Creating an Export Job

Create an appliance export transfer job.

Create the export job in the same compartment as the upload bucket and supply a human-readable name for the export job.

Using the Console

  1. Open the navigation menu and click Migration & Disaster Recovery. Under Data Transfer, click Exports. The Export Jobs page appears.

  2. Choose a Compartment you have permission to work in under List scope. All export jobs in that compartment are listed in tabular form.

  3. Click Create Export Job. The Create Export Job dialog box appears.

  4. Complete the following:

    • Job Name: Enter the name of the export job.

    • Bucket: Select the bucket that contains the data to be exported from the list. All available buckets for the selected compartment are listed. If you want to select a bucket in a different compartment, click Change Compartment and select the compartment that contains the bucket you want.

    • Company Name: Enter the name of company receiving the exported data.

    • Recipient Phone: Enter the phone number of the recipient contact for the exported data.

    • Recipient Email: Enter the e-mail address of the recipient contact for the exported data.

    • Care Of: Enter the name of the recipient contact for the exported data.

    • Address Line 1: Enter the primary address of the company receiving the exported data.

    • Address Line 2: Enter any additional address information for the company receiving the exported data.

    • City/Locality: Enter the city of locality of the company receiving the exported data.

    • State/Province/Region: Enter the state, province, or region of the company receiving the exported data.

    • Zip/Postal Code: Enter the ZIP code or country postal code of the company receiving the exported data.

    • Country: Enter the country of the company receiving the exported data.

  5. (Optional) Complete the tagging settings:

    • Tag namespace: Select a namespace from the list.

    • Tag key: Enter a tagging key.

    • Tag value: Enter a value for the tagging key.

    See Overview of Tagging for more information.

  6. (Optional) Add any tagging information, including the tag namespace, key, and value in the associated fields.

  7. Click Create.

The export job you created is added to the list of export jobs.

Using the CLI

Use the oci dts export create command and required parameters to create an appliance export transfer job.

oci dts export create --compartment-id compartment_id --bucket-name bucket_name --display-name display_name --addressee addressee --care-of care_of --address1 address1 --city-or-locality city_or_locality --state-province-region state_province_region --country country --zip-postal-code zip_postal_code --phone-number phone_number --email email [OPTIONS]

For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

For example:

oci dts export create --compartment-id ocid.compartment.oc1..exampleuniqueID 
--bucket-name MyBucket1 --display-name MyExportJob1 --addressee "Example, Inc." --care-of "Robert Smith" 
--address1 "2300 Oracle Way" --city-or-locality Austin --state-province-region TX --country USA 
--zip-postal-code 78741 --phone-number 6035550100 --email

  "data": {
    "appliance-decryption-passphrase": "********",
    "appliance-delivery-tracking-number": null,
    "appliance-delivery-vendor": null,
    "appliance-return-delivery-tracking-number": null,
    "appliance-serial-number": null,
    "bucket-access-policies": [
    "bucket-name": "MyExportJobs",
    "compartment-id": "ocid.compartment.oc1..exampleuniqueID",
    "creation-time": "2020-06-18T17:24:13+00:00",
    "customer-shipping-address": {
      "address1": "2300 Oracle Way",
      "address2": null,
      "address3": null,
      "address4": null,
      "addressee": "Example, Inc.",
      "care-of": "Robert Smith",
      "city-or-locality": "Austin",
      "country": "USA",
      "email": "",
      "phone-number": "6035550100",
      "state-or-region": "TX",
      "zipcode": "78741"
    "defined-tags": {},
    "display-name": "MyExportJob1",
    "first-object": null,
    "freeform-tags": {},
    "id": "ocid1.datatransferapplianceexportjob.oc1..exampleuniqueID",
    "last-object": null,
    "lifecycle-state": "CREATING",
    "lifecycle-state-details": "PENDING_MANIFEST_GENERATION",
    "manifest-file": null,
    "manifest-md5": null,
    "next-object": null,
    "number-of-objects": null,
    "prefix": null,
    "range-end": null,
    "range-start": null,
    "receiving-security-tie": null,
    "sending-security-tie": null,
    "total-size-in-bytes": null
  "etag": "4--gzip"


If you do not include the --setup-notification option when you run the command, the following is returned:

It is a pre-requisite to setup notifications for export. Do you want to setup notifications? [y/N]:

If you do not have the necessary permissions to set up the notifications for export, or if you have previously done this step, then select N. Otherwise, select y. See Setting Up Notifications for more information.