Apache Webserver Fails

Learn how to troubleshoot File Storage and Apache webserver issues.

Symptom 1: When Apache webserver is installed on a File Storage file system, login to the web page fails and the Apache error_log contains messages like the following:

Permission denied: [client IP:port] AH00529: <FSS_mount_point>/public/.htaccess pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable and that <FSS_mount_point>/public is executable
Permission denied: [client IP:port] AH00035: access to /index.php denied (filesystem path '<FSS_mount_point>/index.php') because search permissions are missing on a component of the path

Additional Information:

Permission checks show sufficient read and execute access on the directory and the files. Providing full access (777 permission) to the file storage mount point for testing purposes also fails.


The '777' permission is used strictly for testing purposes, and might compromise your security policy. Be sure to revert your file system mount point permissions to their previous state after testing is complete.

Cause: By default, the Apache webserver installation expects a local drive. You need to explicitly direct the installation to NFS.

Solution: Enable NFS compatibility for Apache.

Open a terminal on the instance and run:

$ sudo setsebool httpd_use_nfs on


$ sudo setsebool -P httpd_use_nfs 1