Single Command Mode

Configure single command mode command.

The singlecmd command enables you to combine login and another key management functionality as one single operation. Single command mode is designed for scripts.

In the Key Management utility, open a command prompt and run singlecmd command to combine login and another key management functionality as one single operation.

Syntax without hide password option

$ /opt/oci/hsm/bin/key_mgmt_util /opt/oci/hsm/data/key_mgmt_util.cfg singlecmd loginHSM -u CU -s crypto_user -p <password> findKey


Syntax with hidden password mode

$ /opt/oci/hsm/bin/key_mgmt_util /opt/oci/hsm/data/key_mgmt_util.cfg singlecmd loginHSM -u CU -s crypto_user -hpswd findKey

In this example, findkey is a command that you can run with login command as one single operation.