Extracting Masked Object

Configure command for extracting masked object.

The extractMaskedObject command extracts a key from an HSM and saves it to a file as a masked object. Similar to the backup functionality in a "Backup and restore" operation.

In the Key Management utility, open a command prompt and run extractMaskedObject command to extract a key as a masked object.


Command:  extractMaskedObject
Extracts a masked object out of an HSM.
Syntax: extractMaskedObject -h -o <object handle> -out <masked object file>

Where: -h         displays this information
       -o         specifies key handle to extract as a masked object.
       -out       specifies the file name to which the masked object needs to be saved.


Command:  extractMaskedObject -o 7 -out t1
       Object was masked and written to file "t1"
       Cfm2ExtractMaskedObject returned: 0x00 : HSM Return: SUCCESS