Creating Custom Properties

Create custom properties in Data Catalog.

  • Important

    You must have the CATALOG_NAMESPACE_UPDATE permission to create custom properties.

    1. On the Home tab of the instance for which you want to create custom properties, click Custom Properties.
    2. On the Custom Properties page, click Create Custom Property.
    3. In the Create Custom Property panel, perform the following actions:
      1. Enter the name for your custom property.

        You can't use the following special characters in the name:

        & < > " ' / \ = ;

      2. (Optional) Enter the description for the custom property. This description shows up as the tooltip for the custom property in the associated object details tabs.
      3. Select a Datatype for the custom property. You can choose from the following options:
        • String (Plain Text): The value for the custom property is only a simple string text. For example, Source system.
        • String (Rich Text): The value for the custom property can be a rich string text or simple string text. For example, Business description.
        • Number: The value for the custom property is only a number. For example, Confidentiality level.
        • Boolean: The value for the custom property is only True or False, or Yes or No. For example, Certified.
        • Date: The value for the custom property is only a date. For example, Archival date.
      4. In Value options, configure how the values must be entered for the custom property. Value options are available only for the String (Plain Text) and Number datatypes. You can specify the following two options:
        • Use list of values: Select this option to predefine only specific values to be available to users for populating the custom property values. For example, Update frequency custom property could have values Hourly, Daily, and Weekly. When you select this option, List of values displays and you can enter one or more values for the custom property. You can enter more values for the custom property later, but you can't delete the values already specified for the custom property.
        • Allow multiple values: Select this option to permit multiple values for the custom property. For example, Data owners custom property can have multiple values.
      5. Select one or more Data catalog object types that you want to associate with the custom property. For example, Business description custom property can be associated with All Data Entities and to Attributes. Update Frequency custom property can be applied to All Data Entities. Database Administrators can be associated only to data assets of type Oracle Database. You can add more data catalog object types later, but you can't delete the types already specified for the custom property.
      6. In the Enable events field, select the data catalog object types for which you want to generate an event, when a custom property value for the selected object type is added, updated, or deleted.
      7. In Search result options, configure how you want the custom property to behave in search results. You can select the following options:
        • Show in search results: Select this option if you want the custom property to be displayed in the search results list. You can select this option for up to four custom properties. Only one of these four custom properties can be of the String (Rich Text) datatype.

          All custom properties are searchable. But when you select this option, the custom property and its value show up in the search result summary. We recommend you select this option for important custom properties that need to be seen right away in search results. For example, Business description or Data owner.

          You can configure up to seven custom properties for the Show in search results option.
        • Allow filtering: Select this option if you want the custom property to be displayed in the search results as Custom Filters. Typically, this option is selected for custom properties with the List of values option selected as well. For example, Update frequency or Department. You can select this option for up to five custom properties.

          You can configure up to 20 custom properties for the Allow filtering option.
        • Allow sorting: Select this option if you want the search results to be sortable using the custom property. For example, Archival date or Confidentiality level. You can select this option for up to three custom properties.

          You can configure up to seven custom properties for the Allow sorting option.
      8. In View and edit options, select the Allow view and edit check box, to configure the custom property to appear in the Attributes table of a data entity. For more information, see Editing Attribute Name and Custom Properties.

        You can configure up to three custom properties for quick edit.
    4. Click Create.
  • Use the create command and required parameters to create a custom property:

    oci data-catalog custom-property create [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • Run the CreateCustomProperty operation to create custom properties.