Listing HSM Clusters

List all HSM cluster resources contained within the specified compartment.

    1. Open the navigation menu, click Identity & Security. Under Key Management & Secret Management, click Dedicated Key Management.
    2. Under List scope, select the compartment that contains the HSM cluster.
    3. From the list of clusters in the compartment, click a cluster name to open its details page.
    4. The HSM cluster Information section displays the following information:
      • Compartment: The unique, Oracle-assigned ID of the compartment that contains the HSM cluster.
      • OCID: The unique, Oracle-assigned ID of the HSM cluster.
      • Created: The date and time when you initially created the HSM cluster.
      • Display Name:A user-friendly name for a HSM cluster resource.
      • Status:Lifecycle state of the HSM cluster.
  • Open a command prompt and run hsm-cluster list to list HSM clusters.

    oci kms kms-hsm-cluster hsm-cluster list -compartment-id

    For example:

    oci kms kms-hsm-cluster hsm-cluster list -compartment-id ocid1.compartment.oc1..example1example25qrlpo4agcmothkbgqgmuz2zzum45ibplooqtabwk3zz

    For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see KMS CLI Command Reference.

  • Run the ListHsmClusters operation that uses the KMSHSMCLUSTER API endpoint.


    Each region uses the KMSHSMCLUSTER API endpoint for HSM cluster operations. For regional endpoints, see the API Endpoints.

    For information about using the API and signing requests, see REST API documentation and Security Credentials. For information about SDKs, see SDKs and the CLI.