Setting Key Attributes

Set key attributes

The setAttributecommand sets attribute value for a key.

In the User Management utility, open a command prompt and run setAttribute command to set attribute value for a key.

Parameter Description
KeyHandle Key handle for which to get information.
AttributeID Space delimited list attribute IDs to retrieve.
AttributeValue Value of the attribute to be set.


setAttribute <KeyHandle> <AttributeID> <AttributeValue> 


cloudmgmt>setAttribute 51 3 e2e_new
	cloudmgmt>setUserAttributes lock_cu /tmp/userAttribute
	This is a CRITICAL operation, should be done on all nodes in the
	cluster. KMS server does NOT synchronize these changes with the
	nodes on which this operation is not executed or failed, please
	ensure this operation is executed on all nodes in the cluster.

	Do you want to continue(y/n)?y
	setUserAttributes Info of user lock_cu on 3 nodes
	setUserAttributes success on server 0(
	setUserAttributes success on server 1(
	setUserAttributes success on server 2(