// This is an automatically generated code sample.
// To make this code sample work in your Oracle Cloud tenancy,
// please replace the values for any parameters whose current values do not fit
// your use case (such as resource IDs, strings containing ‘EXAMPLE’ or ‘unique_id’, and
// boolean, number, and enum parameters with values not fitting your use case).

import * as blockchain from "oci-blockchain";
import common = require("oci-common");

// Create a default authentication provider that uses the DEFAULT
// profile in the configuration file.
// Refer to <see href="https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/sdkconfig.htm#SDK_and_CLI_Configuration_File>the public documentation</see> on how to prepare a configuration file.

const provider: common.ConfigFileAuthenticationDetailsProvider = new common.ConfigFileAuthenticationDetailsProvider();

(async () => {
  try {
    // Create a service client
    const client = new blockchain.BlockchainPlatformClient({
      authenticationDetailsProvider: provider

    // Create a request and dependent object(s).
    const scaleBlockchainPlatformDetails = {
      addOsns: [
          ad: blockchain.models.AvailabilityDomain.Ads.Ad3,
          ocpuAllocationParam: {
            ocpuAllocationNumber: 53.329353
      addReplicas: {
        proxyCount: 2,
        caCount: 8,
        consoleCount: 4
      addPeers: [
          role: blockchain.models.PeerRole.Role.Member,
          alias: "EXAMPLE-alias-Value",
          ocpuAllocationParam: {
            ocpuAllocationNumber: 18.86633
          ad: blockchain.models.AvailabilityDomain.Ads.Ad2
      addStorage: {
        storageSizeInTBs: 45
      modifyPeers: [
          peerName: "EXAMPLE-peerName-Value",
          ocpuAllocationParam: {
            ocpuAllocationNumber: 42.6737
      removeReplicas: {
        proxyCount: 1,
        caCount: 9,
        consoleCount: 8
      removeOsns: ["EXAMPLE--Value"],
      removePeers: ["EXAMPLE--Value"]

    const previewScaleBlockchainPlatformRequest: blockchain.requests.PreviewScaleBlockchainPlatformRequest = {
      blockchainPlatformId: "ocid1.test.oc1..<unique_ID>EXAMPLE-blockchainPlatformId-Value",
      scaleBlockchainPlatformDetails: scaleBlockchainPlatformDetails,
      opcRequestId: "MI1POE1CKHPR7ZE5ULHZ<unique_ID>"

    // Send request to the Client.
    const previewScaleBlockchainPlatformResponse = await client.previewScaleBlockchainPlatform(
  } catch (error) {
    console.log("previewScaleBlockchainPlatform Failed with error  " + error);