Southeast Asia Localization

The Southeast Asia Localization SuiteApp provides localized invoicing features and electronic payment formats that are specific to Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand.

The SuiteApp is a free, managed bundle, and is automatically updated when a new version is available.


The Southeast Asia Localization SuiteApp is not compatible with the SuiteTax feature. If the SuiteTax feature is enabled in your NetSuite account, please do not install this SuiteApp.






Before installing the Southeast Asia Localization SuiteApp, the following SuiteCloud features must be enabled in your account:

For more information about enabling SuiteCloud features, see Enabling Features and SuiteCloud Features.

Installing the Southeast Asia Localization SuiteApp

To enable the localized features for Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and Philippines in your account, you must install the Southeast Asia Localization SuiteApp.

The Southeast Asia Localization SuiteApp is a free, managed bundle, and is automatically updated when a new version is available.

To install the Southeast Asia Localization SuiteApp:

  1. Go to Customization > SuiteBundler > Search & Install Bundles.

  2. In the Keywords field, enter Southeast Asia Localization or 298382 (Bundle ID).

  3. Click Search and click the link of the SuiteApp.

  4. On the Bundle Details page, click Install.

After installing the SuiteApp, it is automatically upgraded with enhancements or features when new versions are released.

Limitations of the SuiteApp

Currently, the Southeast Asia Localization SuiteApp has the following limitations:

General Notices