Updating User Authentication Public Key

Command to update public key.

The updateUserAuthPubKey command update or replace a user authentication public key for a specified slot.

In the User Management utility, open a command prompt and run updateUserAuthPubKey command to update or replace a user authentication public key for a specified slot.


updateUserAuthPubKey <PubKeyFilePath> <KeySlot Id> 
Parameter Description
PubKeyFilePath File containing the PEM-encoded public key.
KeySlot ID Slot ID to be updated with the new key.


cloudmgmt>updateUserAuthPubKey /home/opc/tmp/mutualAuth/publickey.pem 0
updateUserAuthPubKey on 3 nodes
updateUserAuthPubKey success on server 0(
updateUserAuthPubKey success on server 1(
updateUserAuthPubKey success on server 2(