Monitoring the Import Disk Shipment and Data Transfer

Monitor the progress of the user-supplied transfer disk after it is forwarded to Oracle.

Monitor phase indicator for disk transfer

This topic describes the monitoring tasks to do after sending the import disk with the copied data to Oracle for data transfer to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. The Project Sponsor role typically performs these tasks. See Roles and Responsibilities.

Tracking the Import Disk Shipment

When Oracle has processed the transfer (import) disk associated with a transfer package, the status of the transfer package changes to Processed. When Oracle has shipped the disk, the status of the transfer package changes to Returned.

Using the Console

  1. Open the navigation menu and click Migration & Disaster Recovery. Under Data Transfer, click Imports. The Transfer Jobs page appears.

  2. Choose a Compartment you have permission to work in under List scope. All transfer jobs in that compartment are listed in tabular form.
  3. Click the transfer job associated with the transfer package for which you want to attach a disk.The transfer job's Details page appears.

  4. Click Transfer Packages under Resources. The Transfer Packages page appears. All transfer packages are listed in tabular form.

  5. Click the transfer package for which you want to display the details. The transfer package's Details page appears.

  6. Look at the Status.

Using the Data Transfer Utility

Use the dts package show command and required parameters to show the status of a transfer package.

dts package show --job-id job_id --package-label package_label

Run dts package show --help to view the complete list of flags and variable options.

For example:

dts package show --job-id ocid1.datatransferjob.oci1..exampleuniqueID --package-label PWA8O67MI
Transfer Package : 
Label                        : PWA8O67MI
TransferSiteShippingAddress  : Oracle Data Transfer Service;  Job:JZM9PAVWH Package:PWA8O67MI ; 21111 Ridgetop Circle; Dock B; Sterling, VA 20166; USA
DeliveryVendor               : *** none ***
DeliveryTrackingNumber       : *** none ***
ReturnDeliveryTrackingNumber : *** none ***
Status                       : PREPARING
Devices                      : [*** none ***] 

Reviewing the Upload Summary

Oracle creates upload summary log files for each uploaded import disk. These logs are placed in the bucket where the data was uploaded to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. The upload summary file compares the import disk's manifest file to the contents of the target Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage bucket after file upload.

The top of the log report summarizes the overall file processing status:

P - Present: The file is present in both the disk and the target bucket
M - Missing: The file is present in the disk but not the target bucket. It was likely uploaded and then deleted by another user before the summary was generated.
C - Name Collision: The file is present in the manifest but a file with the same name but different contents is present in the target bucket.
U - Unreadable: The file is not readable from the disk
N - Name Too Long: The file name on disk is too long and could not be uploaded

Complete file upload details follow the summary.

This screenshot shows an example of the data transfer log file.

Viewing Data Transfer Metrics

After the import disk with your copied data is received by Oracle and the data transfer begins, you can view the metrics associated with the transfer job in the Transfer Appliance Details page in chart or table format.


Set up your notifications to alert you when the data transfer from the import disk to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure is occurring. When the state changes from ORACLE_RECEIVED to PROCESSING, you can start viewing data transfer metrics.

Select Metrics under Resources to display each of these measures:

  • Import Files Uploaded: Total number of files uploaded for import.

  • Import Bytes Uploaded: Total number of bytes uploaded for import.

  • Import Files Remaining: Total number of files remaining for import upload.

  • Import Bytes Remaining: Total number of bytes remaining for import upload.

  • Import Files in Error: Total number of files in error for import.

  • Import Upload Verification Progress: Progress of verification of files that have already been uploaded for import.

Select the Start Time and End Time for these measures, either by manually entering the days and times in their respective fields, or by selecting the Calendar feature and picking the times that way. As an alternative to selecting a start and end time, you can also select from a list of standard times (last hour, last 6 hours, and so forth) from the Quick Selects list for the period measured. The time period you specify applies to all the measures.

Specify the Interval (for example, 5 minutes, 1 hour) that each measure is recorded from the list.

Specify the Statistic being recorded (for example, Sum, Mean) for each measure from the list.


Mean is the most useful statistic for data transfer as it reflects an absolute value of the metric.

Choose additional actions from the Options list, including viewing the query in the Metrics Explorer, capturing the URL for the measure, and switching between chart and table view.

Click Reset Charts to delete any existing information in the charts and begin recording new metrics.

See Monitoring for general information on monitoring your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services.

Closing the Transfer Job

Typically, you would close a transfer job when no further transfer job activity is required or possible. Closing a transfer job requires that the status of all associated transfer packages be returned, canceled, or deleted. In addition, the status of the associated transfer disk must be complete, in error, missing, canceled, or deleted.

Using the Console

  1. Open the navigation menu and click Migration & Disaster Recovery. Under Data Transfer, click Imports. The Transfer Jobs page appears.

  2. Choose a Compartment you have permission to work in under List scope. All transfer jobs in that compartment are listed in tabular form.

  3. Click the transfer job you want to close.The transfer job's Details page appears.

  4. Click Close Transfer Job.The Transfer Packages page appears. All transfer packages are listed in tabular form.

  5. Click Close Transfer Job.

Using the Data Transfer Utility

Use the dts job close command and required parameters to close a transfer job.

dts job close --job-id job_id

Run dts job close --help to view the complete list of flags and variable options.

What's Next

You have completed the process of setting up, running, and monitoring the import disk-based data transfer. After the disk contents is successfully migrated to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, your physical disk is erased and returned to you.

If you determine that another disk-based data transfer is required, repeat the procedure from the beginning.