Oracle Web Channel Extensions

For Oracle Web channels, you can extend the functionality of Common Response components with capabilities that are specific to the JavaScript SDK.

You access the extensions by using the channelCustomProperties element in Common Response components and setting the appropriate properties. The code has the following format:

            - channel: "websdk"

You can apply channelCustomProperties in the component's metadata at the level of globalActions, responseItems, and elements of responseItems, depending on the given property.

Here are the available custom properties for Oracle Web channels:

Name Allowed Values Applies To... Description
  • A valid media type
  • Response items with the following attributes:
    • type: "attachment"
    • attachmentType: "file"or attachmentType: "image"
  • Cards with imageUrl specified
The media type of the attachment. For example, image/jpeg. If not specified, the media type will be resolved from the attachment URL.

For more information on using channelCustomProperties, see Channel-Specific Extensions.