.phx.aaaaaaaaab______xmq"
    2. Add the following cors policy to the new requestPolicies section to apply globally to all the routes in an API deployment:

        "requestPolicies": {
            "allowedOrigins": [<list-of-origins>],
            "allowedMethods": [<list-of-methods>],
            "allowedHeaders": [<list-of-implicit-headers>],
            "exposedHeaders": [<list-of-exposed-headers>],
            "isAllowCredentialsEnabled": <true|false>,
            "maxAgeInSeconds": <seconds>
        "routes": [
            "path": "/hello",
            "methods": ["GET"],
            "backend": {
              "type": "ORACLE_FUNCTIONS_BACKEND",
              "functionId": "ocid1.fnfunc.oc1.phx.aaaaaaaaab______xmq"


      • "allowedOrigins": [<list-of-origins>] is a required comma-separated list of origins that are allowed to access the API deployment. For example, "allowedOrigins": ["*", ""]
      • "allowedMethods": [<list-of-methods>] is an optional comma-separated list of HTTP methods that are allowed in the actual request to the API deployment. For example, "allowedMethods": ["*", "GET"]
      • "allowedHeaders": [<list-of-implicit-headers>] is an optional comma-separated list of HTTP headers that are allowed in the actual request to the API deployment. For example, "allowedHeaders": ["opc-request-id", "If-Match"]
      • "exposedHeaders": [<list-of-exposed-headers>] is an optional comma-separated list of HTTP headers that API clients can access in the API deployment's response to an actual request. For example, "exposedHeaders": ["ETag", "opc-request-id"]
      • "isAllowCredentialsEnabled": <true|false> is either true or false, indicating whether the actual request to the API deployment can be made using credentials (cookies, authorization headers, or TLS client certificates). If not specified, the default is false.
      • "maxAgeInSeconds": <seconds> is an integer value, indicating how long (in delta-seconds) the results of a preflight request can be cached by a browser. If not specified, the default is 0.

      For example:

        "requestPolicies": {
            "allowedOrigins": ["*", ""],
            "allowedMethods": ["*", "GET"],
            "allowedHeaders": [],
            "exposedHeaders": [],
            "isAllowCredentialsEnabled": false,
            "maxAgeInSeconds": 3000
        "routes": [
            "path": "/hello",
            "methods": ["GET"],
            "backend": {
              "type": "ORACLE_FUNCTIONS_BACKEND",
              "functionId": "ocid1.fnfunc.oc1.phx.aaaaaaaaab______xmq"

      To find out how the different fields in the CORS request policy map onto different CORS response headers, see How a CORS Request Policy Maps to a CORS Response.

  3. To specify a CORS request policy that applies to an individual route:

    1. Insert a requestPolicies section after the backend section for the route to which you want the policy to apply. For example:

        "routes": [
            "path": "/hello",
            "methods": ["GET"],
            "backend": {
              "type": "ORACLE_FUNCTIONS_BACKEND",
              "functionId": "ocid1.fnfunc.oc1.phx.aaaaaaaaab______xmq"
            "requestPolicies": {}
    2. Add the following cors policy to the new requestPolicies section to apply to just this particular route:
        "routes": [
            "path": "/hello",
            "methods": ["GET"],
            "backend": {
              "type": "ORACLE_FUNCTIONS_BACKEND",
              "functionId": "ocid1.fnfunc.oc1.phx.aaaaaaaaab______xmq"
            "requestPolicies": {
                 "allowedOrigins": [<list-of-origins>],
                 "allowedMethods": [<list-of-methods>],
                 "allowedHeaders": [<list-of-implicit-headers>],
                 "exposedHeaders": [<list-of-exposed-headers>],
                 "isAllowCredentialsEnabled": <true|false>,
                 "maxAgeInSeconds": <seconds>


      • "allowedOrigins": [<list-of-origins>] is a required comma-separated list of origins that are allowed to access the API deployment. For example, "allowedOrigins": ["*", ""]
      • "allowedMethods": [<list-of-methods>] is an optional comma-separated list of HTTP methods that are allowed in the actual request to the API deployment. For example, "allowedMethods": ["*", "GET"]
      • "allowedHeaders": [<list-of-implicit-headers>] is an optional comma-separated list of HTTP headers that are allowed in the actual request to the API deployment. For example, "allowedHeaders": ["opc-request-id", "If-Match"]
      • "exposedHeaders": [<list-of-exposed-headers>] is an optional comma-separated list of HTTP headers that API clients can access in the API deployment's response to an actual request. For example, "exposedHeaders": ["ETag", "opc-request-id"]
      • "isAllowCredentialsEnabled": <true|false> is either true or false, indicating whether the actual request to the API deployment can be made using credentials (cookies, authorization headers, or TLS client certificates). If not specified, the default is false.
      • "maxAgeInSeconds": <seconds> is an integer value, indicating how long (in delta-seconds) the results of a preflight request can be cached by a browser. If not specified, the default is 0.

      For example:

        "routes": [
            "path": "/hello",
            "methods": ["GET"],
            "backend": {
              "type": "ORACLE_FUNCTIONS_BACKEND",
              "functionId": "ocid1.fnfunc.oc1.phx.aaaaaaaaab______xmq"
            "requestPolicies": {
                 "allowedOrigins": ["*", ""],
                 "allowedMethods": ["*", "GET"],
                 "allowedHeaders": [],
                 "exposedHeaders": [],
                 "isAllowCredentialsEnabled": false,
                 "maxAgeInSeconds": 3000

      To find out how the different fields in the CORS request policy map onto different CORS response headers, see How a CORS Request Policy Maps to a CORS Response.

  4. Save the JSON file containing the API deployment specification.
  5. Use the API deployment specification when you create or update an API deployment in the following ways:

    • by specifying the JSON file in the Console when you select the Upload an existing API option
    • by specifying the JSON file in a request to the API Gateway REST API

    For more information, see Deploying an API on an API Gateway by Creating an API Deployment and Updating an API Gateway or an API Deployment.

  6. (Optional) Confirm the API has been deployed successfully by calling it (see Calling an API Deployed on an API Gateway).

How a CORS Request Policy Maps to a CORS Response

The different fields in a CORS request policy map onto different CORS response headers as shown in the table:

Field Maps to CORS response header Included in response to pre-flight request Included in response to actual request Notes
allowed Origins Access-Control-Allow-Origin Yes Yes

Required?: Yes

Datatype: string[]

Default: n/a

Used to return a comma-separated list of origins that are allowed to access the API deployment.

Only one origin is allowed by the CORS specification, so in the case of multiple origins the client origin needs to be dynamically checked against the list of allowed values. Values "*" and "null" are allowed.

allowed Methods Access-Control-Allow-Methods Yes No

Required?: No

Datatype: string[]

Default: empty list

Used to return a comma-separated list of HTTP methods that are allowed in the actual request to the API deployment.

The default of Access-Control-Allow-Methods is to allow through all simple methods, even on preflight requests.

allowed Headers Access-Control-Allow-Headers Yes No

Required?: No

Datatype: string[]

Default: empty list

Used to return a comma-separated list of HTTP headers that are allowed in the actual request to the API deployment.

exposed Headers Access-Control-Expose-Headers No Yes

Required?: No

Datatype: string[]

Default: empty list

Used to return a comma-separated list of HTTP headers that clients can access in the API deployment's response to an actual request. This list of HTTP headers is in addition to the CORS-safelisted response headers.

isAllow Credentials Enabled Access-Control-Allow-Credentials Yes Yes

Required?: No

Datatype: boolean

Default: false

Used to return true or false, indicating whether the actual request to the API deployment can be made using credentials (cookies, authorization headers, or TLS client certificates).

To allow requests to be made with credentials, set isAllowCredentialsEnabled to true.

maxAge InSeconds Access-Control-Max-Age Yes No Required?: No

Datatype: integer

Default: 0

Used to indicate how long (in delta-seconds) the results of a preflight request can be cached by a browser. Ignored if set to 0.